Saturday 6 August 2016

History - Carl Klibbe

Carl George Klibbe (December 1852 – May 1931)

Carl (Karl) George Klibbe was born in the Pomeranian village of Ossecken on December 25th, 1852. He was originally a minister in the Lutheran Church.

Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer (1853 – 1920) was born in Schladen im Harz. He was “sealed” in 1864 by “apostle” Carl Wilhelm Louis Preuss. He became a “priest” and in 1883 at age 30 he was sent as an “evangelist” by “apostle” Friedrich Krebs to Australia.

Carl George Klibbe emigrated with his family to Scotland, and eventually from there to Australia.

Carl George Klibbe

In Hatton Vale, a town in the state of Queensland, Carl George Klibbe met “evangelist” Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer once again, having met before in Germany. Carl George Klibbe and his family were “sealed” in Australia.

Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer was ordained as an “apostle” by “apostle” Friedrich Krebs and “apostle” F.W. Menkhoff in Germany on July 25th, 1886.

Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer

In 1889 “apostle” Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer commissioned “evangelist” Carl George Klibbe to travel to and establish the New Apostolic Church in South Africa.

Carl George Klibbe and his family went via sailing ship from Australia to South Africa and en-route his son Herman (John) George was born at sea.

When they landed in Cape Town he bought a small-holding at Bellville and later moved and purchased a farm at Worcester because he depended on farming for his livelihood. His testimony was limited to the sparse population of German immigrants in Cape Town and Worcester because he could only speak German. When his missionary work bore no fruit he turned his attention to Berlin, 60km from East London.

In East London there were many German-speaking people and in the year 1892 a congregation emerged to become the first New Apostolic congregation in South Africa.

As a result, “apostle” Heinrich Niemeyer nominated Carl George Klibbe to become an “apostle” and Carl George Klibbe was called to be an “apostle” by the “Apostle College” in Europe in a letter dated July 8th, 1893.

The congregation grew to 70 members who then built a chapel in Southernwood from their own means.

In 1895 “apostle” Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarz and “apostle” Friedrich Wilhelm Menkhoff died. In 1897 “apostle” Friedrich Krebs received the calling to lead the church as “chief apostle”.

In 1901 a shoemaker by the name of Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff visited the congregation with his family. They were “sealed” by “apostle” Carl George Klibbe in 1902. On December 25th, 1902, “apostle” Carl George Klibbe ordained Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff as a “deacon” and commissioned him to move to Cape Town in another attempt to establish the New Apostolic Church there.

Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff

Financial difficulties followed for the congregation in East London, many members left and the congregation was forced to sell the chapel they had built.

As a result of the financial losses, “apostle” Carl George Klibbe left East London and bought a farm in iMvani, a small railway siding 160km from East London.

iMvani 1903

In the meantime “deacon” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff arrived in Cape Town in January 1903 and held services in his home at 41 Argyle Street in Woodstock. By April 10th, 1904, he was able to invite “apostle” Carl George Klibbe to “seal” new members in Cape Town.

In 1905 “chief apostle” Friedrich Krebs died. He was then succeeded by “chief apostle” Hermann Christoph Niehaus. In 1906 “apostle” Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer from Australia went to visit the “chief apostle” and encouraged “apostle” Carl George Klibbe to do likewise.

The home of “evangelist” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff became too small and a hall in Station road, Claremont, was hired until a nearby plot of ground was purchased in Palmyra road. Here a church was built and dedicated by “apostle” Carl George Klibbe on June 4th, 1906.

Palmyra road, Claremont, Cape Town

Services were almost entirely held in German and the church was sometimes called the German Apostolic Church.

Two immigrants from Holland in 1904, Christiaan and Jacobus Kreunen, were “sealed” in Cape Town at the beginning of 1907. Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen, the eldest brother, was ordained as a “priest” to assist “evangelist” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff in reaching the Dutch speaking residents in Cape Town.

Most of the people in iMvani also spoke Dutch or Cape Dutch. Because of this, “apostle” Carl George Klibbe requested “evangelist” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff to send “priest” Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen to assist him in iMvani. Without further ado “priest” Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen and his family moved to Queenstown in 1907. He was later joined by his brother, Jacobus Kreunen.

In 1908 “apostle” Carl George Klibbe held a farewell service on his farm in iMvani and set out on his journey to go meet the “chief apostle”, following the example of “apostle” Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer from Australia and the other “apostles”. He left by ship from Cape Town and in his absence, “evangelist” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff cared for the church. It was many months later when a jubilant “apostle” Carl George Klibbe returned back to South Africa.

