The OAC has a “policy
that does not allow the Church or its Officers to participate formally on
social media”.
![]() |
Formal response from OAC Head Office |
This is a
very odd policy and appears to be a way of distancing themselves from what OAC members are actually saying on social
media. It’s a deceptive way of dodging criticism and responsibility for what OAC members are being taught in secret and
preaching to the world.
Luke 12:1-3 In the mean
time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people,
insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples
first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed;
neither hid, that shall not be known.
whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light;
that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the
Some OAC social media groups have a disclaimer
that endorses this policy, even though they are closed to the general public
and have OAC officers as administrators.
![]() |
Closed group with a disclaimer |
A disclaimer
on an apple won’t hide the fact that it came from an apple tree.
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Closed group that had an "underdeacon" as administrator (meanwhile promoted to "priest") |
It can’t be
very comforting for OAC members to know that their spiritual gifts might “often not be the Church’s view”. Especially if the
group is administered by an “underdeacon” and the “underdeacon” is considered to be the door to the house.
The same could
then apply when OAC members go out on testimony telling the world about their version of Jesus. It could
even be the same when it comes to the ordaining of officers based on prophetic gifts.
I was taught
as an active OAC member that the gift never changes,
the “officer” gift is exactly the same
irrespective of the person or vessel that receives this gift. The only
difference between the various officers is the heaven that they’re in. Apparently the “underdeacon” is the perfect “brother”, the “priest” is the perfect “underdeacon”, the “elder” is the perfect “priest”, the “fourfold office” is the perfect “elder” and the “apostle” is the perfect “fourfold office”. This gift is apparently
eternal and never changes and the “apostle” seals you with this gift. If that were
so, OAC officers would all speak the same
language and never argue or differ in opinion. The same would apply to every
single OAC member, everyone would instinctively
say the same thing without being corrected or told. Apparently OAC members are also blessed with the spirit of discernment which is also
the same gift. If all of this was true, they wouldn’t contradict the Bible and there
would be no reason for a policy or disclaimer.
A common
characteristic of these OAC social media groups is that as soon
as someone differs with the administrators or certain aspects of the OAC doctrine, they get belittled and/or
blocked. As soon as someone starts asking questions or quoting verses from the
Bible they are immediately accused of being a scribe and a non-apostolic with
no understanding.
A former OAC member responded as follows when
asked if he was an OAC member: “...I
was for 24 years, but I saw and experienced many things that made me turn away
from them
No real preaching against
No chasing after God's
real holiness
No attention to the
prophesies which are and will take place physically on earth
No real joy and worship
Have their own language
that uplifts things
like church activities and praising people that are priests, elders, overseers etc - but
almost no uplifting and
praising of God
The OAC has become a organisation where the organisation has become higher than God
Barely saw how people's
life changed in the church - they go to church activities, but live and talk
the same way as the world when they are away from the church activities
- and the list goes on and on...”
Needless to
say, this former OAC member has since been blocked like
countless others on OAC social media groups. Well done to
those who have tried sharing the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ on these OAC social media groups.
2 Timothy 4:2-4 Preach
the word;
be instant in season, out of season;
reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering
and doctrine.
the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having
itching ears;
they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned
unto fables.
According to
Strong’s, the word “fables” is translated from the Greek word muthos and is defined as:
a tale,
that is, fiction (“myth”): - fable.
Fable in
this context is a deliberately false or improbable account; fabrication;
fiction. To feign; to invent; to devise, and speak of, as true or real; to tell
of falsely.
So-called “bread breaking” and “spiritual interpretation” is a
breeding ground for very imaginative fables,
because according to OAC members, nobody is wrong, it’s just
your level of understanding. This implies that
even liars are always right; it’s just their level of understanding.
principles remain unchanged irrespective of the platform you are using.
The message
of the gospel of Jesus Christ remains unchanged irrespective of
the platform you are using.
What you
think will reflect in what you do or say irrespective of the platform you are
Paul writes
that whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God
Corinthians 10:31).
The OAC don’t only have a policy regarding
social media, they also don’t participate formally on mass media communication
such as print media and the press, or broadcasting such as radio and
television. The OAC even forbid their members from making
any type of recording at their “apostle” services. The only exception is
when there is a choir festival and the recording is strictly controlled by the
“overseer”, in which case the recording will
omit the prayers. Very strict terms and conditions are placed by the “apostle” on such recordings.
The gospel
of Jesus Christ is not supposed to be a big
secret. Jesus said that a city that is set on an hill cannot
be hid, a lit candle is not put under a bushel, but on a candlestick (Matthew 5:13-16).
Jesus told His apostles that there is nothing
covered that shall not be revealed. What they hear in the ear, that should they
preach on the housetops (Matthew
10:26-27). Jesus wasn’t afraid to preach publicly out in the open (Matthew 13:1-17,
Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission to teach all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost and teaching them
to observe all things that Jesus commanded them (Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-16,
24:47-48, Acts 1:8).
On the day
of Pentecost some 2,000 years ago, Peter preached to multitudes of people from
different parts of the world (Acts 2:1-40). On that same day 3,000 of those
that heard him were baptised and added to the church (Acts 2:41). The 3,000 that were
added were real people, not spirits or “departed” souls
during a sealing service (Acts 2:5-22, Acts 2:29,
Acts 2:36-41).
The Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved (Acts 2:42-47).
1 Timothy 2:1-8 I
exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
kings, and for all that are in authority;
we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this
is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto
the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one
mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Whereunto I
am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie
not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. I will therefore that men
pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
The true apostles were not afraid to speak
and preach publicly (Acts 4:1-22, Acts 5:17-42).
Stephen is
the first martyr recorded in the Bible for preaching publicly about Jesus Christ (Acts 6:8-15, Acts 7:1-60).
preached Christ in the city of Samaria (Acts 8:4-8).
Paul wasn’t
afraid of preaching Jesus Christ publicly (Acts 16:11-40, Acts 17:16-34,
Acts 20:20-21,
21:37-40, Acts 22:1-30, Acts 23:1-11).
Paul caused
a riot in Ephesus for preaching Jesus Christ amongst the craftsmen that made
silver shrines for their goddess Diana (Acts 19:21-41).
Paul almost
convinced king Agrippa to become a
Christian (Acts
has continued to grow worldwide ever since that time, building on the
foundation already laid by the true
apostles and true prophets, with
Jesus Christ as their Head.
By contrast,
almost 50% of OAC members worldwide reside in South
Africa, a country that has less than 1% of the world’s total population. If the
total number of OAC members worldwide resided in South
Africa, they wouldn’t even be 0.1% of South Africa’s total population. This is
for a church that claims to be the only original church even though the OAC didn’t exist before 1927. OAC members also don’t regard themselves
as Christians but rather as proud “Apostolics” (Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28-29, 1 Peter 4:16-19).
Christians who read the Bible in context are
regarded by OAC members as natural minded brute beasts from the
world (Matthew
5:11, Matthew 7:15-20, Luke 6:20-23, Luke 6:43-45, 1 Peter 3:16-17,
2 Peter
2:1-22, Jude 1:8-16).
2 Corinthians 4:1-6 Therefore
seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness,
nor handling the word of God deceitfully;
by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in
the sight of God.
if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest
the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should
shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;
ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to
shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Good news is
for sharing because sharing is caring.
John 3:16-18 For God
so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;
that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned:
he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the
name of the only begotten Son of God.
To any OAC officer.
ReplyDeleteIf a OAC member is in "heaven" and have the kingdom, see themself as "Jesus", why do they still work for salvation?
The Bible is in Black and White .
ReplyDeleteIt's a map to be followed,with understanding,Not with facts.
Provebs 3; Verse 5
Never rely on your own understanding
But rely trully to God's Holy Spirit.
A lot will read it
But few will understand it's true nature.
Ephesians 4 v 11
The 5 Gifts.
Those who seek things of the flesh seek death.
But those who seek things of the spirit seek life.
John 3 v 6
Flesh is flesh
Spirit is spirit
1st Corinth 15
The seen shall be planted
The unseen shall be rised.
For we were born in sin as living
The Bible is way more than “Black and White”.
DeleteAll scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible is also a factual account of real events, places, people, and dialogue.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Many will read it and understand it exactly the way it was meant to be understood, there’s no hidden meaning to this verse.
You can read more here:
Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
These are not “The 5 Gifts“, did you not notice that apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are written in plural? These vocations were given for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Compare Ephesians 4:11 with Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 and 1 Peter 4:1-11.
You can read more here:
John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
You can read this verse in context with the rest of the chapter and compare this verse with Romans 7, Romans 8 and Galatians 5:16-26.
You can read more here:
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The Resurrection of Christ
1 Corinthians 15:12-34 The Resurrection of the dead
1 Corinthians 15:35-49 The Resurrection Body
1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Mystery and Victory
You can read more here:
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The problem is that everyone on this Earth claim to have a better understanding than the next person. Let us not criticize guys, After all we do not know the intentions of King James when he commissioned publication of the Bible. He had one intention that we do not know, so let us stop claim to have a better understanding than the other because we all know not the correct approach to engage the Bible. The other problem is that the Bible does not have technical definitions of certain terms like statutes. That is why everyone come up with own interpretation and understanding. Even Universities that teach theology, the lessons and study guides had been prepared by some professors who have different understanding. That is why you will get a qualified pastor of Anglican interpreting the a scripture differently form an equal pastor of Dutch Reformed church even if these two people theology graduates. I see that people lambasts OAC for not having a Doctrine. What is a Doctrine. Did Christ have a Doctrine. He did not. But at his life time, Doctrines were more needed than today because there were no Bible.
DeleteIn my copy of the King James Version I read the following statement:
A.D. 1611”
I believe King James’ intentions were clearly stated and the translators were fairly accurate. Nowadays we also have the added advantage of being able to compare notes with the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts. There’s no excuse for ignorance. Are you saying that you reject the KJV Bible?
The OAC states the following in their Confession of Faith:
“WE BELIEVE in the Holy Scriptures, the Old and the New Testament, and in the fulfilment of all the promises contained therein.”
Are you saying that you disagree with this statement?
