OAC member #1 wrote:
“...No razor shall come on the head of Samson
because his might is in his hair. So beloved let's look this teaching in a
spiritual concept, what is this hair that must not be cut and who is Samson
OAC member #2 wrote:
“…samson ke moya wo o phelang within us.. n de hair
dat must nt b cut off is our own identity of being called israelites or child
of God.. if separat ourselves frm God,dats wen de hair has been cut off...”
For those of
you who don’t understand Southern Sotho, this member is saying “…samson is a living spirit within us… and
the hair that must be cut off is our own identity of being called Israelites or
child of God… if we separate ourselves from God, that’s when the hair has been
cut off…”
OAC member #3 wrote:
“...Sal se dusi sewe dae se aktiwiteite dus war os
krag le een dag weg van jo aktiwiteit af en j vloor i vlegsels dus mar my
siening goeie dag my broeders en susters...”
For those of
you who don’t understand Afrikaans slang, this member is saying “...Will say
it’s the seven days of activities that’s where our power lies one day absent
from your activity and you lose your pleats that’s my view good day my brothers
and sisters...”
OAC member #1
replied: “...Samson can also be the officer that
leads us we as the members and the hair is us brothers and sisters because
without us Priest/Anderdeacon has no power...”
The comments
above are actual examples of “bread breaking” and in this instance the “bread
breaking” is about Samson and his hair!
bread” in OAC terms is when
verses of Scripture or “teachings” are discussed in imaginative detail
to discover so-called hidden “mysteries” or “spiritual” interpretations. This is
where the Bible loses its actual meaning in an attempt to discover its “spiritual” meaning, and
imaginations run wild. OAC members are
encouraged to partake by being told that nobody is wrong in their
understanding. This means that even lies and unbiblical statements can be
accepted as truth. This is considered as being led by the “spirit” because the “letter is
dead”. Ironically, members of the OAC accuse members
of other churches of believing in a “god of imagination” because they worship
the real Jesus of Nazareth who lived
on earth 2000 years ago. During “bread breaking” members ask questions which
are totally irrelevant to the meaning of the whole passage. They will focus on
a single word or single verse out of context and elaborate a whole imaginative
teaching from that single word or verse without reading that word or verse in
the context of the whole chapter.
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Literal breaking of bread |
OAC members don’t
believe Jesus performed literal
miracles because they don’t believe the Bible should be interpreted literally.
For instance when Jesus fed thousands with a
few loaves and a few fish, the “bread” is commonly believed within the OAC to have been “teaching” which multiplied as it was discussed.
The “teaching” gets broken down into easy to
understand pieces (bite sized) because your ears are your mouth and your mind
is your stomach. The fish is commonly believed within the OAC to be souls
(fishers of men), and as “teaching” is shared, souls are added to the
When Jesus fed the thousands, the
Bible mentions loaves. A loaf is bread that has been raised (Matthew 14:13-21, Matthew
15:32-39, Mark 6:30-44, Mark 6:52, Mark 8:1-10, Luke 9:10-17,
John 6:1-15).
- OAC members believe the loaves are words of “teaching”, but there are no loaves mentioned for example when Jesus spoke to the multitudes during His sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7). Jesus did however teach us to prayerfully ask for our daily bread (Matthew 6:11); and compared bread as a good gift as opposed to a stone (Matthew 7:9).
- OAC members believe fish are souls, but there is no mention of fish for example during Peter’s sermon at Pentecost and God added to the church daily (Acts 2:14-47).
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Literal loaves and fish |
Jesus was quite clear when He
meant for something to be understood literally or figuratively (Matthew 16:5-12,
Mark 8:14-21,
Luke 12:1-3
etc.) The rest of the Bible is also very clear when something should be
understood figuratively (1 Corinthians 5:6-8, 1 Corinthians 10:15-17, Galatians 5:7-9
We read
about the breaking of bread in Luke 24:35, Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 20:7.
When read in context we see that the activity of breaking bread is not the same
activity as expounding Scripture:
- Expounding Scripture (Luke 24:25-27, Luke 24:32)
- Breaking bread (Luke 24:30, Luke 24:35)
Later we
read that Jesus after He was
resurrected ate a piece of broiled fish when He appeared to His disciples (Luke 24:36-43).