Unfortunately on his arrival back at his farm in iMvani he found that his crops had failed and many of his livestock had died. He had to sell his farm and was left destitute. Fortunately “priest” Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen offered him and his family accommodation in his home in Queenstown.

The Church was incorporated under Act 31 of 1909 (Transvaal) known as the New Apostolic Church (Africa) under the leadership of “apostle” Carl George Klibbe.

Financial stress in Queenstown was a motivating factor to move elsewhere. Opportunities looked better in Johannesburg and “apostle” Carl George Klibbe asked “priest” Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen to accompany him to Johannesburg. Once again “apostle” Carl George Klibbe resided with “priest” Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen in his home in Jeppe. Services for the two families were also held in his home until a vacant shop was rented for services. Because “priest” Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen understood Dutch, a congregation was soon founded in La Rochelle and services were conducted in an old bakery.

In 1910 in Cape Town, “apostle” Carl George Klibbe ordained “evangelist” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff as a “bishop”. This ordination was later rescinded by “apostle” Carl George Klibbe to “district elder” which caused some confusion, and “district elder” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff wrote to “chief apostle” Hermann Christoph Niehaus for clarity on this matter.

In the meantime “priest” Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen’s younger brother Jacobus got married and “apostle” Carl George Klibbe called him to move to Pretoria. Jacobus Kreunen moved to Pretoria in 1911. He was then ordained as “underdeacon” and then as “deacon”. He was later ordained as “priest” as his congregation grew and services were held in a hall in Schoeman street, Pretoria.

Back in Germany, the “chief apostle” Hermann Christoph Niehaus tried to strengthen his position and introduced new reforms whereof a conflict occurred. After a general “apostles” meeting in 1911, “apostle” Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer from Australia was excommunicated.

Reasons for Apostolic Church of Queensland breakaway:
1) Establishment of the office of chief apostle
2) Personality cult that formed around the chief apostle

What happened in Germany and Australia seems to have had a knock-on effect on “apostle” Carl George Klibbe. He started returning all mail received from “chief apostle” Hermann Christoph Niehaus unopened, clearly indicating his severance from the “chief apostle” and “apostle unity”.

An invitation was extended to “district elder” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff by “chief apostle” Hermann Christoph Niehaus to visit Germany. In 1913 “apostle” Carl George Klibbe was informed that he was excommunicated according to the Articles of Association of the New Apostolic Church (Africa) 1910.

On September 21st, 1913, Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff was ordained as an “apostle” while visiting in Germany.

The congregations in Jeppe and Benoni remained loyal to Carl George Klibbe, the congregations in Pretoria and La Rochelle accepted the leadership under “apostle” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff.

On October 16th, 1913, Carl George Klibbe sent a letter to his “fourfold officers” in which he clearly stated that he believed that the Lord Jesus Christ will come again (Klibbe's letter).

In 1914 World War 1 was declared. German subjects in South Africa were interned and forced to leave their homes and face imprisonment in concentration camps. The war lasted until 1918.

There was confusion and bitter conflict because there appeared to be two “New Apostolic” churches, one led by “apostle” Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff and the other led by the excommunicated Carl George Klibbe.

According to the official Witwatersrand court settlement papers (pages 1 and 2):
…Carl George Klibbe did in the year 1915 sever all connection with and declared its independence from the New Apostolic Church, whose headquarters is in Germany which is subject to the jurisdiction of the Apostle College and Apostle Unity and under the leadership of Herman Niehaus of Quelle, Germany… (Court Case 432 of 1926).

1915 is 10 years after Hermann Christoph Niehaus became “chief apostle”; and Friedrich Krebs was “chief apostle” even before Hermann Christoph Niehaus.

This matter could only be settled in court and the German-based New Apostolic Church eventually took legal action against Carl George Klibbe in 1926. The court hearing was on December 26th, 1926. The Supreme Court of S.A. (Witwatersrand Local Division - Case 432 of 1926) ruled that he was not to use the name ʺNew Apostolic Churchʺ. As a result of this ruling, Carl George Klibbe renamed his movement the ʺOld Apostolic Churchʺ. In June 1927 Carl George Klibbe registered his church as “The Old Apostolic Church of Africa”.