The OAC does have doctrines and their doctrines are clearly pointed out in detail on this blog and compared with what’s written in the Bible. The devils also have doctrines (1 Timothy 4:1). The Pharisees and Sadducees also had a doctrine (Matthew 16:12). Jesus also had a doctrine (Matthew 7:28, Matthew 22:33, Mark 1:22-27, Mark 4:2, Mark 11:18, Mark 12:38, Luke 4:32, John 7:16-17, John 18:19, 2 John 1:7-11). Jesus’ disciples continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine (Acts 2:42, Acts 5:28, Acts 13:12). All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine.
The Scripture has been in existence far longer than the Bible as we know it, ever heard of something called a Torah scroll?
I have noticed a significant increase in paranoia on OAC social media groups. This is what I have noticed so far:
ReplyDeleteSome groups have shut down or allowed admins from other denominations to take them over
Admins have changed their names and profile information or have completely left the group
Some groups have removed the name “Old Apostolic Church” or “OAC” from the group description
Posts have been shut down or deleted
Comments have been severely limited by being shut off or deleted
New members joining a group are severely grilled and screened, they must supply their name and which community they’re from as well as the names of their “Apostle, Overseer, Elder, Priest and Underdeacon” before being allowed to join a group
The above are all hallmarks of a cult and secret organization. True Christian groups on the other hand welcome people with love and open arms without interrogation, they have nothing to hide and openly share the Gospel and love of Christ with everyone.
An Ex OAC member is bound to say things like this. You can not trust an Ex member. These are types of people who were officer at some stage but got demitted for doing ungodly things. They are aggrieved hence resorting in these senseless smear Campaigns. Let us not Judge who is right and who is not, for judging is for God.
DeleteSbu, in your email to us on the 15th March you stated that you are a “Member of Nazareth Baptist Church” and “not an OAC member”. Are you now an Ex Nazareth Baptist Church member and OAC member or did you lie to us? Protestantism came about through Ex RC members and the OAC was established by an Ex-NAC member. The Apostolic Church, Twelve Apostles Church of Africa and the Reformed Old Apostolic Church were all started by Ex-OAC members.
DeleteJust recently two OAC evangelists also became disillusioned Ex-OAC members; one of them stated the following:
“The fact that uh, we are still divided amongst ourselves in terms of our supposed colors, black and white, is to me completely unacceptable. Typical example of this in your Overseership, is Geelhoutpark, Rustenburg Noord and Koster, where whites have to worship first and when they are done and gone, it is only then that you can come in and do your thing. I cannot witness this happening any further, let alone to be part of it, perpetuating this arrangement. This is killing me softly.”
I suppose you also think this statement from the Ex-OAC official can’t be trusted and that he’s just being judgmental?
Priest Gosenyegang is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Church Service. Please Don't Share Meeting Id & Pass Word With anyone who is not OAC Member.
ReplyDeleteTopic: Church Service, Please be on time Beloved, Log in 09h55
NB: Please Mute your Audio Beloved.
Meeting ID: 518 432 0866
Password: Zoom
This is proper.
DeleteAs long as it's not in Afrikaans Sbu?
DeleteOns in die Weskaap kan gerus daaraan dink om gbruik te maak van radio dienste ens ...sommige provinsies maak alreeds gebruik van die medium..daar word gebruik gemaak van n geslote frequency ..Zoom is nou huidiglik baie populēr..maar almal kan dit nie bekostig om deel te neem in so n diens nie
ReplyDeleteVrystaat provinsie ..behalwe zoom maak hulle ook gebruik van internet radio dit nou nie oulik van hulle nie
Geliefde Oudstes. Hier is die Zoom link en pass code vir Apostel se diens by ons Sondagoggend, 26 Julie 2020 wat 10:00 begin. Deel dit asb met die ampte en lede.
DeleteJoin Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 529 969 2991
Passcode: 723312
Link for Sunday afternoon’s play - The Errona Virus.
DeleteThe link will open at 16:45.
Play - The Errona Virus.
Overseer Roos is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 8914 0534
Passcode: 676904
Goeie middag geliefde Ampsbroers
DeleteDie ID nommer vir môre oggend se zoom diens om 10h00 is 769 2379 3333 en die password is 4H1k1c.
Afrikaans does not belong to this age and time.
DeleteSbu, are you saying that everyone whose home language is Afrikaans don’t belong to this age and time?
DeleteRomans 10:12-13
For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek:
for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Elder Kubheka invite you to be part of Spruitview Youth Session on Prophetic Gifts Prophecy, Vision and Dreams: 31 August 2019 at 19h00
MORNING SERVICE & VIRTUAL FESTIVAL: Ove Van Huyssteen and Pro Loxton will be coordinating entry and compliance
1. All Videos to be off
2. All Audio to be off
3. Encourage Congregants to join early to avoid disappointment
Oct 4, 2020 10:00 AM Johannesburg
Meeting ID: 938 0343 3187
Reopening of OAC halls (a few highlights)
ReplyDeleteStatistics as at 03 October 2020:
OAC in the Eastern Cape reported 385 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and reported 38 confirmed deaths due to COVID-19.
Hall Preparation:
Posters highlighting the COVID-19 risk to be placed at the entrance of the front door and notice boards.