Jesus’ disciples came
together daily for meals together and this included sharing their bread because
they had all things common (Acts 2:44).
We also read
about the unleavened bread that Jesus broke during Passover.
The Passover meal is a family meal and Jesus also had a special
Passover meal (commonly known as the Lord’s Supper) with His disciples (Matthew
26:17-30, Mark 14:12-26 and Luke 22:7-38). He also washed
His disciples’ feet (John 13:2-17) before the meal signifying by
this humble deed that God’s power lies in love and sacrifice. His disciples are
expected to serve one another in humility.
The breaking
of bread is not to be understood literally according to members of the OAC, but they
celebrate “avondmaal” once a month where they literally
break unleavened bread (Matzo) during the service.
1 Corinthians 11:26 For as
often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death
till he come.
See also what the OAC’s founding
father Carl George Klibbe wrote about Jesus’ return, and how this differs with
the OAC’s doctrine today.
If breaking
bread at “avondmaal” is to be done literally, then
there’s no reason why members’ feet shouldn’t also be literally washed prior to
“avondmaal” being served according to the
example that Jesus set for us (John 13:8-17).
In summary, “bread
breaking” in the OAC is a form of
Bible study, but without confirmation from the Bible because “the letter killeth”.
Let’s read “the letter killeth” in the context in which it was
2 Corinthians 3:3-7 Forasmuch
as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us,
written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables
of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart. And such trust have we through
Christ to God-ward: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing
as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; Who also hath made us able
ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the
letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. But if the ministration of
death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children
of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his
countenance; which glory was to be done away:
The letter
that kills is the Mosaic law chiselled in stone because it meant a literal death
sentence to the sinner or transgressor of the law (Leviticus 20:10-21, Deuteronomy
22:22-27, John 8:4-12). The words that Jesus spoke are spirit and
life and they are written in the Bible (John 6:63).
appears to be a clear aversion in the OAC to actual Bible
study. When I was still active in the OAC, single verses
were always quoted out of context to mean something completely different and
termed as “bread breaking”. The term “Bible study” did not exist in our
In July
1835, there were twelve ʺliving apostlesʺ ordained in the Albury circle. The words of
these “apostles” were considered to be more
authoritative and binding than Scripture. Some of them were of the highest
political and social standing. Eight of them were members of the Church of England; three of the Church of Scotland and one of them from
the Independents when they held their first council in Albury in 1835.
Hermann Christoph Niehaus in 1896
called the Bible “...withered hay and stinking
stagnant well water...”
An OAC member wrote:
“...What God has given to the Apostles is Authority over the
“...the Apostolic spiritual guidence is Supreme. To us (OAC),
a bible/translation will always remain just that...”
compared to what Paul wrote, the “apostles” in modern times differ vastly
from what the apostle wrote in the first century.
2 Timothy 3:15-17 And
that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make
thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture
is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be
perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Other topics
discussed during “bread breaking”:
Eve the soul of Adam?
Sometimes OAC members don’t
know what to talk about and then they’ll ask if there’s anyone who has “bread”
to put on the table. On one such occasion the OAC “priest” shared what was spoken about
during the Sunday service. His fellow OAC “priest” preached that morning about Adam
and Eve, and explained that Adam is the body and Eve is the soul. The OAC “priest” said it’s only when the soul is
female that the Holy Spirit can fellowship with the soul. An OAC “underdeacon” said that the soul is female
and he misquoted Isaiah 54:5 out of context as a proof text, which
incidentally makes no mention of a soul’s gender, but the city of Jerusalem (Isaiah 49:14-26,
51:17-23, Isaiah 52:1-12).
OAC members don’t
seem to know that the LORD God formed Adam of the dust of the ground, breathed
into his nostrils and Adam became a living soul (Genesis 2:7, 1 Corinthians
15:45). Afterwards the LORD God took one of Adam’s ribs and made Eve
2:21-25, 1 Corinthians 11:8-9, 1 Timothy 2:13). Adam and Eve
were both bone and flesh (Genesis 2:23-24, Matthew 19:3-9, Mark 10:6-12,
Corinthians 6:16-17, 1 Corinthians 7:2-4, Ephesians 5:28-31). OAC members don’t
seem to understand that the man Adam was a living soul even before Eve was
the animals in Noah’s ark a “yes” and “no” in your head?
