your service and prayers for your husband
OAC Priests
at your service (original link – expired on locanto):
Apostolic Church Priest assisting to pray husbands dead (original link –
expired on locanto):
The history and doctrines of the Old Apostolic Church revealed. Read more about this enigmatic church that originated in South Africa. This is an Apostolic’s experience of this church.
T.O.K Apostel Vermaak (KZN en Namibië)
ReplyDeleteSaterdag 25 Mei
25) Sonde impliseer geestelike dood, (van God geskei) en veroorsaak dat die mens kortkom van die heerlikheid van God, as ons die standaard van volmaaktheid wat God vir ons gestel het, sou mis. Deur bekering en kennis verkry uit die evangelie word ons van ons sonde bevry.
Rom 3v23, Rom 6v23 and Luk 1v77.
H.T.C Apostle Vermaak (KZN and Namibia)
Saturday 25 May
25) Sin implies spiritual death which is a separation from God causing man to come short of the glory of God if we miss the standard of perfection God has set for us. Through repentance and knowledge gained from the gospel, we are freed from our sin.
Rom 3v23, Rom 6v23 and Luk 1v77.
Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Luk 1:77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,
… Through repentance and knowledge gained from the gospel, we are freed from our sin…??? You’re kidding right??? Did you ever bother to read the rest of those verses??? What about the blood of Jesus Christ??? What about the priests in the article above??? You believe the gift of priest is Christ and the underdeacon is the perfect brother, the priest is the perfect underdeacon, the elder is the perfect priest, the fourfold office is the perfect elder and the apostle is the perfect fourfold office!??
It was the serpent that said:
Ye shall not surely die (Gen 3:4)
your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Gen 3:5)
Uhm…sounds suspiciously much like the OAC’s doctrine…
Sin is transgression of the law of God (1Jn 3:4) and rebellion against God (Deu 9:7; Jos 1:18).
It was only Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for our sin (death) on the cross. He died for the sins of the entire world (1Jo 2:2). He did not inherit sin from Adam like we did. He bore the penalty for sin, but He never became a sinner. His pure and perfect nature was untouched by sin. He was treated as though He were guilty of all the sins ever committed by the human race, even though He committed none. In exchange, God imputed the righteousness of Christ to believers and credited our accounts with His righteousness, just as He had credited our sins to Christ’s account (2Co 5:21, Heb 10:1-39).
You receive a new identity when you place your faith in Christ Jesus and no, it’s not being called apostle, prophet, evangelist, overseer, elder, priest, underdeacon, brother or sister in the OAC!!!
It’s when you identify with Christ by leaving your old sinful life behind and embrace a new life in Christ (Mar 8:34-38, Luk 9:23-26, Col 3:1-3)!!!
To be in Christ means to accept His sacrifice as payment for our own sins, it doesn’t mean accepting an overplaced from the OAC who interprets church activities as bloodshed (Rom 3:9-31, Heb 10:10-18)!!!
Check out how this drunken OAC priest (police officer Molefe) from Pretoria West keeps the police at bay after he illegally fired his weapon. A man filled with the spirit?
It was all over the news and the video went viral:
Ironically the OAC HTC for that day spoke of “a covenant of loyalty and commitment to a common goal”.
16) Confession of Faith: Last Tenet: First Theme: Soul-bride: The souls of the members of the Church comprise this body of the spiritual bride of souls – about to marry Jesus Christ through a covenant of loyalty and commitment to a common goal. [REV 21:1-2 & PRO 31:10 - 31]
With such behavior from a “priest” can the OAC really expect the “world” to believe that they are “Jesus Christ, the Church”?
Never a dull moment…
DeleteOAC youth priest convicted of sexual assault (Oct 19, 2018)
Probe into irregularities, enrichment of staff at OAC (Aug 26, 2020)
Pressure on OAC to mend its ways and root out corruption (Mar 2, 2021)
It is sad that this behaviour of porno chats and sinfully engaging females are in full swing in the Gordons Bay and Macassar OAC, it seems because God forgive your sins you may fullhard using and abusing your congregants
ReplyDeleteMelvin Whitebooi, a journalist at Die Son was kept busy by the antics of OAC officers until he died of a heart attack in November, 2011. Die Son wasn't the only newspaper that was kept busy, here are links to articles that have since expired in other newspapers:
Ja jong, dit gaan ok maar woes hier inni boland, nie als word inni koerant aangemeldie maar hier is ok 2 wat inni koerant is
My ex-wife had these dreams she wrote down having sex with her son and the Priests as above gave her the assurance that it was not a problem as the dream is to construed as making love to God, all in all good dreams on several occasions, after I published these on Locanto Mr Saunders ( still detective in SAPS) responded to a female that he even read out the bible while my ex wife gave him a BJ
ReplyDeleteSo much for their so-called prophetic gifts and the same prophetic gifts that put those same people into office.
DeleteDie Apostolies glo om saligheid vir jou siel te kry is om in die werke van God te bly. Hulle werke is die aktiwiteite van die kerk, kragselle, koor, getuienis (nie dat ek ooit hoor van enige iemand wat uitgaan op getuienis nie, indien wel is dit na die lede in die kerk) ens. Weereens het ek altyd die vraag gevra dat hoe kan mens sielsaligheid kry om die aktiwiteite by te woon? Ons kan dit mos nie werklik werke noem nie….Die meeste van die tyd gaan almal maar net uit gewoonte en luister nie eers wat die Priester praat nie..Ek het al so baie vra gevrae, daar word net altyd Apostoliese antwoorde gegee wat nie vir my sin maak nie. Wat my ook negatief maak is die feit dat ons einste Onderdiaken die kat in die donker knyp en dan Sondae voor in die kerk ewe heilig te sit. Hy spog by mense dat as hy weggaan vir werk gaan kuier hulle lekker ens. Sy vrou skryf sulke mooi goed oor haar man op facebook maar weet nie naastenby van al sy manewales nie…
ReplyDeleteEk is so bly ek is nie meer daar nie, daar is WARE lewe en Christus LIEFDE buite die OAK!