Services at Halls:
People are not allowed to sit closer than 1.5 meters from one another, over 60’s must increase the distance to 2 meters in all directions.
All members must be seated 20 minutes before the service starts and the hall doors must then be locked.
All attendees must wear masks covering the nose and mouth during the entire service.
Regulations during Service:
All attendees should be informed about the dangers of COVID-19 and how to prevent it.
No kneeling for opening in silent prayer
No choirs
No combined singing and No solo singing
No Prophecies (these must be written down)
No serving of sacraments
No anointed handling
After any Service:
No singing of the Gloria Patri after the service
Social activities before and after the religious activity is not allowed so no coffee/tea or fellowshipping before or after the service. People must arrive for, and leave immediately after the service. Don’t shake hands.
What the Bible says:
DeleteMatthew 10:1-4
And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples,
he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out,
and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.
Now the names of the twelve apostles are these;
The first, Simon, who is called Peter,
and Andrew his brother;
James the son of Zebedee,
and John his brother;
and Bartholomew;
and Matthew the publican;
James the son of Alphaeus,
and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus;
Simon the Canaanite,
and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.
What the OAC says:
”…(doing the good deeds) – changing our lives to bear the fruits of God’s spirit – are only possible in Jesus Christ, the Church…” OAC HTC 13 January 2020
”…unity is established between the soul-bride and Jesus Christ, the Church…” OAC HTC 19 January 2020
”…The lives of the Apostles of today is no different…” OAC HTC 21 January 2020
“…we honour His Son, Jesus Christ the Church…” OAC HTC 8 February 2020
“…The “Lord” refers to the Church…” OAC HTC 5 March 2020
“…Priest shows us that apostle says if we stay in the word of the priest then we will not be infected with the virus…” OAC EC Quigney member 24 March 2020
“…God creates man, through Christ (the Church), in His image and likeness…” OAC HTC 17 June 2020
“…He created us as spiritual people through Christ, the Church…” OAC HTC 21 June 2020
“…The Church, as the Body of Christ, is the Mediator between God and man today…” OAC HTC 12 July 2020
A tree is known by its fruit, the Bible has clear warnings about churches like the OAC who claim to be Christ.
Matthew 24:23-26
Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there;
believe it not.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders;
insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert;
go not forth:
behold, he is in the secret chambers;
believe it not.
Beloved please note - all activities at halls to be stopped, and we can utilise zoom for our services. We will open the halls for Christmas day and the first sunday in January. This is to prevent the spread of Covid. Please also motivate all to get their vaccination so that we can end the impact of Covid. Kind regards Apostle Maritz
DeleteThanks, this proves that the “word” of an OAC officer is not God.
DeleteJesus gave the true apostles power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. The signs of an apostle were wrought in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.
James 5:13-20
Is any among you afflicted? let him pray.
Is any merry? let him sing psalms.
Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church;
and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up;
and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.
And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.
Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
4.5.1 Only an Elder or higher officer may do anointed handling. Handling must, in all cases, be preceded by preparation by the responsible anointed officer.
4.5.2 Anointed handling usually takes place during the morning service on the first Sunday of the month. This includes anointed handling performed for officers and their wives. Where it is not possible, however, the evening service may be used for this purpose. In cases of emergency, handling may be done at home or in the hospital at any time. Where the responsible officer is aware of the impending hospitalisation of a member, handling (whether it be anointed handling or Priestly handling in terms of paragraph must be done before admission to hospital.
4.5.3 In cases where a patient is in isolation, high care or intensive care, or cannot for whatever reason, be physically present to receive anointed handling, such handling can be done on another member or officer, as decided by the Fourfold Officer or Elder. Where possible, the person on whose behalf handling is done, should be made aware of the handling and the time at which it will be done. However, handling should, where possible, always be done on the patient.
4.5.4 Where a member is suddenly hospitalised in another town or city as a result of serious illness or an accident, the Elder or Fourfold Officer responsible for the particular hospital should be notified. If the officers responsible for the hospital decide that handling is necessary, it should be done without delay. In such cases good communication should be established between the officers at both ends, ie. hospital and home, to ensure the best possible care for the incapacitated member and his/her relatives and interests at home
4.5.5 Pure olive oil, blessed by a Fourfold Officer, is used for anointed handling.
4.5.6 Before anointed handling is done, preparation should be done at home, during which all conflicting elements are removed.
4.5.7 Apostles, Fourfold Officers and Elders follow the prescribed procedure for anointed handling issued to them as supplement to the Handling Book.
4.5.8 The sacrament of the Holy Communion is served whenever anointed handling is done.
4.5.9 If the handling is performed in the hall, a Sister must remove her hat or mantilla and cover her head with a handkerchief (preferably white) before the handling commences. A Sister is not required to wear a hat or mantilla during anointed handling performed at home.