An OAC member asked
about the animals on Noah’s ark. Another OAC member confirmed
that at an “apostle” sealing service, the “apostle” states that God the Father seals
all the animals, birds and serpents inside of you which are paired as a “yes”
and a “no”. The “brother” gift is apparently the ark and the “brother” must have control over the “buffalo spirit”, “lion spirit”, “dove spirit” etc. The “brother” will release these “animal spirits” from the ark
with other “soul spirits”.
animals on Noah’s ark weren’t spirits, they were all flesh with the breath of
life (Genesis
6:17-20, Genesis 7:15-16). Noah was instructed to take
of every clean beast by sevens, male and female. Of the beasts that were not
clean he took by two, male and female (Genesis 7:2).
After the flood Noah and
his family were also permitted to eat animals besides green herbs for food (Genesis 9:1-3).
Nowhere does the Bible say
that a “yes” and a “no” are male and female animal spirits inside your head (Matthew 5:37,
Corinthians 1:17-20, James 5:12).
Noah get drunk on too much responsibility?
An OAC member wanted to
know what it meant that Noah drank and got drunk. Another OAC member said it
had something to do with the vineyard which he planted himself and that Noah
probably got drunk with the spirit. Then an OAC “priest” asked what it means to drink wine
spiritually. Some OAC members asked if
it’s when one is full of the Holy Spirit. Then the OAC “priest” gave a clue by referring to Jesus when He said let this
bitter cup pass me by. Then he went on to explain that Noah got drunk because
he drank only wine and this apparently means he just did deeds all by himself
without any help. Apparently the modern equivalent is that Noah wrote and
performed in plays, opened and closed the curtains, led the choir, was the
doorman, Sunday school teacher and so on. One person can’t do everything. Then
the OAC “priest” elaborated further by saying that
when one person does everything, the other members who aren’t involved will be
quick to criticise and in so doing expose that person’s nakedness. Instead of
also drinking from the bitter cup, they don’t contribute and by so doing the
salt loses its savour. Apparently that’s why Noah got drunk because he had to
drink the whole cup all by himself without any help.
drank of the wine from his vineyard, was drunken and uncovered in his tent (Genesis 9:21).
The Bible doesn’t say anything about Noah being too busy; he simply enjoyed the
fruits of his labour, he got drunk and was sleeping it off in his tent (Genesis 9:24).
Only Ham saw his nakedness whereas Shem and Japheth had more respect for their
father by looking away and covering Noah while he slept (Genesis 9:22-23).
Nowhere does the Bible
refer to wine or the fruit of the vine as being the spirit. When either man or
woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to separate
themselves unto the LORD, they are not to eat or drink anything at all from the
vine (Numbers
6:2-4). The Bible warns us not to be drunk with wine, but rather to
be filled with the spirit (Ephesians 5:18).
Jesus never said “let this
bitter cup pass me by”. However, the “bitter” cup that Jesus referred to in
Gethsemane was not a cup of the fruit of the vine (Matthew 26:39-46). Jesus had already shared a
cup of the fruit of the vine with His disciples earlier that evening (Matthew
26:27-28). Afterwards Jesus said that He will not
drink the fruit of the vine until the day when He drinks it new with them in
His Father's kingdom (Matthew 26:29). This was before He mentioned
the “bitter” cup in Gethsemane. The “bitter” cup refers to suffering and death
(Matthew 20:22-28).
David’s five stones the five “offices”?
An OAC member asked
what the five stones that David picked up were. Another OAC member suggested
that it was the five “gifts”. This was endorsed by several
other OAC members and they
referred to the “apostle”, “prophet”, “evangelist”, “pastor and teacher” as the five stones.
Then an OAC “priest” said that the five stones
are teachings picked up out of the “underdeacon” stream, and that David’s
sling was actually his tongue and he slew Goliath with the “evangelist” gift.
order for David to have spoken to the Philistine, he had to have used his
tongue (1
Samuel 17:45-47). The sling was only used after David had spoken to
the Philistine (1
Samuel 17:48-50). David didn’t preach Goliath to death with some
teaching or OAC “gift”.