Reasons for OAC breakaway [Church History of the Old Apostolic Church for Sunday School]:

  •          Niehaus’ ban on prophetic gifts (visions, dreams and prophecies)*
  •          Niehaus’ refusal to appoint “prophets”**
  •          Niehaus’ acceptance of the literal interpretation of the Bible***
  •          Acceptance by Niehaus that the Second Coming is a future, literal event****
  •          Establishment of the office of chief apostle
  •          Personality cult that formed around the chief apostle
  •          The rise of German nationalism within the German church*****

Ernest Frederick Wilhelm Ninow was ordained by Carl George Klibbe before his death (May 21st, 1931) as “apostle” and successor, becoming chairman (leading apostle – primus inter pares) and leader of the OAC (Old Apostolic Church: History of the Western Cape District; Church History of the Old Apostolic Church for the Sunday School). This position was only abolished in 1984. Nowadays a chairman is elected for a period of two years only.

Is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? What’s in a word anyway?
  • Chairman – person chosen to preside (occupy chair of authority; exercise control, sit or reign supreme) over meetings
  • Chief – leader, ruler; head of tribe, clan, etc.
  • Leader – person that holds a dominant or superior position, the one in charge
  • Primus inter pares – Latin phrase meaning “first among equals”
Maybe it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other?

Additional notes:

*        Bans of prophetic gifts existed even before Niehaus as well as in the OAC. The end of the Catholic Apostolic Church's “prophetical” element was underlined by the adoption in 1843 of an elaborate new liturgy. During a meeting at Albury in 1860, the German “prophet” Heinrich Geyer called two “evangelists” to be “apostles”. After deliberation, the Catholic Apostolic Church “apostles” rejected this calling and affirmed that no further callings to the “apostolate” would be accepted. Then in the Hamburg Congregation, Heinrich Geyer the “prophet” had already called the coal dealer Johannes F.L. Güldner as an “apostle” in a private meeting four months before “apostle” Carl Wilhelm Louis Preuss' death. Carl Wilhelm Louis Preuss had refused to recognize this calling and, on his deathbed, designated “elder” Wichmann as his successor. In January, 1972 the “apostle” Robert Lombard was excommunicated from the OAC in part due to a dispute with the OAC apostolate concerning a revelation received by “apostle” Robert Lombard [Harry H. Martin, I tell you the truth, 2009, page 58].

**      The refusal to appoint “prophets” was even before Niehaus. After 1872 “apostle” Friedrich Krebs, in his quest for the “Unity of the apostles” abolished the callings by mouth of the “prophets” and declared the office of “prophet” redundant, for “apostle” Friedrich Krebs would from then on appoint the most important ministers himself.

***    The literal interpretation of the Bible existed even before Niehaus. Edward Irving earnestly preached that the end of the world was nigh and that the church had sinned grievously by not instituting all the posts as he literally interpreted them in Ephesians 4:11 - particularly the apostolate. He pleaded for the immediate introduction of this post so that the “apostle” designate could “seal” the believers for salvation. The Catholic Apostolic Church’s ministry was exclusively male, based on their literal interpretation of the headship of the man over the woman as laid down in the book of Genesis. A Catholic Apostolic Church “bishop” was titled "angel" based on their literal interpretation of Revelation 1:20. The Catholic Apostolic Church’s hierarchy of “angels”, “priests” and “deacons” was not considered sufficient to perfect the “saints” based on their literal interpretation of Ephesians 4:11. Some examples of literal interpretation still applied in the OAC today are; the offer box for the tithes (Malachi 3:10) with a hole in the lid being placed on the right hand side of the pulpit (2 Kings 12:9), women wear hats to church (1 Corinthians 11:5-6), the “elder” literally anoints the sick with pure olive oil (James 5:14), only married men are allowed to become officers (1 Timothy 3:2, 1 Timothy 3:12) and preach (1 Corinthians 14:34, 1 Timothy 2:11-12), and of course Edward Irving’s literal interpretation of Ephesians 4:11 on the need for an “apostle”, “prophet” and “evangelist” (apostles today).