DeleteWe should not distance ourselves, yes be glad your insight got you away from that influence, yet we should endeavour exposing the OAC, in the media, as these so called priests etc. believe with their influence undue on the congregants and typical Mr Beck from Bellville OAC Head Office saying all of the behaviour is an internal matter to the OAC, is criminal.I personally today spoke to a reporter at Die Son and she told me if I cannot produce recent wrongdoings they are not interested in exposing this bad behaviour. Us as a concerned community should be vigilant as we do understand many more females will be unduly used and abused in the OAC, with the leadership not trained nor skilled in the word of God using vulnerable beings for their sexual desires under the auspices of dreams/prophecies and visions.
DeleteThere's no point in attending a church that denies Jesus of Nazareth as the only begotten Son of God by referring to themselves as "His Son, Jesus Christ the Church". I would rather quote Revelations 18:4-5 to all OAC members, that way you will definitely not be "unduly used and abused in the OAC".
DeleteSo typical of OAC : Article on : - The Old Apostolic Church (OAC) has come under fire from child rights activists for allowing a Lavender Hill youth pastor facing a charge of sexual assault to join a week-long youth trip to Botswana.
DeleteThe church has defended its decision, saying they would not revoke or suspend the man’s pastoral duties until he is found guilty.
Lucinda Evans, Women and children protection activist and Mitchells Plain cluster CPF chairperson, said the church’s stance to “protect” the pastor was tantamount to "secondary trauma" for the victim.
The full article about the OAC youth priest is published here:
6 Feb 2020
ReplyDeleteConfession of Faith: Last Tenet: Second Theme: Serve Him in Submissiveness: To display this love for God (i.e. to be obedient to His words and to do His good will) without questioning the word of instruction that comes to us through His servants. [HEB 13:7]
Hebrews 13:7
7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
Perhaps "them which have the rule over you" haven't read the Bible yet, believing themselves to be God over you and are therefore NOT the servants of God?
DeleteSee what Peter, a TRUE apostle of the REAL Jesus Christ wrote:
1 Peter 5:1-4 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:
Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly;
not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.
And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.
ReplyDelete#CourtneyPieters - Church 'refuses' to hold her funeral
Western Cape / 19 May 2017, 09:51am / Saafia February
10 Feb 2020
ReplyDeleteConfession of Faith: Last Tenet: Second Theme: Summary (thus far): To “honour the brotherhood” is to recognise and have respect for the brotherhood of the Church; for both their person and office in the Church (as shepherds and teachers) and to regard them as God’s servants and children through whom He speaks and makes His will known unto us. [PSA 133:1-3]
Psalms 133:1-3
1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;
3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
If you have respect for persons then you’re committing sin (James 2:1-13).
DeleteColossians 3:22-25 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh;
not with eyeservice, as menpleasers;
but in singleness of heart, fearing God:
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance:
for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done:
and there is no respect of persons.
OMW.. (as shepherds and teachers) and to regard them as God’s servants and children through whom He speaks and makes His will known unto us. When Saunders and WIndvogel interpreted her dreams having sex with her son ( several dreams) and telling it is good dreams being like making love to God, she should do it, and Alexander Petrus shepherding her and teaching to take photos of her daughters breasts and sending to him, hallelujah your OAC God ( most probably your Apostle) has fantastic ways of delivering God's will
Delete20 Feb 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent teaching: We need to preach peace (the Gospel of the Kingdom of God) and live a Godly lifestyle to win and draw souls. Knowing that every good work is not of our own, but to glorify the Giver of the light. Let your holy life, your pure conversation and your faithful instructions, be everywhere for all to see. [HEB 13:20-21]
Hebrews 13:20-21
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
And then you get officers who were "prophesied" into the office through "prophetic gifts" who do NOT "live a Godly lifestyle to win and draw souls", and the OAC still have the audacity to claim that they are God's Son, Jesus Christ and that they are all in heaven already? This current teaching, where and how is the REAL Jesus Christ being glorified? He shed REAL blood for us on a REAL cross but you deny HIM as the ONLY Lord and Savior.
DeleteI guess the preaching of peace and godly lifestyle, by the OAC god ( Apostle and elder) signifies, typical not burying a child, child abuse by a priest( then allowing him on a camp with youth to further inflict god's will in abuse on the camp) interpreting dreams to have sex between mom and son ( it is like making love to the OAC god), influencing SAPS to let that same mom son, stealing tens of thousands from a member of the church tools go free, cause her dreams and visions so valuable to the OAC. Well done what a HOLY LIFE, priest saunders (SAPS) reading out of a bible been given a BJ same time, now that is evident drawing souls, godly teaching and laying principles down to serve the OAC leadership.
Delete21 Feb 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent teaching: In [1 CHR 13:1-4] David understood the servant leadership role he had to fulfil. He acknowledged everyone, humbly serving and leading them by the Spirit of God. Like David we have to fully understand our responsibility as the children of God, which is to glorify and fulfil His commandments.
1 Chronicles 13:1-4
1 And David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds, and with every leader.
2 And David said unto all the congregation of Israel, If it seem good unto you, and that it be of the LORD our God, let us send abroad unto our brethren every where, that are left in all the land of Israel, and with them also to the priests and Levites which are in their cities and suburbs, that they may gather themselves unto us:
3 And let us bring again the ark of our God to us: for we enquired not at it in the days of Saul.
4 And all the congregation said that they would do so: for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people.
Does anybody in the OAC ever know what the ark was all about (Exodus 25:10-22, Exodus 37:1-9)? Does anybody in the OAC realize that the two stone tablets upon which were written the Ten Commandments were placed inside the ark (Deuteronomy 10:1-22)? Does anybody in the OAC ever know what the Ten Commandments are (Exodus 20:3-17)?
DeleteDavid certainly understood the servant leadership, and so it seems the OAC priests gathering the females in as factual the Gordon's Bay married females with dreams and viswions, to stregthen the Apostle and Elders ark of whores, preparing them to be sent on testimony and gather other females so they can gather for the Apostle (god) pleasures and opening the gates of the OAC heaven of sin and distasteful pleasures. A homecoming in the Apostles ark, with his own commandments.
