This is an OAC document
explaining why “The Sealing” is required from the OAC perspective. My comments are
in blue font. - Ex-OAC
The Sealing
I am
requested to present myself for Sealing, What for? What does it mean?
gentiles i.e. before Christ Jesus were known as heathens as they were not of
the chosen race namely Jews who was the only race who knew and worshipped God.
Ex-OAC: Not all Gentiles were known as heathens, the word Gentile is
translated from the Hebrew word gôy
which could mean Gentile or heathen or nation or people. It’s the same word
used when Abraham was promised that he would become a great (gôy) nation (Genesis 12:2, Genesis 17:4-5, Genesis 25:23, Genesis 48:19).
Abraham was a Hebrew (Genesis 14:13) and he was the father of Isaac, and Isaac was the father of
Jacob. Jacob became Israel and from him the twelve tribes of Israel. Judah was one
of the sons of Israel and it’s from this tribe that we get the term “Jew”.
Jews are not a race, Moses
married an Ethiopian woman (Numbers 12:1) and Ruth was a
Moabite who gave birth to David’s grandfather Obed (Ruth
![]() |
Ethiopian Jews (also read Acts 8:27-28) |
word of God was kept within the Jewish race and was handed down from Father to
Son and thus the Knowledge of God and his creation was unknown to the Gentiles.
Ex-OAC: The knowledge of creation as understood by the Jews and
Christianity in general is quite different to how the OAC interprets the
creation account of Genesis 1. The OAC believe for
instance that the earth
is the mind of a mortal man.
the Jews were God’s children, notwithstanding the fact they worshipped God they
were bound by the Laws of Moses which prevented them access to the promised
salvation. Hence the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ, who, being a perfect
Jew and thus the only Jew to fulfill the law, opened a new way of salvation
unto them by way of the cross.
Ex-OAC: It wasn’t only Jews that followed Moses out of Egypt; it was
all of the children of Israel (Exodus 1:1-7).
Christ was with them
when they followed Moses out of Egypt (1
Corinthians 10:1-4). Many of them were overthrown in the wilderness because they
lusted after evil things, idolatry, fornication etc. (1 Corinthians 10:5-11).
Jesus wasn’t a mere Jew;
He is the Son of God who was there from the very beginning of creation (John 1:1-3). Much like the paschal lamb was slaughtered and its blood on
the door posts kept the angel of death away from the children of Israel (Exodus 12:5-20, Leviticus 23:4-7), likewise Jesus
became our Passover Lamb and through His blood we are saved from death (Hebrews 7:24-27, Hebrews 10:4-14, 1 Peter 1:18-19). Without the blood of sacrifice there is no remission (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22).
Passover is revealed in
many Messianic prophecies:
Daniel 9 - the specific time
when Messiah would be cut off
Zechariah 9 - we are told of His
triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Psalms 41 - He would be betrayed
by a friend
Zechariah 11 - He would be sold for
thirty pieces of silver
Isaiah 53 - He would be wounded
for our sins and transgressions
God’s fulfillment of
prophecy is so perfect down to the hour that there’s no way that this could be
a coincidence.
By the
grace of Jesus Christ the way of salvation was than extended unto all mankind
Jews and Gentiles. His grace gave the gentiles who were not Gods Children the
privilege to be adopted and in so doing became a Co-Heir with Christ it was and
is necessary to be reborn or born of god.
Ex-OAC: Notice the small letters for “god”.
we realize that we are born of FLESH out of natural parents, hence we bear the
image of flesh. The three major constituents we therefore bear in our bodies as
living is; Water ~ Blood ~ Spirit. As is the natural so likewise the spiritual.
to become a Co-Heir with Christ it is now imperative that I became a new
creature, a creature born of God. That means that a major change must take
place in my life.
Ex-OAC: The malefactor that was crucified alongside Jesus believed
that Jesus is the Lord (Luke 23:39-43). Jesus didn’t tell
him to first do this or first do that or go searching for a “light” after he
died. Through his belief in Jesus as the Lord he became assured of a place in
paradise. Believing that Jesus is Lord and Messiah is the first priority (The
REAL Jesus, Jesus
is the ONLY Messiah).