****  The Second Coming as a future, literal event was accepted even before Niehaus. Edward Irving declared that there will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and then Jesus would literally return. The main point of the Catholic Apostolic Church’s gospel was that the Church had deviated from its origins and only through restoring the “Universal Church” to its perfect state could the literal return of Christ be ensured. The Catholic Apostolic Church believed that the Holy Spirit was to prepare them for the literal return of Christ which they expected imminently. The liturgy of the New Apostolic Church was originally consistent with the liturgy of the Catholic Apostolic Church. In 1902 “elder” Julius Fischer came into conflict with “chief apostle” Friedrich Krebs regarding the future second coming of Jesus Christ. According to “elder” Julius Fischer, Jesus Christ had already returned in the re-established “apostle” office and according to him, there was no future second coming. As a result of his views, “chief apostle” Friedrich Krebs removed “elder” Julius Fischer from office. In the same way as Protestantism and Catholicism, the Second Coming of Christ as a future, literal event is at the forefront of the New Apostolic doctrine. The founding father of the OAC, “apostle” Klibbe also believed in the Second Coming as a future, literal event.

*****This is ironic as Carl George Klibbe was born and raised in Germany, could only speak German and his first congregations consisted mostly of German-speaking immigrants from Germany.


  1. Flawed reasoning. You are using the strawman argument.

    1. Please elaborate on your reason for saying this.

  2. You quoted extensively from the NAC version of events that is extremely biased and faulty, trying to paint the Chief Apostle and Schlaphoff in a positive light. Your mistake is that Ap. Klibbe was not removed from office in accordance with the Articles of Association of the New Apostolic Church (Africa) as this particular document stated that Klibbe could not be removed from office. There neither was any court case. It was a settlement reached between parties. Please check the valadity of your sources by consulting Primary Texts, such as the above mentioned Articles of Association.

    1. The court hearing was on December 26th, 1926. The Supreme Court of S.A. (Witwatersrand Local Division - Case 432 of 1926). Copy of the document can be seen here:

    2. Man cannot decide the things of God :-)

  3. By 1910 the church under Klibbe expanded to English and Afrikaans speaking people. There is also evidence of the existence of black congregations as far back as 1908, and it was reported in the Dutch congregations newsletter. Klibbe by that time had accepted British citizenship. German Nationalism grew in the first decade of the 20th century and culilated into the First World War. Ap. Klibbe, even though he was of German origin decided that the church would stay neutral in this conflict.

    1. In 1904 Klibbe sent a Xhosa-speaking brother Malachi to New Brighton near Port Elizabeth to work among the Xhosa people there. Unfortunately there are still strong racist undertones in the OAC. An example is how “avondmaal” was changed from a shared cup for the whole community to the more clinical use of tweezers to dip the matzo bread in the grape juice. This because white members did not like the idea of black lips touching the same cup they would have to drink from. Declaring oneself to be neutral during a conflict may sound very noble but the OAC didn’t exactly stay neutral during Apartheid now, did they?

    2. Yeah, about those racial undertones. I remember investigating the OAC-offshoot Twelve Apostles Church of Africa; although no mention is made on their website anymore, at the time (a few years ago) they essentially said they were mainly a church for people of colour. Basically, OAC for black people.

      Check this though!

      "Apostle Klibbe died on 22 May 1931. He was succeeded by Apostle C.F.W. Ninow who was the first Apostle to appoint a black Apostle, Apostle S Hlatshwayo in 1953. Apostle S. Hlatshwayo, together with his wife, founded the women’s movement in 1954.

      In 1966, Apostle Ninow was succeeded by Apostle Ndlovu, who had been anointed in 1961. The presence of black Apostles led to acute problems in what was predominantly a “white” Church during the apartheid era of South African history and there were many difficulties and much resentment towards both Apostle Hlatshwayo and Apostle Ndlovu. These problems resulted in attempts being made to charge Apostle Ndlovu with fraud and to have him removed from office. In 1968 he had a revelation, which led to him founding “Twelve Apostles Church of Africa”."

      He had a revelation... lol that is precisely how cults get started.

    3. Isn't it funny how denominations and cults all have a particular man/woman who starts them?

      Roman Catholics - Emperor Constantine *
      Islam - Muhammad *
      Anglican Church - King Henry VIII
      Dutch Reformed Church - John Calvin
      Methodist Church - John/Charles Wesley
      Presbyterian Church - John Knox
      Mormonism - Joseph Smith *
      Christian Science - Mary Baker Eddy *
      Christadelphians - John Thomas
      Seventh Day Adventists - Ellen G White *
      Jehovahs Witnesses - Charles Taze Russell
      Shembe - Isaiah Shembe *
      ZCC - Engenas Lekganyane *
      St Johns Apostolic Faith Mission - Christinah Nku *
      OAC - Carl Klibbe
      (and these are just a few of many)

      * = they claimed "special revelation from God" to start their religion/cult

      Indeed you can pretty much trace all denominations back to Catholicism (the mother of harlots in Revelation 17:5, hence if RCC is the mother of harlots then there must be offspring = little harlots), and trace Catholicism back to Babylon.