Delete22 Feb 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent teaching: We need to refresh / restore the ark, starting in our own lives and live by it daily so that we may be blessed. If this is our conduct it will bring about unity amongst God’s people, resulting in the strength of God being revealed? We must ensure all understand the value of the ark. [1 CHR 13:1-4]
1 Chronicles 13:1-4
1 And David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds, and with every leader.
2 And David said unto all the congregation of Israel, If it seem good unto you, and that it be of the LORD our God, let us send abroad unto our brethren every where, that are left in all the land of Israel, and with them also to the priests and Levites which are in their cities and suburbs, that they may gather themselves unto us:
3 And let us bring again the ark of our God to us: for we enquired not at it in the days of Saul.
4 And all the congregation said that they would do so: for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people.
Why do you want to refresh / restore the ark? It was the LORD that spoke to Moses and commanded the children of Israel to make a tabernacle and instruments for the tabernacle after the pattern that the LORD showed to Moses (Exodus 25:1-40, Exodus 26:1-37). Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that the LORD commanded Moses. Bezaleel made the ark, the table, the candlestick of pure gold, the incense altar, the altar of burnt offering, the laver of brass, the court etc. for the service of the Levites (Exodus 37, 38). Does the OAC fancy themselves as Levites now?
DeleteHebrews 7:11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?
Typical the OAC sect wanting to be Moses once again wanting to rebuild a ark of sin, whorish behaviour, praying people dead, offering congregants up for the Apostles SICK pleasures.
DeleteSo here is some truth :
Moses had the Ark of the Covenant built while the Israelites were still wandering the desert. When the priests weren't carrying it, it was held in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle. After Solomon built the Temple, it was moved there. Save for occasional visits to the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:3-11), the home of Obed-edom the Gittite (2 Samuel 6:1-11), and the Israelite army (2 Samuel 11:11), the Ark usually stayed in the Temple. At some point it disappeared, and by the time the Babylonians took the Jews into captivity, the record of its location was lost. The Apostle John recorded in Revelation 11:19 that he saw the Ark in the temple in heaven.
Second Maccabees 2:4-10 says that Jeremiah hid the Ark in a cave. Is your apostle REAL thinking opening heavens doors and rebuilding the ark of sin will give him the glry and approval of God???
Jeremiah 3:15-18 talks about a time when the Ark will no longer be needed or missed. At that time, the Jews will freely and completely follow God. Jerusalem, itself, will be God's throne. We will no longer have to hide from God's presence behind angels' wings, real or gold
23 Feb 2020
ReplyDelete(1V) Current teaching: Read [1 CHR 13:7-14] The lesson in this is; glorify God in everything we do and serve Him willingly by keeping the ark of the covenant of God always close. When things go wrong like Uzza has experienced, do not make any adjustments to God's commandments; it will only worsen matters.
1 Chronicles 13:7-14
7 And they carried the ark of God in a new cart out of the house of Abinadab: and Uzza and Ahio drave the cart.
8 And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets.
9 And when they came unto the threshingfloor of Chidon, Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark; for the oxen stumbled.
10 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzza, and he smote him, because he put his hand to the ark: and there he died before God.
11 And David was displeased, because the LORD had made a breach upon Uzza: wherefore that place is called Perezuzza to this day.
12 And David was afraid of God that day, saying, How shall I bring the ark of God home to me?
13 So David brought not the ark home to himself to the city of David, but carried it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite.
14 And the ark of God remained with the family of Obededom in his house three months. And the LORD blessed the house of Obededom, and all that he had.
Unfortunately I have some really bad news for you. Nobody knows where the ark of the covenant is since it went missing between the first and second Temple periods in Jerusalem. It is definitely nowhere near the OAC. As for making adjustments to God’s commandments, the OAC is definitely guilty of not keeping God’s commandments. Your only salvation now is to accept Jesus of Nazareth as your ONLY Messiah, Lord and Saviour. ONLY He can save you (Romans 3:21-26, Romans 5:12-21).
DeleteJohn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
The Ten Commandments were written on stone tablets and put inside the Ark of the Covenant [DEU 10:1-5]. At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD [DEU 10:8-9]. Since when does the OAC consider itself the tribe of Levi?
Delete1. Worship only the LORD your God [EXO 20:3]. Your apostle etc is not God
2. Do not practice idolatry [EXO 20:4-6]. Stop idolizing your apostles etc
3. Do not use God’s name in vain [EXO 20:7]. Stop using His name casually and in jokes, it’s no laughing matter
4. Remember the Sabbath and rest [EXO 20:8-11]. Sunday is NOT the Sabbath
5. Honor your parents [EXO 20:12]. Without them, you wouldn’t have been born, whether you like it or not they’re a part of you, you have their genes
6. Do not murder [EXO 20:13]. Watch your anger and insults which are the same as murder
7. Do not commit adultery [EXO 20:14]. Even looking with lust is adultery, fleshly lusts war against the soul
8. Do not steal [EXO 20:15]. If it’s not yours then leave it alone
9. Do not testify falsely [EXO 20:16]. Always be a reliable and truthful witness
10. Do not covet [EXO 20:17]. Be content with what you have, you brought nothing into this world and you certainly can’t take anything out. He who dies with the most toys is still dead
The below verse exactly what God warning us about:
DeleteMatthew 24:1-13
Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple. But he answered them, “You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. ...
The rising of the OAC Sect led by the so called apostle, has started their uprising through thier overseers,evangelists, elders and priests, wanting to hide sinful dreams and visions as handed by the congregants, in their "ark" of sin and displeasure. the uprising has started in Gordons Bay western cape be warned...
What is so sad, that as per below the OAC choose to ignore many of the commandments and best of all I have written proof of conversations email/WhatsApp messages etc
Delete1. Worship only the LORD your God [EXO 20:3]. Your apostle etc is not God. The apostle can pray me dead, was said a simple request, as per the priests..