It is
therefore needful for me to undergo a rebirth as a new birth, so as to gain
access to God’s salvation. WHY? For this reason that God is spirit and the
rebirth has to be out of God who is spirit. This means a complete change in my
life .a change of person to become a new creature. This change can only come
about by~ WATER ~ BLOOD~ SPIRIT. A spiritual rebirth.
Water of Jesus Christ which explains itself in St John 4v14 in which Jesus said
to the woman the well.”Give me water to
drink, and I shall give you water, that if you drink it you shall never thirst
“this water of Jesus Christ is the spiritual water that will cleanses the
mind and prevents a man from thirsting after unrighteousness, by his “word” The
water therefore means The preaching of the word or Testimony which I received
from the members of the church.
Ex-OAC: The water that Jesus is referring to is the salvation that He
obtained for us, it’s the water that will enable us to live forever (Isaiah 12:3, Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:1, Revelation 22:17), He quenches the
deepest thirst that man has for God and salvation (Psalms
63:1, Isaiah 41:17-18, Isaiah 55:1, Amos 8:11-13). The water is the Spirit which is received by those who believe on Jesus (Isaiah 12:3, Isaiah 44:3, Isaiah 58:11, Ezekiel 47:1-12, John 7:37-39, Acts 2:1-41, Colossians 3:16). Salvation is also for those who are illiterate, physically deaf and physically blind.
Sealing Cont//
In Isaiah
8 v 16 the Lord said “Bind the
testimony……in my disciples “It is through this testimony by members that
convinced me , brought me unto repentance and trough this water was my mind
washed of all unclean spirits such as hatred.selfishness ect.
Ex-OAC: Let’s take a closer look at the verse being quoted.
Isaiah 8:16 Bind up the testimony
(te‛ûdâh in Hebrew - attestation, that is, a precept, usage: -
seal the law
(tôrâh in Hebrew - a precept or statute, especially the 10
commandments or the Pentateuch: - law) among my disciples.
Those who speak not
according to the law and to the testimony have no light in them (Isaiah 8:20).
His Word is a light to my
feet (Psalms 119:104-105), the Holy Scriptures
makes me wise unto salvation through faith which is in Jesus (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of
the Lamb, they who have the testimony of Jesus worship God and the testimony of
Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:6-10).
the washing of the water by the word is confirmed in Ephesians 5 v 26
it is recorded in 1 Peter 3 v 20 that 8 souls were saved by water, a like
figure whereunto even Baptism doth save us (Not putting away the filth of the
flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God) by the resurrection of
Jesus Christ.
Ex-OAC: It’s not just any word spoken by a mere mortal that purifies
the soul, one is born again by the incorruptible and eternal word of God (1 Peter 1:22-23).
refers to suffering (upon the cross or the sacrifice made by the body of Jesus
Christ (Which is the church) as Jesus scarified his blood upon the cross in
order to reconcile man unto God so through the sacrificing of his blood today for me through his anointed officers
who labored, sacrificed themselves for me by doing so were my transgressions
blotted out I was reconciled onto God.
Ex-OAC: Firstly, Jesus Christ isn’t the OAC or any other church for
that matter. To say that Jesus Christ is the church is the same as saying the
husband is the wife! They may be one flesh but they are still two distinct
people. He is the head of the church and the savior of the body (Ephesians 5:23-33, Colossians 1:18).
Secondly, there is ONE
mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus (1 Timothy
there is no need for any other sacrifices to be made today for sin (Hebrews 7:24-27, Hebrews 10:10-14).
To undergo this
“Sealing” in the OAC is to deny the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for you
and you are still dead in your sins (1 Peter
anointed officers in the church are dully authorized by the apostle to
administer the Holy Communion representing the shedding of his blood and the
sharing (breaking) of his body. They are officers of reconciliation sent by
Ex-OAC: The OAC officers weren’t sent by the original Christ, they
broke away from the New Apostolic Church which broke away from the Catholic
Apostolic Church which first emerged in London in 1832 (The
schism tree).
This is
the final stage of my rebirth in which having my understanding opened by the
water (Testimony of the word by the members) through the blood by forgiving of
my transgressions by the anointed officers, I was endowed from on high with a
new spiritual mind and a tongue to speak a spiritual language I am now
possessed with a cloven tongue like as of fire for I have become a fiery person
with eagerness to converse godliness with others so that what I have I am
desirous to impart unto others.