Why did David pick up five
smooth stones from the brook (1 Samuel 17:40)? He was prepared, he wouldn’t
have known that one smooth stone would be enough to end the battle and that the
other Philistines would flee instead of attacking (1 Samuel 17:51). There were four
other giants related to Goliath that fell by the hand of David and his servants
in later battles (2 Samuel 21:15-22).
God really command stones to be turned into bread?
An OAC “priest” started the bread breaking
session by stating that the enemy came to Jesus while He was fasting in
the desert and told Him to make bread from the
stones. Then the OAC “priest” asked if there are any stones in
the desert. An OAC member replied
that you don’t get any stones in the desert, only sand. The OAC “priest” agreed and asked where did the
stones come from then. This got the OAC members
imaginations all fired up with answers ranging from the stones being hurtful
words hurled at one another to what camels could be “spiritually”. Then the OAC “priest” said that we first have to look
at how stones are formed. This led to more imaginative answers and OAC members becoming
more distracted. One OAC member said that
stones are non-OAC members with
hearts of stone. Another OAC member said that
he who has no sin casts the first stone. Yet another OAC member said that
John the Baptist was a camel because he wore camel hair. Another OAC member said that
the camel is the “underdeacon”. Then the OAC “priest” said we should first look at how
a stone is formed, namely with sand and water over a period of time. The OAC “priest” then asked what does sand and
water mean “spiritually”. An OAC member replied
that sand is sin and water is the gospel. Then the OAC “priest” asked how can an apostolic get hungry
if there is a meal every day and the soul was present at the meal. The OAC “priest” explained that when we get
hungry, we get weak and we start to fast by not attending any of the OAC activities,
opting to rather sit at home to ponder about disappointments. These
disappointments apparently build up over time and it’s these “stones” that are
revealed in the field. Then the OAC “priest” said that God tells him to turn
stones into bread.
is a total distortion of the facts and what’s written in the Bible (Matthew 4:1-11,
Mark 1:12-13,
Luke 4:1-13).
Nobody even bothered to read the relevant verses during this “bread breaking”
session. The Judaean Desert is full of stones and the
stones are real and they never came about by bitter disappointments. Fasting isn’t
the result of hunger; hunger is the result of fasting. God doesn’t command us
to turn stones into bread; it was satan the tempter who told Jesus to turn the stones into
bread (Matthew
4:3, Luke
4:3). Jesus answered by quoting
Scripture (Deuteronomy
8:3, Matthew
4:4, Luke
OAC “priest” totally missed the point. Jesus was tempted three times
by satan in the wilderness and the main point is how Jesus deals with temptation
in the light of His own humanity. Jesus shows us how to respond
to temptation – with Scripture.
Jesus was hungry and satan
tempted Him to convert stones into bread, Jesus replied with Scripture
8:3). When satan quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11-12) and tempted Jesus to jump off the top of
the temple so that the angels could catch Him, Jesus again replied with
Scripture (Deuteronomy
6:16). When satan tempted Jesus with all the power and
glory of the kingdoms of the world, Jesus again replied with
Scripture (Deuteronomy
a fish refer to testimony on Monday or Thursday evenings?
An OAC member wanted to
know what the meaning was of the two fish when Jesus fed the crowd with two
fish and five loaves.
This question gave rise to
many imaginative answers without anyone taking the time to consult the Bible on
this topic. One OAC member said it’s
the seven powers of faith, another OAC member said the
five loaves are the five gifts and the two fish are the brother and sister on testimony. Then an OAC “priest” intervened and said it’s the five
evenings when members receive bread during services, bread breaking, choir
practice and play practice etc. He further explained that the two fish are the two evenings when members catch fish
in the sea of nations. Everyone accepted this interpretation and all felt “enlightened” and thanked the “priest” for this wonderful revelation.
If anyone bothered to open
the Bible, they would’ve read about two separate incidents where Jesus fed thousands with a
few loaves and fish (Mark 8:19-21). On one occasion Jesus broke five loaves among
five thousand and twelve baskets of fragments were gathered afterwards (Matthew
14:17-21, Mark 6:38-44, Luke 9:12-17, John 6:5-13).