2. Do not practice idolatry [EXO 20:4-6]. Stop idolizing your apostles etc
3. Do not use God’s name in vain [EXO 20:7]. Stop using His name casually and in jokes, it’s no laughing matter... I was supposed to be prayed dead in October, my ex told the priests they must wait till December when I get my bonus...
4. Remember the Sabbath and rest [EXO 20:8-11]. Sunday is NOT the Sabbath
5. Honor your parents [EXO 20:12]. Without them, you wouldn’t have been born, whether you like it or not they’re a part of you, you have their genes
6. Do not murder [EXO 20:13]. Watch your anger and insults which are the same as murder.. I was supposed to be prayed dead in October, my ex told the priests they must wait till December when I get my bonus...
7. Do not commit adultery [EXO 20:14]. Even looking with lust is adultery, fleshly lusts war against the soul.... 3 priests 2 of Gordons Bay and one of Kuilsrivier, had 1341 pages of sex chats, naked photos with my ex wife. I have all the snapshots of the chats and emails etc.
8. Do not steal [EXO 20:15]. If it’s not yours then leave it alone
9. Do not testify falsely [EXO 20:16]. Always be a reliable and truthful witness.... AHA so testify the apostle can pray me dead, HAHAHA
10. Do not covet [EXO 20:17]. Be content with what you have, you brought nothing into this world and you certainly can’t take anything out. He who dies with the most toys is still dead
26 Feb 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent teaching: God’s mercy is an act of compassion through divine grace. Every soul should know and enjoy God’s promises. God loved us first and sent His Son into our world so that we could be saved. He forgave us our sins and trespasses. [1 PET 1:3-5] The truth concerning the Kingdom of God set us free from a sinful nature. This gave us access to the beauty of God’s creation, only by the grace of God and the great love He showed towards us. [PSA 115:1] Family night.
1 Peter 1:3-5
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,
5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Psalms 115:1
1 Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake.
Interesting statement: “…The truth concerning the Kingdom of God set us free from a sinful nature…”
DeleteWe can therefore conclude that if OAC “priests” and other OAC officials have a sinful nature, they don’t have the “truth concerning the Kingdom of God”, and that their congregations are being led astray.
How exactly is Psalms 115:1 relevant when the OAC clearly believes itself to be the Lord? The OAC’s Confession of Faith: Last Tenet: Third Theme clearly states the following:
“…“For the Lord’s sake” The “Lord” refers to the Church, its members and institutions. “For the Lord’s sake” therefore refers to those things that are beneficial to the Church; to advance the Church and not embarrass or bring it into disrepute. [MAT 5:13-16]…”
The Apostle(OAC god) got it all wrong, imagine he and his cohorts tried to pray me ( a father) dead, and guess what the female congregant requesting that, her father died shortly after that, so much how right this bad people get it.
Delete27 Feb 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent teaching: The truth concerning the Kingdom of God set us free from a sinful nature. This gave us access to the beauty of God’s creation, only by the grace of God and the great love He showed towards us. Often man has the tendency to take of God’s glory for himself. Out of ourselves we are nothing. [ROM 12:3] God can only be glorified in Christ. To glorify God is to shine or demonstrate the power of God. These are attributes that must be instilled in all. They need to be equipped to practise righteousness and to resist the temptations of devil [JOH 17:4-6]
Romans 12:3
3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
John 17:4-6
4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
6 I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.
Interesting statement: “…The truth concerning the Kingdom of God set us free from a sinful nature…”
DeleteWe can therefore conclude that if OAC “priests” and other OAC officials have a sinful nature, they don’t have the “truth concerning the Kingdom of God”, and that their congregations are being led astray.
Another interesting statement: “…man has the tendency to take of God’s glory for himself. Out of ourselves we are nothing…”
Why does the OAC then claim to be God’s Son Jesus Christ and also claim to be the Lord?
OAC’s HTC stated the following:
“…[III] Promise of God: Eternal Life. God will give us eternal life, through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. [JOH 17:3] In the first epistle of John, he states that it is on record that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son, Jesus Christ, the Church. [I JOH 5:11-13; 2 PET 1:1-4,11]…”
The OAC’s Confession of Faith: Last Tenet: Third Theme clearly states the following:
“…“For the Lord’s sake” The “Lord” refers to the Church, its members and institutions. “For the Lord’s sake” therefore refers to those things that are beneficial to the Church; to advance the Church and not embarrass or bring it into disrepute. [MAT 5:13-16]…”
The above so true, Gordons Bay evangelist and Priests with support of the Apostle(OAC god) believes firmly that naked pics even of under age girls breasts etc must be sent via WhatsApp etc from the mother and incest the in thing as the Apostle(OAC god) approves it as it would be like making love to him the god, no sin in that very normal in the OAC sect. Keep your faith and key parties using your congregants and hide these dreams and visons in your Ark of Sin. My God waarsku my teen die valse profete wat te voorskyn sou kom, you are doomed glorifying yourself OAC god.
ReplyDelete29 Feb 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent teaching: The body of sin has been destroyed. We have been separated from a sinful life, the old man has been crucified. The body does not do its own will, but that of the Spirit. The spirit needs to take dominion over the flesh to be good servant of Christ Jesus. This will lead us to eternal life the end state of our faith. Put aside the fleshy thoughts that will derail you on the road of salvation. [ROM 6:6-8; GAL 5:24]
Romans 6:6-8
6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.
8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:
Galatians 5:24
24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Interesting statement: “…We have been separated from a sinful life…” and the definition of sin according to the OAC is when you’re disobedient to an OAC officer because you have “to recognise and have respect for the brotherhood of the Church; for both their person and office”. As long as you’re on your place for that hour in OAC activities, whatever happens before and after is apparently of no consequence.
DeleteWhat’s also interesting is the construct of the sentences;
the teaching mentions the “body” not doing “its own will, but that of the Spirit” (notice that Spirit is written with a capital letter).
But then the following sentence makes mention of a “spirit” (notice that this time spirit is written with small letters) that “needs to take dominion over the flesh to be a good servant”.
The Jesus Christ being mentioned here in the OAC HTC is obviously not the REAL Jesus of Nazareth, but the OAC.