Ex-OAC: This is false understanding based on the false interpretation
of the word water and the lie that the daily sacrifices by priests can
save you (Hebrews 7:24-27, Hebrews
There’s a false understanding
that the whole Bible needs to be understood as an allegory (Spiritual
vs Natural).
this is confirmed by the Apostle in the Administering of the 3rd Sacrament
that is of the Holy Ghost which is also known as “The Sealing” or the laying on of the hands of the Apostle.
In the
past, due to ignorance there was confusion as to the laying on of the hands of
the Apostle or the receiving of the Holy Ghost as to whether the Holy Ghost was
given on the day of the sealing or before.
order to clarify this misunderstanding I wish to state that I am not the
apostle but merely a servant of the Apostle (Hebrews 3 declares (“Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our
Profession Christ Jesus) which is the entire church as Paul says “Ye are the body of Jesus Christ”
Ex-OAC: It’s good to see some honesty, you’re right, you’re not an
However, when Paul said
we are the body of Jesus Christ, he meant in terms of being the bridesmaid (Matthew 25:1-13, Revelation 19:7-9) because Jesus is the
Bridegroom (Matthew 9:14-15, Mark 2:18-20, Luke 5:33-35, John 3:27-29, Ephesians 5:23-32).
You may also like my
post regarding apostles
Sealing Cont//
The day
of sealing the apostle lay’s his hands upon your head saying “Receive the Holy Ghost” In doing
so he merely confirms the work already done by the faithful members of the
church who are the hands of the Apostle that were laid upon your head at the
time of the testimony and who opened your understanding.
Ex-OAC: When Samaria had received the word of God, Peter and John
didn’t go and confirm the word of God that Samaria had already received. They
received the Holy Ghost only after Peter and John had laid hands on them (Acts 8:14-17).
When Paul laid hands on
the disciples at Ephesus it wasn’t a confirmation of anything done by Apollos.
After laying hands on them the Holy Ghost came on them and they spoke in
tongues and prophesied (Acts 19:1-6).
on the second round during the sealing the Apostle dips his forefinger into the
vessel of oil and makes a cross upon your forehead whilst saying “GOD the father seals you” The cross
denotes again suffering and blood. This is the sign that by the blood of Jesus Christ
were you purchased of God. The OIL represents the anointed power of GOD
which is the Holy Ghost.
Ex-OAC: You confirmed that you believe the “blood of Jesus Christ” to
“…the sacrificing of his blood today for me through his
anointed officers who labored, sacrificed themselves for me…”
This is completely
false and un-Biblical. The only seal you receive is that of an organization calling
itself the OAC.
This is
the seal of GOD which is confirmed in Isaiah 8 v 16 “Seal the laws in my disciples” The laws are the ordinances of the
church (Tenth, testifying – which have being carefully explained to you by the
anointed officers before taken up in the church.
Ex-OAC: You would’ve been told that the earth
is man, that light
is enlightenment (gnosis), that water
is the words spoken by OAC members and that heaven
is inside the members of the OAC.
seal (The sign of the cross) confirm the work of the anointed offices that were
authorized in the administration of the Holy Communion to reconcile you with
God (The blood upon the cross)
cross upon your forehead which the Apostle made with oil indication that the
anointed officers have comforted you by accepting you into his holy body and
that you are no longer orphaned. You have a new father (Which is God the word)
and a Mother (Which is Sarah the church) your mind have they calmed with oil
which is the comforting spirit of the Holy Ghost.
Ex-OAC: Simply stated, the words spoken by any OAC officer assigned to
you now become your father (Matthew 23:8-10, John 8:39-47) and the OAC becomes your mother (Galatians
Compare this statement with the verses between brackets.
now being sealed I have now (according to the scriptures) become (Begotten of
God) hence I am a child of God and therefore a joint heir with Christ and his
the way of salvation has being opened unto me
Ex-OAC: There is only one way for salvation, by man comes death but by
Jesus Christ comes life eternal (1 Corinthians 15:20-23). There is only one REAL
Jesus and He is the ONLY