      A good sermon about church/cult foundations is on here.

      And an awesome sermon on cults, using Jim Jones as the basis but right at the end you start recognising other cults, such as OAC, in the pointers...

    4. I can't really comment on the other churches as I have no experience with them, the OAC is the one I grew up with. I think some people are more concerned about the "lable" of their so-called church than about Jesus. I'm wary of any man-made organization calling themselves a church.

    5. It would appear that there are still very strong racial undertones in the OAC…..

      The Old Apostolic Church of Africa (OAC) was hauled before the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL Rights Commission) following allegations that the church’s white minority were using the organisation as a vehicle to enrich themselves at the expense of their majority, black members.

      Probe into irregularities, enrichment of staff at OAC (Aug 26, 2020)

      Questions were raised about the church's seriousness in rooting out alleged corruption and fraud and implementing transformation within its ranks.

      The OAC made headlines after it was hauled before the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL Rights Commission), following allegations that its white minority were using the organisation as a vehicle to enrich themselves at the expense of their majority, black members.

      An extensive complaint was submitted to the commission detailing alleged irregularities in the governance of the church, along with systemic discrimination.

      Pressure on OAC to mend its ways and root out corruption (Mar 2, 2021)

    6. Monday, 31 January 2022

      Good Morning beloved, please be informed that Evangelist Nkoane and Ev Mashabela has resigned as officers and also relinquished his membership in the Church.
      Godly Regards
      Apostle Modise

      “The fact that uh, we are still divided amongst ourselves in terms of our supposed colors, black and white, is to me completely unacceptable. Typical example of this in your Overseership, is Geelhoutpark, Rustenburg Noord and Koster, where whites have to worship first and when they are done and gone, it is only then that you can come in and do your thing. I cannot witness this happening any further, let alone to be part of it, perpetuating this arrangement. This is killing me softly.” - Ex-OAC Evangelist

    7. Allegations of racism and ill-treatment of black congregants rock Old Apostolic Church

      The Fairlands South and Princess Congregation Committee said black congregants were subjected to “ill-treatment” due to their race and many ended up leaving the church.

    8. The Church is growing rapidly into Eastern and Mid Africa and millions are pouring into the offer boxes. Hence the appointment of token Apostles to please the black members. These black Apostles do not enjoy the extremely high salaries that the white Apostles enjoy. They do not enjoy the property benefits the white Apostles enjoy.

      Many Apostles are given the opportunity to buy luxury properties at the original buying price paid in the 80's or 90s. Whilst black Apostles must pay the current market value. Hence calling them “ token Apostles”.

      In closing, the Old Apostolic Church exerts such high authority over its members and officers that you basically become a pawn. Very little family time is allowed and permission must be asked to stay home to spend time with your family.

      Permission must be asked to make any travel arrangements.

      Permission must be asked before making any big financial decisions like purchasing a new car or home.

      Is the Old Apostolic Church a cult?

  4. Apostle Ninow died in 1951, so how did he appoint Apostle Ndlovu in 1966? guys you feeding people false information.

    1. There were several “apostle” Ninows.
      Carl Friedrick Wilhelm Ninow died in 1951.
      His brother, Ernest Frederick Wilhelm Ninow died in 1966.
      Both of them were ordained as “apostles” in the OAC.
      Ernest Frederick Wilhelm Ninow’s son, H. H. Ninow was also ordained as an “apostle” in 1960.
      Jim Scotch Ndlovu was ordained as an “apostle” in 1961 to succeed “apostle” Samuel K. Hlatswayo.

    2. After Apostle Hlatshwayo Apostle Ndlovu was ordained because of fraud and bigamist Ndlovu was removed by Apostle Heunis,then after Apostle Masetloa lasted for three weeks and continue from Ndlovu action and was immediately removed then was replaced by Apostle Now junior who subsiquently annointed Apostle Moses.Then followed the chief Apostle Boshoff Then Apostle Mahlangu, Apostle Nkosi followed with many other Apostles for the church was growing

    3. Clearly all these “Apostles” mentioned above were all false apostles because not one of them were ever with the eleven apostles when the Lord Jesus went in and out among them, beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that Jesus was taken up from them. The OAC “Apostles” can therefore not be witnesses with the first eleven apostles of Jesus’ resurrection [ACT 1:21-26]. The first true apostles established Christian communities and appointed bishops and deacons as officers in these communities, not a succession of apostles to replace them (PHP 1:1-2, 1TI 3:1-13, TIT 1:7-9). Timotheus was ordained the first bishop of the church of the Ephesians [2TI 4:22] and Titus was ordained the first bishop of the church of the Cretians, from Nicopolis of Macedonia [TIT 3:15].