OAC’s HTC stated the following:
“…[III] Promise of God: Eternal Life. God will give us eternal life, through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. [JOH 17:3] In the first epistle of John, he states that it is on record that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son, Jesus Christ, the Church. [I JOH 5:11-13; 2 PET 1:1-4,11]…”
So if a spirit causes you to lust and takes dominion over your FLESH, you’re a good servant because it’s SPIRITUAL instead of NATURAL? Has any of the OAC officers in the Gordon’s Bay area actually ever read MAT 12:43-45; MAR 1:23-27; MAR 5:2-20; MAR 7:25-30; LUK 8:27-39; LUK 9:37-42; LUK 11:24-26; ACT 19:13-17 & 1JN 2:15-17 yet???
DeleteYou hit the nail on the head... Here is some truth, her son caught touching a young boy inappropriate, steal the boy cell phone, priest Vincent saunders ( Warrant Officer detective SAPS) quashes the case in Gordons bay, same son steal power tools from a man in the OAC, get arrested the spirit lead OAC to convince the man to drop the case at Gordons Bay SAPS, because her dreams are so spiritual and important to the OAC.
DeleteAmazing the same "spirit" led warrant officer Vincent saunders ( SAPS detective now in johannseburg) , as he admitted to read from the bible while my ex wife on my double bed had to give him a blow job, reading from the bible she doing that to him. What a spirit, I am assuming that the witnessing of him in serious ganster crimes in the WC also with same spirit, if you look at cases he witnessed in as investigating officer the gangsters loose. Just search Vincent saunders SAPS, the SAPS integrity in serious question now...
DeleteAmazing the same spirit led Alexander Petrus from CoCT also OAC priest to have sex with her and influence tenders to be allocated to ASLA company, CoCT investigated his behaviour, no feedback he still going as strong as ever
DeleteActually scares us all thinking this spirit can typically by a deon windvogel working for coca cola beverages cohort of Vincent saunders, can be put into their beverages and sent out with the evil spirit of the OAC god (Apostle) possibly with the intent supporting the sinful ways
DeleteThere's no need to be scared or afraid, here are some verses of encouragement;
DeleteProverbs 29:25-27 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Many seek the ruler's favour; but every man's judgment cometh from the LORD. An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.
Matthew 10:34-39 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Be blessed
Thank you a GBV group saw this blog they contacted some institutions to expose all of this
ReplyDeletebrothers i hv a question
ReplyDeletewat happens or wat must u do u grew up in church struggling and went to study bt failed due to depression and done course u u were abused by fellow family particularly parents u grew up in oac.u liked God now u miserable u went to varsity bt dropped u hv no money u hv no friends even church u cant relate some to one of brothers.u are alone u r main question u hv a bad miserable past in your life now u do not see your purpose you do not hve a foundation of who you u involved yourself in sin homosexuality drugs alcohol God came to you told u jv sinned and u God u did wrong just sinners in now awuna family u are alone.u are poor you sleep empty stomach u hunt for job no u r hopeless.there only hspiness u get is from oac.awuna life no girlfriend no boyfriend no career nothing.psychologist did help you.
only wats remaining its you and your soul that u jusf living for sake God created u.u r afraid to commit suicide bcoz u believe God has a plan for you bt u dnt knw where n how??
so my question that remains u see everyone is happy in church bt u are only miserable everthing went still hv faith in God wat must one do coz awuna purpose u dnt knw wat u r living for???
u went to priest has no help for u
truly life is nt easy
it’s the devil playing with my life
i wish to commit suicide
there is no use to go see the Underdeacon i I’ve been there bt no help
my situation.its so sad that our church do not attend psychological needs
Young man go to a Government hospital where they will assist you with professional help. Highly unfortunate the OAC reminding me so much of Warren Jeffs in the USA with his Sect, the OAC hell bent on sexual favors, dreams visons, in so much that congregants who do not play their sick games, are pushed aside no matter the cost to human livelihood.
DeleteMove away find true Christianity, and not the Apostle and his cohorts who WILL USE AND ABUSE the vulnerable.
14 Mar 2020
ReplyDeleteConfession of Faith: Last Tenet: Summary: We should obey the legitimate leaders of the natural and spiritual land in which we live, namely our country and the Church. We may feel anguished and may not always agree with the rules, but obedience is essential for an orderly life; [1 PET 2:9-17]
1 Peter 2:9-17
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
Submission to Authority
13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
“not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God” 1 Peter 2:16
DeleteThere’s a reason to feel anguished and not always agree if so called “legitimate leaders” abuse their power and don’t lead by example.
Regarding “the Church”, there is only ONE legitimate leader and head of the true church and His name is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 1:22-23, Ephesians 5:23-24, Colossians 1:18). Jesus is the good Shepherd, His sheep know His voice (John 10:1-21). And no, it’s not the natural voice of your so-called “owergestelde”, when the Spirit of God lives within you He will communicate with you through His Spirit (John 14:17, 1 Corinthians 3:16).
The elders of God’s church are not appointed as “lords” over God’s flock, but as ensamples unto His flock and to feed His flock (1 Peter 5:1-4).
17 Mar 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent Teaching: The principle upon which the covenant between God and us is founded is: Through the rebirth we became God’s children, thereby allowing the man of God, sent and prepared by God, to transform us to conform to the perfect Will of God and; He promised to be our heavenly Father, who will never leave nor forsake us. [HEB 13:5-8]
Hebrews 13:5-8
5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Interesting statement: “…allowing the man of God, sent and prepared by God, to transform us to conform to the perfect Will of God…”
DeleteIf this is supposed to refer to some OAC member or “owergestelde” then it’s a load of rubbish! Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ wrote:
1 Corinthians 3:5-7 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered;
but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth;
but God that giveth the increase.
It is GOD that giveth the INCREASE! You would rather teach OAC members to glorify and give credit to the supposed “man of God” than to God!
The verses being referred to in the statement (Hebrews 13:5-8) mention nothing about allowing a supposed “man of God” to “transform us to conform to the perfect Will of God”. It does however mention that we should remember and follow the faith of those who spoke the word of God. How will we know when someone has spoken the word of God? When their words and actions match scripture (2 Timothy 3:10-17).