On another occasion Jesus broke seven loaves
among four thousand and seven baskets of fragments were gathered afterwards (Matthew
15:34-38, Mark 8:1-9). How can OAC members not
understand this?
The people followed Jesus; He healed their sick,
taught them many things and then fed them in the evening. On the other occasion
Jesus only fed the multitude
after they were with Him for three days. In every instance the loaves and the
fish were eaten simultaneously, and not on separate days.
Jesus known only as Christ Jesus after crucifixion?
There’s a common fallacy in the OAC during “bread
breaking” that Jesus is the flesh and Christ is the gift or spirit. It is commonly believed
that after Jesus was crucified He became
known only as Christ Jesus.
OAC members don’t seem
to realise or understand that Jesus is the Christ (Matthew 1:16, Matthew 16:20,
26:63, Matthew 27:17, Matthew 27:22, Mark 12:35,
John 20:31,
Acts 2:36,
Acts 17:3,
Acts 18:5,
Acts 18:28,
Romans 8:11,
1 John 2:22,
1 John 5:1).
Even after His crucifixion
the Bible continues to refer to Jesus as Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38, Acts 3:6, Acts 3:20, Acts 4:10, Acts 5:42, Acts 8:12, Acts 8:37, Acts 9:34, Acts 10:36, Acts 11:17, Acts 15:11, Acts 15:26, Acts 16:18, Acts 16:31, Acts 20:21, Acts 28:31, Romans 1:1, Romans 1:3, Romans 1:6-8, Romans 2:16,
Romans 3:22,
Romans 5:1,
Romans 5:11,
Romans 5:15,
Romans 5:17,
Romans 5:21,
Romans 6:3,
Romans 6:11,
Romans 6:23,
Romans 7:25,
Romans 13:14,
Romans 15:6,
Romans 15:8,
15:16-17, Romans 15:30, Romans 16:18, Romans 16:20,
16:24-25, Romans 16:27, 1 Corinthians 1:1-4, 1 Corinthians
1:7-10, 1 Corinthians 2:2, 1 Corinthians 3:11, 1 Corinthians
5:4…all the way through to Revelation 1:1-2, Revelation 1:5, Revelation 1:9,
12:17, Revelation 22:21)
and Christ Jesus (Acts 19:4, Romans 3:24, Romans 8:1-2,
Romans 8:39,
Romans 15:5,
Romans 16:3,
Corinthians 1:2, 1 Corinthians 1:30, 1 Corinthians 4:15…all the way through
to Philemon
1:6, Philemon
1:23, Hebrews 3:1, 1 Peter 5:10, 1 Peter 5:14).
Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, Christ and Jesus are used
interchangeably throughout the New Testament and all refer to Jesus as the Christ, they are one and the
Jesus Christ become many people?
An OAC “underdeacon” explained that we shouldn’t
cling to the Jesus of 2000 years ago
because when He was glorified
it actually meant He increased in number, going from
singular to plural. The OAC apparently has a
different definition for glorified. The OAC “underdeacon” used this logic to explain
why he believed the OAC is the glorified
and collective body of Christ, and why he believes the OAC is the Son of God! Then an OAC member explained
further that the word is God, him and his Father are one and therefore he (the OAC member) is the Son of God. When the OAC “underdeacon” was asked for a reference he
misquoted John
12:23-24 out of context. An OAC “priest” then continued by saying that the
Jesus of Nazareth from 2000
years ago never rose physically from the dead, but rose in a glorified body,
i.e. a plural body which is the OAC. Then the OAC “underdeacon” misquoted 1 Corinthians
12:12-14 out of context to support this statement. Another OAC “priest” also explained that Jesus of Nazareth showed at
the last supper that his body will in future consist of many members yet one
body, and that Jesus of Nazareth was the
first vessel in which the Christ was manifested.
Misquoting verses out of
context leads to OAC members having a
god-complex and preaching a
different Jesus and gospel to the Bible.
According to Strong’s, the word “glorified”
is translated from the Greek word doxazō
and is defined as:
to render (or esteem) glorious (in a wide application): -
(make) glorify (-ious), full of (have) glory, honour, magnify.
Glorify is to make glorious,
exalt to the glory of heaven, transform into something more splendid.