4.6.3 SERVING THE SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY COMMUNION TO THE SICK The sacrament of the Holy Communion should be served to members who are ill in bed at home, in hospitals or institutions on first Sunday mornings, if such members are unable to attend the evening or second Sunday morning service. Officers should be provided with small cup and plate sets for this purpose, in accordance with the policy prescribed by the Apostles Forum of a province/ district. Members who are mentally retarded and are unable to comprehend the meaning or value of the Holy Communion, must be administered with the sacrament of the Holy Communion with due regard to the extent of their condition. In some cases it may be necessary to serve the sacrament to such member in the manner prescribed for babes.
9.3.1 MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS AND MEDICINE Before a member or officer consults a medical practitioner, it is necessary to obtain the blessing of his/her responsible officer. If the officer is not available, the medical practitioner may be consulted in urgent cases without making prior contact with the responsible officer. These cases must be brought to the attention of the responsible officer as soon as possible. Where medicine is prescribed by a medical practitioner, it must be blessed by the Housepriest (whether an officer or not). Also refer to paragraph 5.5.5. In all cases it is necessary, however, to inform the responsible officer of the practitioner’s diagnosis and prescriptions. If medicine has to be taken immediately, this should be done, but it should be blessed as soon as possible. Medicine for household use and obtained without prescription, such as headache powders, laxatives, etc., may be placed on the table at meal times so that the Housepriest/ess may bless it and mention it in prayer when grace is said at the table.
9.3.2 HOSPITALS In the larger centres, specific officers are nominated by the Apostle to take responsibility for members in hospitals. In the smaller, remote areas, the local officers should serve the hospitals themselves. When a member is to be hospitalised, the responsible officer should place the member under blessing. This blessing includes the blessing of all medicine to be administered during the member’s hospitalisation. This blessing of medicine should also be done by the Elders and Fourfold Officers when they do handling for members or officers to be hospitalised. The procedure is as follows:
The officer says a prayer in which he refers to the illness and prays for healing and blessings upon the treatment as well as for any medication to be prescribed.
The pronouncement of the Priestly blessing.
The pronouncement of the benediction. If members have requested anointed handling, the procedure as described in paragraph 4.5 is followed. If members are ill at home or in hospital on the first Sunday of the month when the sacrament of the Holy Communion is administered, the directions set out in paragraph 4.6.3 will be applicable.
Another example of the OAC also applying literal interpretation of the Bible today; 4.5.1 & 4.5.5 the elder literally anointing the sick with physical oil (James 5:14) :-)
DeleteMathew 7. Never Judge.
DeleteSbu, that’s rich coming from someone who judges Afrikaans speaking people. Are you a hypocrite much?
DeleteIt is so sad to see that the "god" of the OAC is helpless. Their god who is talking to them face to face (with a face mask on) who says : We must obey the government. " People are not allowed to sit closer than 1.5 meters from one another, over 60’s must increase the distance to 2 meters in all directions.
ReplyDeleteAll members must be seated 20 minutes before the service starts and the hall doors must then be locked.
All attendees must wear masks covering the nose and mouth during the entire service." What happened to the binding spoken word? Has it become so weak? don't it work anymore?. Is this whole situation not an indication that you might be serving a "miserably inadeguete god"
Turn away from this god of yours, with other words: Repent and serve JESUS CHRIST who is the Way, the truth and the life. Without Him you will stay dead , and is going to find out what is the 2nd death. Then it will be to late. Read the bible to see what you must do to repent
You need God's mercy my brother. You need testimony to understand that the Bible tells us to respect the laws and rulers of the world for they have been put to those leadership position by God through his Son Jesus Christ. You guys are saying all these because of lacking understanding on what we do as OAC.
DeleteSbu, that’s rich coming from someone who doesn’t respect the official languages of South Africa.
DeleteGood afternoon Beloved.
ReplyDeleteWe will have a Service tomorrow at 10:00. We will be using the Zoom app.
There will be silent prayer. No hymns. No audible prophecies. If you do have a prophecy or vision you can write it down and send it to your responsible officer.
NB! It is requested that we are dressed appropriately as we would for a service. This is compulsory.
The meeting will start at 09:25
NB! The service MAY NOT be recorded please. It is spelt out in the Household Rules.
Please ensure you have enough data and a good connection and that your devices are working.
Also connect your device to a speaker if your device is too soft for better sound quality.
Please download the app on your phone or laptop. If you are unsure or need help please contact Br S. Oliphant or Br Q. Wax.
Kind Regards
Br S. Oliphant
Meeting ID: 924 101 3848
Password: godislove
Br S. Oliphant, regarding your comment;
Delete”…NB! The service MAY NOT be recorded please. It is spelt out in the Household Rules…”
Yep, that’s what is stated but it seems that these rules are not cast in stone.
”…9.18.1 Photographs, film recordings, video recordings, etc. may be taken or made at a practice session or final rehearsal of a wedding, social, play, song festival or choir in the Church, but shall under no circumstances be taken or made of services, meetings or other Church activities…” - THE OLD APOSTOLIC CHURCH DOMESTIC RULES
Yet the funeral service of an OAC ”prophet”” where three OAC ”apostles” were present was recorded and placed on YouTube?