The last verse of the quoted text (Hebrews 13:8) is not randomly referring to some supposed “man of God”, but JESUS CHRIST the SAME yesterday, and to day, and for ever!
Yes, the SAME JESUS CHRIST that is the WORD that was made FLESH (John 1:14).
The SAME JESUS CHRIST which was crucified and was resurrected and appeared to His disciples (Luke 24:36-43).
The SAME JESUS CHRIST who showed Himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs for forty days (Acts 1:2-4).
The SAME JESUS CHRIST which was taken up from His disciples into heaven, and shall come in like manner as they saw him go into heaven (Acts 1:6-11).
The SAME JESUS CHRIST who is the ONLY mediator between men and God (1 Timothy 2:5-6).
The SAME JESUS CHRIST who is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE (John 14:6).
Acts 4:10-12 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Absolutely and typical of the OAC teaching, the so called "king" promoting abuse and use of congregants, inviting young kids to priests homes, the naked photos, the sexual dreams, so that the OAC SECT" can control those in it's midst, by quoting selective verses, most probably motivating the females and children to write down so called dreams and visions, to enhance the sexual lust and wrong teachings. God is in control "OAC sect", you will be exposed in due course, your king shall fall and so your wrong teachings
ReplyDeleteApproximately 4 years back a court case was open on 24 members who expelled & court cost was claim of R72 000 from high Court in Mahikeng, which they did not what the case or the verdict was.
ReplyDeleteThe members only asked 3 questions, why must there testify people that speaks only English and Afrikaans, why must they only sing English and Afrikaans hymns or songs and lastly why they cant visit other areas of the same church whom is non-white or not Afrikaans or English speaking but most of the other regions of the same church is doing and the constitution of the church does states it clearly.
A letter from the sheriff was issued for 2 members that they houses will be hold on the 04 May 2012.
We are not members of the church any more hence the Apostol of the church who refused to address these members in person about the rules and regulations of the church...while the Apostol rules totally differ from the all the other regions...
Dear OAC Vryburg, once again you have shown the EVIL ways of the OAC Sect, it is sad that these apostles and priests can carry on abusing congregants for their evil ways,and it's spreading like a parasite amongst the sects congregations, where women and children are mentally and physically hurt due to the apostles sick needs
DeletePlease assist us and send as many complaints ( valid complaints) to : The CRL Rights Commission is mandated "to promote respect for and further the protection of the rights of cultural, religious and linguistic communities; promote and develop peace, friendship, humanity, tolerance, national unity among and within cultural, religious and linguistic communities on the basis of equality, non-discrimination and free association; to promote the right of communities to develop their historically diminished heritage and to recognise community councils. AND
Delete28 Mar 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent teaching: In Christ our thoughts are renewed by the Holy Spirit and we are transformed unto righteousness (renewed in our mind). [ROM 12:1-2] What is the result if being faithful or having been renewed? Salvation for my SOUL; having a change of heart; having a positive attitude and not relying on the arm of flesh; having a life in Christ, a lifestyle separated from the lust of the flesh. [COL 2:7-12; JOH 1:14; 1 PET 1:6-9]
Colossians 2:7-12
7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:
12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.
John 1:14
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
1 Peter 1:6-9
6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:
7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
Interesting choice of words; “…a lifestyle separated from the lust of the flesh…”
DeleteBecause interpreting the whole Bible “spiritually” means you’re “separated from the lust of the flesh” because you don’t read the Bible as it’s written?
I can just imagine how "priest" Saunders and his ilk preach about this in their communities.
wat gaan jy maak as n amp n lid lelik uit vloek en hom sleg se en daai persoon loop Nie meer kerk nie wat se jy daar van
DeleteDaarom sit die lede so deur die ampte se arrogantheid.... die ampte bekom nie meer dienaars van God nie.... hule bekom soos Hitler's.....
DeleteJa Ampte Doen dit Skinder Van die Lede Apostle DRA Kennis Opsiener word Belieg Oudste Skinder Saam met Ampte Van die Lede Ja Kom ons Praat die Waarheid dit het met My gebeur
Deletelaat ek nooit My Blink Serfaans hou nie Niemand hier In die LEER VAN God is N Baas Nie Tog sit baie In Moses se Stoel
Eks jammer om te se Baie van ons broers en susters en selfs ampte is verantwoordlik deurdat Baie lede le . Moontlik deur n woord of Dade. Baie van ons prt vani liefde maar weeti wat is omgee nie. Hiers deesdae te veel menslikheid wat geopenbaar word so Pas op as u julle vir n siel Kan betaal
DeleteHule stry en baklie oor hoe anders die Woord moet verstaan en so loop die kerk leeg
Deletedie.menslikheid is.the.Groot wonder.apostolies.en hoogmoed.deesdae lyk dit soos.a.mode.parade.
Deletemoet nooit sleg praat en lede soek om jou te ondersteun om ampte swak temaak nie dit is dai selfde amp wat vir vele van u hille gaan sê otvang uit jou hand van jou verlosser dan moet ek my self afvrae was ek in die priester se hand of die teen oorgestelde n bok eet boom kaal en wanneer die son steek dan soek hy skuiling ek glo slellig almal van u hulle is lammers
Delete“never speak badly and seek out members to support you to weaken officers it is the same officer that will say to many of you receive out of your savior's hand then I have to ask myself was I in the priest's hand or the opposite a goat eats a tree bare and when the sun is hot he seeks shelter i believe all of you are lambs”
Dear “Underdeacon” Fortuin, are you implying that the priest is your savior irrespective of how he behaves himself? You are either ignorant, arrogant or completely lost. No priest or any other officer can be your savior, there is only ONE Saviour and His Name is JESUS!