    4. You are right. They are the false apostles. They are not a witness for Jesus. They don't believe in Jesus from Nazareth.
      The only witness they are, is from themselves.

  5. There is no second coming of Jesus christ since he is already amongst us through the holy spirit he left us to receive in his name, by the hands of the living (in human flesh) apostle.

    1. I think you may find the following posts interesting and more relevant to your comment:
      Doctrine - Waiting for Jesus:
      History - Klibbe’s letter
      Doctrine - OAC’s version of Jesus
      Doctrine - Apostles today:
      Doctrine - Apostle laying hands:

      Please feel free to post your comments after reading through the above posts and comments.

    2. I would also like to leave you with the following passages to ponder before your next comment, unless they’re missing from your Bible:

      John 16:5-7
      But now I go my way to him that sent me;
      and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth;
      It is expedient for you that I go away:
      for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you;
      but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

      Acts 1:9-11
      And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up;
      and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
      Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

      1 Thessalonians 1:9-10
      For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;
      And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

      1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
      But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:
      and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
      Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
      and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

      2 Thessalonians 1:7-10
      And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
      Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
      When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

      Revelation 1:4-7
      John to the seven churches which are in Asia:
      Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come;
      and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;
      And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father;
      to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
      Behold, he cometh with clouds;
      and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him:
      and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

      Please feel free to read the verses before and after the verses above for context.

  6. Thanks very much for info tell who send for the world if the leaving apostle is false

    1. I assume you're trying to ask the following question:
      "who is sent for the world if the living apostle is false?"

      There is only ONE TRUE living Apostle and His name is Christ Jesus, please read Hebrews 3:1. For more information, please read:
      Doctrine - Apostles today:

      The above post along with the comments should provide you with more than enough information to answer your question. Please feel free to comment there too.

  7. Really good stuff here, thanks.
    More info that is probably available elsewhere.
    My prayer is for the re-unification of all the Apostolic Churches.

    1. The history of the Irvingite “Apostolic Churches” shows that they have never been unifed ever since they began in the 1800s. They were born out of schisms and every Irvingite “Apostolic Church” thereafter came about because of a schism.

      My prayer is that everyone in the OAC gets to know Jesus.

      1 Corinthians 12:24-25
      For our comely parts have no need:
      but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
      That there should be no schism in the body;
      but that the members should have the same care one for another.


    There’s a popular urban legend among OAC members that while Klibbe was overseas, Schlaphoff was placed temporarily in charge of the Old Apostolic Church. Legend has it that Schlaphoff then assumed the role of “Apostle” of the Old Apostolic Church and somewhere along the line Schlaphoff believed Klibbe had drowned when his ship sank. Apparently Klibbe then returned on another ship to Schlaphoff’s surprise, but Schlaphoff refused to relinquish his role as “Apostle” because of all the financial benefits. This according to the legend is how the New Apostolic Church under Schlaphoff split off from the Old Apostolic Church. That’s more or less the urban legend in a nutshell.

    There are several holes to this myth/legend:
    1908 - Klibbe went to Germany to attend an apostles meeting of the New Apostolic Church.
    1908 - The only ship that sank that year between Hamburg and South Africa was the SS Loanda, a cargo ship where no loss of life was reported.
    1909 - The church was incorporated under Act 31 of 1909 (Transvaal) known as the New Apostolic Church (Africa) under the leadership of Klibbe.
    1909 - In that same year, the SS Waratah disappeared while sailing from Durban to Cape Town with 211 passengers and crew aboard. Klibbe was in the Transvaal at the time.
    1910 - Klibbe ordained Schlaphoff from an evangelist to a bishop in Cape Town.
    1911 - The Lyndhurst, a ship carrying petroleum from Sumatra to South Africa was abandoned by her crew off Port Elizabeth after she caught fire, all crew safe. That was the third and the last ship that sunk between 1908 and 1913 on a South African route.
    1913 - Klibbe was informed of his excommunication from the New Apostolic Church which eventually led to the court case of 1926.

    This urban legend therefore seems to be nothing more than yet another fictitious story.