I discussed this service in the comments section here. I think the OAC leadership will be horrified to know how many recordings of services where officers ranging from “elders” to “apostles” are available out there. Since the lockdown these recordings have grown significantly in an attempt to reach members who don’t have the technology to attend services, your secrets aren’t so secret anymore :-)
Apostle TO Nong is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
DeleteTopic: Apostle Sunday Church Service
Time: Aug 22, 2021 09:30 Harare, Pretoria
Join Zoom Meeting
Join YouTube Live Stream
Meeting ID: 893 743 0698
Passcode: Nepo
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Meeting ID: 893 743 0698
There was a technical issue and the YouTube feed was available here. Now the message reads “Video unavailable This video has been removed by the uploader”
DeleteNo surprise there, I knew this would happen, it is now available here.
Apostle Nong Service
Delete22 August 2021
1 Theselonika 1
Moapostoloi o kwalela phutego ya thesolonika, mme phutego eo eleng kereke. Lekwalo le
le kwalelwa phutego eo e mo go Modimo Rara, mme kopo ele gore bopelotlhomogi jwa
Modimo bo se batlogele. Potso ke gore batho ba ba mo go Modimo Rara ke ba ba ntseng
- Bo nnete ke gore batho botlhe ba dumela mo Modimong, mme ga ba sa itse gore
Modimo o direlwa jang
- Modimo a romela morwa wa gagwe gore batho ba itse gore botshelo jwa mo modimong
bo ntse jang
- Fa re lebelela Jesu o bapotswe ke bajuta, tumelo ya bone ele gore bone ba dumela mo
Modimong mme eseng mo go Keresete. Jaanong seo ya nna sesupo sa gore batho ga
ba dumele mo go Keresete
- Modimo one a romelwa morwa wa gagwe gore e nne mmoloki wa matshelo a rona.
- Keresete Jesu ena a romela Moapostoloi. Mme Moapostoloi a isa thomo ena ko bathung
ba theselonika, mme ba amogela efangedi ena, ba fetola botshelo jwa bone. Mme
Modimo a bona bonno jwa gagwe
1 John 4: 13
- Go amogela mowa wa Modimo re nna temple ya Modimo, ka jalo modimo o mo
matshelong a rona ka go amogela mowa wa gagwe
- Ka go amogela keresete ra nna bongwe le Modimo
1 Timothy 2:5
- Keresete ke ene motsiriganyi magareng ga rona le Modimo
Hebrew 10:4
Jaanong moApostoloi ore mophutegong ya thesolonika, re bone tumelo ya lona mo Modimong
ka tumelo ya lona. Ka gore sengwe le sengwe seo baneng ba se dira se ne se bontsha
botshepegi mo modimong.
- Go kwadilwe mo dikwalong gore ga gona ka moo re ka kgatlang Modimo ko ntleng ga
- Batheselonika bane ba bontsha lorato mo matsapeng a bone, bane ba ratana ebile ba
rat Modimo. Ba bontsha tsholofelo mo gotleng ga ga Keresete ga bobedi
- Re a itse gore Modimo o santse a ka tla gape mo matshelong a rona, ga re itse nako le
motlha, re tshwanela ra emela his second coming
- Re tshwanela ra bontsha maungo a efangedi eo re e mogetseng eleng
1. Tiro ya tumelo
2. Matsapa a lorato
3. Le go tshwarelela mo gotleng ga ga Keresete Jesu
- Moapostoloi o bontsha gore efangedi e re e amogetseng ga ya tla ka lefoko fela, e tlile
ka thata a mowa o o boitshepo le tlhomamo e kgolo
- Efangedi ga ekake ya tla mo mothung ko ntleng ga lefoko
Baroma 10:17
- Gore motho a dumele o tshwanela a rerelwa.
- Mantswe a a thero a tshwanela a tlhotlheletswa ke thata ya mowa o o boitshepo. Gore
motho a rere efangedi ke ka tlhotlheletso ya mowa o o boitshepo
1 corinthians 2: 4-5
- Thero ya modimo e nnile ka botlhale jwa gagwe gore tumelo ya rona e seke ya ema ka
thata ya batho mme ka thata ya Modimo
- Gonne fa rera efangedi e dira gore re nne le tumelo mo Modimong
Isaiah 55:10-11
DeleteModimo o tshwantsha lefoko la gagwe le pula le semathana, gore fela jaaka fa di fologa ko
legodimong, mme dikolobetsa lefatshe, ga di boela ko morago di sa diragatsa seo se ditletseng.
Lentswe la gagwe le ntse jalo
- Jalo nako le nako fa o bua lefoko la Modimo o tshwanela wa nna le tlhomamo
Ditiro 3
Monna mongwe o nna a bewa mo kgorong ya temple, jaanong se ssbotlhokwa a ke go nna mo
kgorong or ke go tsena?, jaanong Petoro le Johanne ba fitlha mo monneng yo, jaanong Petoro
are lebelela mo go rona, seo ele gore matlho a monna yo le tlhaloganyo ya gagwe a tlhome mo
go moapostoloi. Morago are ga ke na gauta le selefera ga kena tsona, se ke nang le sone nka
go neela sone, mme a mo emisa fa ane a eme teng.
- Monna yo one a sa kgone go tsamaya, mme Petoro a otlolola seatla sa gagwe. One a
mo tsholetsa, a tlhokomela gore o a ema le go nna mo kerekeng.