(Acts 5:29-31, Acts 13:22-24, Romans 11:25-28, Ephesians 5:22-27, Philippians 3:20-21, 1 Timothy 1:1-2, 1 Timothy 2:1-6, 2 Timothy 1:7-11, Titus 1:1-4, Titus 2:6-15, Titus 3:3-7, 2 Peter 3:1-4, 1 John 4:14-15, Jude 1:17-25)
Mnr Fortuin dink weer wanneer jy en jou priesters die lede verlei, die opdragte van die oudste en apostel uitvoer om lede dood te bid, pornografie te vra, en die drome vir julle belustigheid te interpreter. jul groot doelwit is deur jul sekte te gebruik om lede in die verdoemenis in te sleep
DeleteJa, vra my , ek was dood gebid, in Oktober van 'n jaar, toe se die dame maar nee, wag tot Desember die jaar laat ek eers my bonus kry, toe maak die 3 priesters van Gordons Bay 'n groot fout met die sogenaamde oudste en apostel en haar pa gaan toe dood. Die amper ongelooflike skande toe het sy reeds vele naak fotos van haarself en die toe minderjarige dogter aan die priesters gestuur. NOu ja pragtige opoffering aan jul sekte en die priester leierskap van die Gordons Bay sekte, en ongelukkig sit ek met al hierdie slegte bewyse.
DeleteAs wedergebore siele en kinders van God verstaan en beleef ons alles anders as die wat God se gees nie het nie. In Johannes 3 v5 se Jesus aan Nikodemus dat die wat uit vlees gebore is vlees is, en die wat uit Gees gebore is gees is. Deur die wedergeboorte is ons dus vernuwe en daarom verstaan ons God .
ReplyDeletePaulus herinner ons in Romeine 6 v 2 dat ons die sonde afgesterf het. Hy verklaar verder dat ons saam met Hom (Christus Jesus) begrawe is deur die doop in die doop. Die vraag is dus: Het ons die sonde afgesterf? Want net as daar n sterwing is kan daar n opstanding plaasvind. Die tunier plant n saad in die aarde, met die hoop dat die saad sal sterwe . Dit is net wanneer die oorspronklike saad serf dat daar n geboorte van n nuwe plant plaasvind. Die nuwe plant besit die vermoe om lewe te gee aan soveel meer as wat die oorspronklike saad kon doen.
Wanneer die ou mens (die sonde) in my tot sterwe gekom het, besit ek dus die vermoe om lewe aan baie ander te gee. Hierdie “ander” sluit in my familie, my broers en susters, my vriende asook die gemeenskap waarin ek woon, werk en skoolgaan. Daar is egter ook voordele in vir myself. In Romeine 8 v 13 se Paulus “as julle na die vlees lewe sal julle sterwe, maar as julle deur die Gees die werke van die liggaam doodmaak sal julle lewe. Die voordeel vir my is dus dat ek sal lewe. Watter lewe verwys Paulus na? Ons het begin deur te se dat ons as wedergebore siele verstaan dat God Gees is. In Romeine 6 v 22 verskaf Paulus die antwoord op die vraag. Hy se “Maar nou dat julle vrygemaak is van die sonde en diensbaar geword het aan God, het julle jul vrug tot heiligmaking en uiteindelik, DIE EWIGE LEWE,
Dit is net waneer daar n sterwing plaasgevind dat daar n opstanding kan wees. Daar kan geen onderhandeling hieroor plaasvind nie. Paulus verklaar in 1 korinthiers 15v31 dat hy dag vir dag sterwe. As ek dus dag vir dag moet sterwe is dit vansefsprekend dat daar daagliks ook n opstanding moet wees. Paulus verklaar verder in Romeine 6 v 4 dat indien ons net soos Christus uit die dode opgewek is, ons ook so in n nuwe lewe kan wandel.
Daar word in oneer gesaai maar daar word opgewek in heerlikheid. Waneer die eerste sondige mens (die eerste Adam) dus sterf, word die tweede mens, wat uit God gebore is opgewek. Hierdie mens lei n lewe in Christus en is nuut van geaardheid, hoedanigheid en lewenswyse.
Profeet en ek wil graag afsluit met die woorde van Paulus aan sy getroue broer Timotheus as n boodskap aan alle ampte en lede in ons verantwoordelikheid.
Tim 1v 2-4 aan Timótheüs, my geliefde kind: Genade, barmhartigheid, vrede van God die Vader en Christus Jesus, onse Here! EK dank God, wat ek van my voorouers af in ’n rein gewete dien, wanneer ek onophoudelik nag en dag aan jou in my gebede dink, terwyl ek verlang om jou te sien as ek aan jou trane dink, sodat ek met blydskap vervul kan word,
Tim 1v 7 Want God het ons nie ’n gees van vreesagtigheid gegee nie, maar van krag en liefde en selfbeheersing”
Seengroete aan almal en veral aan ons kinders wat Sondag gekonfirmeer sou word. Die Apostel sal wel n datum later bekendmaak waneer julle konfirmasie sal plaasvind.
Opsiener Norman & Profeet Landrew
Delete“…As born-again souls and children of God, we understand and experience everything differently to those who do not have God's spirit. In John 3 v5, Jesus told Nicodemus that those born of flesh are flesh, and those born of Spirit are spirit. Thus, through rebirth we are renewed and therefore we understand God.
Paul reminds us in Romans 6 v 2 that we have died from sin. He further states that we were buried with Him (Christ Jesus) through baptism in baptism. So the question is: Did we die off sin? Because only if there is a death can a resurrection take place. The gardener plants a seed in the earth, hoping that the seed will die. It is only when the original seed is sown that a new plant is born. The new plant has the ability to give life to so much more than the original seed could do.
So when the old man (the sin) died in me, I have the ability to give life to many others. These “others” include my family, my siblings, my friends as well as the community in which I live, work and attend school. However, there are benefits to myself as well. In Romans 8 v 13 Paul says “if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if you kill by the Spirit the works of the body you will live. So the benefit to me is that I will live. What life is Paul referring to? We began by saying that we as born-again souls understand that God is Spirit. In Romans 6 v 22 Paul provides the answer to the question. He says “But now that you have been set free from sin and become servants to God, you have your fruit for holiness and finally, ETERNAL LIFE,
It is only when there is a death that there can be a resurrection. There can be no negotiation on this. Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15v31 that he dies day by day. So if I have to die day by day, it goes without saying that there must be a resurrection daily. Paul further states in Romans 6 v 4 that if we have been raised from the dead just like Christ, we too can walk in a new life.