Jesus is the Head of the
church, He didn’t become a church (Ephesians 5:23-32, Colossians 1:18). There is only
one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). Only through Jesus the only begotten Son
of God (John
3:16-18) can we become sons of God (John 1:12-13, Romans 8:12-17).
Jesus is the only way to the
Father (John
14:6, 1 Timothy 2:5). Jesus rose physically from the dead,
He was still the same singular flesh and bones Jesus after His resurrection (Luke 24:39-40,
20:24-29, 1 Corinthians 15:12-19, Acts 1:2-3). It was expedient
that Jesus should go away so that
He could send the Holy Spirit (John 16:4-14). The OAC’s “apostles” weren’t there because they only
started in South Africa in 1927 after
breaking away from the New Apostolic Church. A branch that
has fallen off a tree loses its claim to the roots of the tree.
Saul see a church on his way to Damascus?
An OAC member wanted to
know what the light was that Saul saw on his way to Damascus. It
was explained that it was the OAC members whom he
was persecuting that revealed the gospel to him on his way to Damascus.
The OAC never existed
prior to 1927. Those that Saul persecuted
remained well out of his way and nowhere does it say that Saul spoke to church
members on his way to Damascus, it was Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 9:3-8,
Acts 22:6-11). He was blinded by the light from heaven and
the men that were with him had to guide him to Damascus. Once he got to
Damascus he was still without sight for three days and he didn’t eat nor drink
(Acts 9:9).
He stayed in the house of Judas (Acts 9:11). Ananias was apprehensive about
going to Saul because of his reputation, but the Lord reassured him (Acts 9:10-16).
It was only once Saul had met Ananias that his sight was restored and he was
filled with the Holy Ghost (Acts 9:17-18, Acts 22:12-16).
These were just a few of the topics
discussed during “bread breaking”, but there are quite literally thousands of topics discussed in the
same manner. OAC members mislead
one another with false and unbiblical teachings, and then pat themselves on the
back afterwards for being so “spiritually minded”.
the topic at the start of this post, let’s see what actual Bible study reveals
about Samson.
The angel of
the Lord instructed Samson’s mother even before his birth to raise him as a
Nazarite so that he could deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines (Judges 13:5-7).
This demonstrates the fact that God has a plan, a purpose and a destiny for a
person even while still in the womb which is also confirmed by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5).
A Nazarite
is someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline; they do not cut
their hair and take a vow of abstinence from any food grown on the vine,
including wine. Many Nazarite vows are taken on a temporary basis while some
people live their entire lives under the vow (Numbers 6:2-21).
aspects comprised the Nazarite vow:
- 1. No intoxicating drink or anything from the vine (Numbers 6:3-4)
- 2. Hair must remain uncut (Numbers 6:5)
- 3. No contact with the dead (Numbers 6:6-7)
Such a vow indicates the
dedication of all a man’s strength and service unto the Lord (Numbers 6:8).
The definition for the Hebrew
root word nâzir means to be made
separate. A Nazarite therefore, is separated from worldly activities to focus
on serving God alone.
Sadly, even
though Samson possessed super strength through the Spirit of the Lord, he
failed morally and spiritually in his calling as a Nazarite. His Nazarite vow
did not make him holy.
Giving in to
temptation leads to sin. Samson went to the vineyards of Timnath (Judges 14:5)
which would’ve been a tempting invitation to break the Nazarite vow regarding
the vine (Numbers
6:3-4). Had he avoided the vineyards he would not have encountered
the lion. His encounter with the lion led to further sin (Judges 14:8-9) when he broke the
Nazarite vow regarding contact with the dead (Numbers 6:6-7).
God will
even use a sinful man to do His will. Samson’s acts of rebellion led him into
situations that caused him to sin. God was still able to use him for His glory.
Samson’s encounter with the lion would’ve given him the confidence to face the
Philistines (Judges
15:3-8, Judges 15:14-16). God used Samson to lead
Israel out of their oppression, despite Samson’s sin.
There are
still consequences for sin. Samson’s fleshly weakness for women would
ultimately lead to his downfall (Judges 14:1-3, Judges 16:1, Judges 16:4).