- Monna yo a simolola go galaletsa Modimo
- Yaba Petoro a bona batho ba mo akabaletse, are ko go bone ga se rona re dirileng se,
mme ke ka leina la ga Kerese Jesu. Are ko go bone monna o tshedile jaana gore
Keresete a galalediwe. Mme Bajuta ba tenwa ke selo seo
Jaanong moApostoloi are ka ntlhe ya go tlhagisa maungo a tumelo, lone lwa nna balatedi ba ga
keresete le Modimo Rara
- Ba kgatla Morena mo metsamaong ya bone botlhe, ke ka moo bane ba tlhagisa maungu
Colosian 1:10
1 corinthians 11:1
- Nnang balatedi bame fela jaaka le nna ke le molatedi wa Morena
- Batheselonika ba nna motlhala wa tumelo eo e tswang mo Modimong. Go raya gore ba
nna le letshwao la Modimo mo matshelong a bone.
- Setshwano sa go dirwa letshwao re se bona mo kgomong, tshipi ya teng e tsenngwa mo
molelong. Seo ke sekao sa go itshwara sentle moApostoloi a le teng, le fa a seo.
Phillipians 2: 12
Lona ba lentseng le utlwa, eseng fa ke le teng fela, segolo bogolo ga ke seo, ipatleleng pholoso
ya lona ka poifo le ka thoromo.
Jaanong Moapostoloi are boitshwaro jwa lona bo utlwagala mo merafeng yotlhe. La tlogela
medimo ya disetwa.
- Jaanong Modimo wa seseto ke eng?
1. Modimo wa sesetwa ke selo seo se tsayang gore gonne le tshepo ya Modimo
fela mo go wena. Batho ba tle bare modimo le ena wa thusiwa.
Exodus 20:3
- O seka wa obamela Modimo ope fela
Isaiah 42: 20
- Gonne nna Jehovah ke leina lame, nkeke ka arologanela sepe le medimo ya diseto
- Go direla Modimo wa disetwa ke thato ya nama
Bagalata 5:20
Jaanong Modimo are lona lone lwa nna le tshepo Mo Modimong
1 john 5:20-21
- Re a itsi rona gore morwa Modimo otsile, mme ore neile tlhaloganyo ya gore re itse ene
yo o leng wa nnete, ebile re mo go ene. Jaanong itiseng mo Medimong esele
- Ka mantswe a mongwe rona re na le Emmanuel
Ditiro 14
DeletePaulo le Barnabase ba fitlha ko listra, ba fitlhela monna yo o sa itseng go tsamaya. Jaanong go
a re ruta gore baapostoloi ba ne ba tsamaya mo bathung ba ba sa kgoneng go dira sepe. Mme
a mo raya are ema o tsamae. Mme bao baneng ba lebile bare tiro eo e diragetseng foo e supa
gor medimo e tile gape mo bathung. Mme ba neela Puolo le Barnabase maina a medimo ya
bone. Bare Barnabase ke Jupiter, Poulo ke Mecury. Ba dirisa maina a ka gore gone go itsiwe
gore medimo eo e etela batho. Ebile ba kgona go e drawer ka gore ke medimo eo ba e
- Batho ba ba batla go dira setlhabelo mme baapostoloi ba gana. Ba pateletsa
- Paulo are ko go bone re lo rerela efangedi ena gore lo sokologele ko Modimong wa
nnete yo o pelang, yo o dirile legodimo le lefatsheng, yo erileng mo nako eo e fetileng a
tlogela lefatshe gore le dire ka moo le batlang, mme a tswelela a badira molemo le go
tlatsa dipelo tsa bone ka boitumelo
Efangedi fa e tla mo mothung e tlisa tshokolo, le go montsha mo dilong tseo di mo
kgaoganyang le Modimo. Some ba tlogetse modimo ka ntlheng ya corona.
- MoApostoloi o re bontsha setshwantso sa puisano magareng ga Modimo le Satan,
Satan are o tswadile dikereke tsotlhe, mme Modimo o araba ka gore ke butse kereke in
every house. Seo e le gore bontsha gore Modimo ga a nke a re tlogela
Jaanong Modimo are mo Bathesolonikeng lo ne lwa lebelela mo go morwa, yo eleng ene a
tlileng go re golola mo bogaleng jo bo tlang.
Baroma 1: 18
- Ka na bogale jwa Modimo jwa bonagala, mme bowela batho botlhe ba ba kgoreletsang
boammaruri jwa modimo. Le bana botlhe bao ba senang kutlo.
Genesis 6
- Modimo ore ko go Noa aga areka, gonne ke fedisa batho borlhe ka ntlha ya sebe
- Mme batho ba se reetse Noa ka ntlha ya megopolo ya bone go tsewa ke dilo tsa
lefatshe. Dilo tseo tsa tsaya botshepegi jwa modimo mo go bone.
- Fa bogale jwa Modimo botla ga go sana nako ya gore nkare jaanong ke ipaakanya ka
sokologa. Mme MoApostoloi o re eletsa gore re nne re apere diaparo, gonne letsati leo
le tla jaaka legodu.
- Letsatsi leo le mphitlhele ke le mogare ga kgologana. Gonne kgolagano ena ke areka ya
- Re seka ra tshwana le batho ba motlha wa ga Noa, re a bolellwa gore corona e teng, are
tseye kutlo mme re sale morago melawana ya corona.
MoApostoli o re netefaletsa gore re sa ntse re kwadilwe mopelong ya gagwe. Re kopane ka
2 Ditirafalo 7:11(morena o iponatsha gape mo go solomone)
- Fa Morafe wame yo o bidiwang ka leina lame o ipaakanya, o baakanya ditsela tsame, o
rapela, nka utlwa dithapelo tsa bone, ke be ke fodisa lefatshe la bone.
- Kopo ya MoApostoloi mo go rona ke gore re kopane mme re rapele. Re ikokobetse, re
bitse Modimo, re sokologe mo ditseleng tsa rona gore Modimo wa Israel atle a re fodise.
”…Bo nnete ke gore batho botlhe ba dumela mo Modimong, mme ga ba sa itse gore Modimo o direlwa jang…[Sesotho to English: The truth is that all people believe in God, but do not know
DeleteHow God is made]” - Nong’s Sunday Service
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
God is the Creator of the heaven and the earth, He isn’t made, only idols are made (Acts 19:26)!
”…Keresete Jesu ena a romela Moapostoloi…[Sesotho to English: This Christ Jesus sent an Apostle]” - Nong’s Sunday Service
Hebrews 3:1
Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus.
Jesus didn’t send an Apostle, He IS the Apostle and High Priest (John 20:31, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 5:1)!
”…Batheselonika bane ba bontsha lorato mo matsapeng a bone, bane ba ratana ebile ba rat Modimo. Ba bontsha tsholofelo mo gotleng ga ga Keresete ga bobedi…[Sesotho to English: The Thessalonians showed love in their efforts, they loved each other and love God. They show hope in Christ's second coming]” - Nong’s Sunday Service
Acts 1:9-11
And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up;
and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Wow, has the OAC apostolate finally acknowledged that there will be a second coming of Jesus Christ, the *same Jesus” that was taken up from His apostles and disciples into heaven? (Matthew 24:42-44, John 5:28-29, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Titus 2:11-13, Hebrews 9:28, James 5:7)!
Apostle Nong is inviting you to a scheduled YouTube Live Stream Meeting.
DeleteTopic: Apostle Nong's 2nd Sunday Service
Time: Aug 29, 2021 09:30 Johannesburg
Join YouTube Live Stream Meeting
There is no secretes there is order. I was once invited by a friend to attend a Romans Catholic church service. No phones are allowed to take pictures or anything. Does it mean they have secretes that they need not to share with non catholics? no. If they had secretes, thy would not have invited me to their church. So if recording are not allowed it is not because of being secretive. It is not about cultism. It's about the domestic rules. We should know that every country and house have its own rules. Its unfair to lapel and criticize the rules of another country or home.
DeleteThe Roman Catholic Church have very informative websites, here is one of many:
DeleteCatholic Encyclopedia
You can’t really compare the OAC with the Roman Catholic Church; they are not half as secretive about their doctrine as the OAC is.
When you say "Its unfair to lapel and criticize the rules of another country or home", why don't you accept Afrikaans as an official language in South Africa?
ReplyDeleteplural pronoun, possessive our or ours, objective us.
Delete1 nominative plural of I.
2 (used to denote oneself and another or others):
We have two children. In this block we all own our own houses.
3 (used to denote people in general):
the marvels of science that we take for granted.
4 (used to indicate a particular profession, nationality, political party, etc., that includes the speaker or writer):
We in the medical profession have moral responsibilities.
5 Also called the royal we. (used by a sovereign, or by other high officials and dignitaries, in place of I in formal speech):
We do not wear this crown without humility.
6 Also called the editorial we. (used by editors, writers, etc., to avoid the too personal or specific I or to represent a collective viewpoint):
As for this column, we will have nothing to do with shady politicians.
Definition of We at
ReplyDeleteBeloved Overseer
Final review:
Beloved FFO
I trust that you are well.
In Line with the reviewed Covid Regulations, the Forum of Apostles has resolved that:
• The wearing of masks to Church activities is no longer required, however if members and officers choose to wear their masks they can do so freely.
• It is advisable that if an individual is not feeling well then, such member should wear a mask to Church activities.
• Individuals that are high risk persons are free to wear masks if they so wish.
• Social distancing is no longer required in facilities and 100% of capacity may be utilized.
• Shaking of hands is now permitted provided that sanitizing of hands is done soon after.
• Sanitizer and surface cleaners must still be used.
DeleteA Terrific Thursday Afternoon
Trust you are well today!!!
Respectfully, I see- understand- that this "OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION" is addressed to the FOURFOLD OFFICERS, Sent, presumably, by the APOSTLE. I just find it very strange that such did not follow the Proper Protocol: from FFO to ELDER, to PRIEST, to UNDERDEACON, then to BROTHERS & SISTERS.
If this notice did not follow such communication- channels and was leaked to social media, then its grossly against the grain of "THE OLD APOSTOLIC CHURCH (OAC)" DOCTRINE..
Just Food-For-Thought..