He married a Philistine woman against his parent’s wishes and then the final
part of the Nazarite vow (Numbers 6:5) was broken when his hair was cut
16:17-19). Samson gained confidence from previous violations which
seemed to have gone unpunished. He thought he could continue as before, not
knowing that the Lord had departed from him (Judges 16:20). Mighty Samson was
reduced to a sad example of tragic ignorance; the Philistines poked his eyes
out, chained him and put him in prison. King Saul also had to face the
consequences of his actions when the Lord left him (1 Samuel 28:5-6).
The lesson here
is that if we willingly and continually walk into temptations that lead us to
sin, we will suffer the consequences of our disobedience even though God still
uses us to do His will.
Samson ended
up blind, humbled and in prison. In the end, Samson understood where his great
strength came from – his dependence on God (Judges 16:28). Samson never
understood his true purpose though, because he was still driven by personal
revenge and it cost him his life. The many blessings Samson might have seen
were never realized. Samson ended up killing more Philistines with one final
act of strength than he did in his whole life (Judges 16:30). With his death,
God’s purposes prevailed and the people of Israel were delivered from the
The lesson
here teaches us that it’s never too late to turn back to God, no matter how
much time we’ve wasted.
Samson, there are also other lessons in the Bible warning us against temptation
which leads to sin (James 1:14-15).
- Sin blinds (2 Peter 1:5-7)
- Sin binds (2 Peter 2:19)
- Sin becomes a bad habit (2 Peter 2:22)
The effects
of sin are not easily removed, it is better to never yield to temptation at
all. During Samson’s reign he was a bad example and ignored the consequences of
sinning wilfully, he continually broke his vow.
Each of us has
also been given a precious calling and a destiny. We cannot live only for
ourselves or for the gratification of our fleshly desires. We were bought with
a price and our lives are not our own (2 Corinthians 5:14-17). Just as Samson was
given special strength by God, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians
I hope that
this piece of Bible study will encourage you to start reading and studying your
Bible. The sword of the Spirit is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17). Reading single words
or verses out of context and calling it “bread breaking” will only lead you
further from the truth. “Private revelations”
shouldn’t be trusted apart from confirmation in the literal Word because God
doesn’t leave His Word to private interpretation.
See also:
- Spiritual vs Natural
- A doctrine too vast
- The “spiritual” earth
- The “spiritual” light
- The “spiritual” water
- The “spiritual” kingdom
Deuteronomy 8:3 And he
humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna,
which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee
know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.
Matthew 4:4 But he
answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but
by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Luke 4:4 And Jesus
answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread
alone, but by every word of God.
Note of interest: The dates on both Constitutions that you have on the right side pane are both wrong.
ReplyDeleteThanks. It's fixed now :-)
DeleteThanks bro injalo.there other group full of officers naph most kuyafundwa ngayo le nkonzo its mostly bread esp about The Most basic questions we hv Where is heaven?Why heaven is not in sky?Where is God Who is God it’s a very good group i like it a lot justices ngayo le oac…I will ask link now if you interested to join
ReplyDeleteFollow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bwobj8Ozhm89fXP4tJgKO0
Thanks Mr Tsotetsi, but...
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Goeie dag ampsbroers broers en sisters
ReplyDeleteDie hare beeld die genade gawe uit wat in die vrou/gemeente sal heers
Deur die wedergeboorte het oms deel aan gawe van God wat ook die krag van God is
Die ou testament is n profetiese aankondiging
Die krag van God maak al die “leeus” dws leuens en onregtighede in die hart vd mens dood
Die grootste “leeu” wat bedood moet word was Saul daarom het die krag van God “geestelike hare” hom bedood
Simson het 7 haarvlegsels gehaat, dis die 7 kragte, van die huispriester tot by die Apostel.
DeleteAi ai ai julle, ek wed nie een van julle het die hele gedeelte oor Simson ooit gelees nie. In plaas daarvan om te sit en nonsens uit te dink, doen asseblief die moeite en gaan lees eers Rigters, Hoofstukke 13 tot 16. Dis regtig net drie hoofstukke en die moeite werd om te lees, probeer dit gerus.
DeleteSo bietjie stof tot nadenke:
Hoekom mag vroue hulle nie met vlegsels versier nie [1Ti 2:9-10]?
Hoekom word haarvlegtery as verganklik beskou [1Pe 3:3-4]?