It is sown in dishonor, but it is raised in glory. So when the first sinful man (the first Adam) dies, the second man, born of God, is raised. This man leads a life in Christ and is new in nature, capacity and way of life.
Prophet and I would like to conclude with Paul's words to his faithful brother Timothy as a message to all officers and members in our responsibility.
Tim 1v 2-4 to Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord! I thank God, whom I serve from my ancestors in a pure conscience, when I constantly think of you in my prayers night and day, while I long to see you as I think of your tears, so that I may be filled with joy. word,
Tim 1v 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control. ”
Blessings to everyone and especially to our children who would have been confirmed on Sunday. The Apostle will announce a date later when your confirmation will take place.
Overseer Norman & Prophet Landrew…”
Thank you once again “overseer” and “prophet” for sharing the above with us. I am left wondering what exactly you consider to be sin seeing as your “priests” in Gordon’s Bay either weren’t “born again” or they probably have a different definition of sin. Which is it? What sin exactly did your “priests” die off when they became “born again”?
DeleteRegarding your statement:
“…Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15v31 that he dies day by day. So if I have to die day by day, it goes without saying that there must be a resurrection daily…”;
I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about because you’re reading one verse completely out of context with the rest of the Bible. The OAC denies that Jesus was physically resurrected from the dead, so how dare you preach about resurrection? Have you ever read the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 15? Where have you ever read in the Bible of a person’s daily resurrection?
Paul said: “And why stand we in JEOPARDY every HOUR? I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I DIE DAILY. If after the manner of men I have FOUGHT with BEASTS at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for TO MORROW WE DIE.” (1 Corinthians 15:30-32)
Did you know that Paul was one of the most persecuted apostles? Paul faced DEATH EVERY DAY, EVERY DAY Paul was in danger of DEATH! Paul reminded the church that he faced possible DEATH every time he preached (Acts 14:19-21, Acts 17:2-5, Acts 18:4, 2 Corinthians 11:24-28). Paul was undeterred in his preaching because he didn’t fear DEATH (Galatians 2:20). SIN (the FLESH) will continually tempt us but when we die daily, we are unable to respond to those temptations. Dead people are not tempted to sin because they are dead to everything around them. “Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances” (Colossians 2:20). Please tell this to your “priests” in Gordon’s Bay.
Regarding your statement:
“…So when the first sinful man (the first Adam) dies, the second man, born of God, is raised. This man leads a life in Christ and is new in nature, capacity and way of life…”;
The first man Adam was made a living soul and placed in the garden of Eden, natural, of the earth, earthy (Genesis 2:7-8, Genesis 5:1-32, Luke 3:23-38, 1 Corinthians 15:45-47)
The LAST (not second, not third, not second last) Adam was made a quickening spirit, second man, spiritual, the LORD from heaven (Luke 2:11, Luke 3:23-38, John 3:12-13, John 3:31, John 6:33, Acts 10:36, Ephesians 4:9-11, 1 Corinthians 15:45-47, 1 Timothy 3:16)
There is only ONE LORD and He wasn’t the first man Adam before being raised as the LORD! The LORD Jesus Christ does not lead “a life in Christ and is new in nature, capacity and way of life” because ONLY He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE (John 1:1-3, John 14:6, 1 Timothy 2:5-6)!
Lastly some food for thought for your “priests” in Gordon’s Bay to ponder:
Hebrews 6:1-8 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection;
not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance;
seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.
2 Peter 2:20-22 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again;
Deleteand the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
You hit the nail on the head, as per above the "overseer" and "prophet" quote one verse texts, so convenient to misconstrue God's word, rather sending the "apostle" sick messages to the congregants, main aim sickeningly getting the females and girls to dream more sick dream to be cast into their net of sick behaviour, typical how my ex-wife who had affairs with several OAC priests told me: "this is the coloured way and normal in the OAC"
DeleteSo amazing to see a Sect keeping under age/minor photos naked sent to a Priest underwraps and internal to the Sect violating the scared laws of God and the country and not being reborn again and acting on the law of criminality.
DeleteAt least steps are taken now, and will it be very interesting to see what one sided texts and prayers the sect will choose, when the distribution of under age pornography is soon to be investigated by Social Services and the SAPS between the female and her priest.
DeletePlease keep me in prayer, the SAPS detective informed me today in handing over the WhatsApp evidence of the under age pornography Thursday may have implications on me as well, not coming forth earlier, I believe I am doing the right thing as the OAC sect need to be revealed, and upto the "overseer" in Bellville will stand in the legal dock keeping this hidden and internal to the OAC and not reporting it.
DeleteYou did the right thing in reporting it. You felt your life was in jeopardy when they threatened to pray you dead, some of that evidence is right here on this post. Let justice run its course, you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide. I hope the innocent victim(s) can get over the trauma and move on with their lives.
Delete9 May 2020
ReplyDeleteWe will overcome the sin and remain steadfast in our heavenly places when we lead a life of sacrifice and righteousness allowing God to lead us by the Spirit.
Col 2:13 “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses.” Rom 6:6-7 2Cor 1:7; Rom 8:13-14
Romans 6:6-7
6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.
2 Corinthians 1:7
7 And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.
Romans 8:13-14
13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Ja, and a tree is known by its fruit. I wonder how many OAC members and officers truly understand the definition of overcoming sin and not living after the flesh.
DeleteDoctrine - Spiritual vs Natural
Dag geliefdes.... IS ROOK N SONDE???
DeleteEnglish translation:
Delete“Hello beloved .... IS SMOKING A SIN???”
Where there’s smoke there’s an apostolic puffing away at church on a cigarette
I remember when I was still a young member how difficult it was to testify my girlfriend because especially the priests and underdeacons would stand around outside the hall proudly puffing away on their cigarettes. And if you asked them about it, they would say their physical bodies were merely worm food anyway and then they would quote Matthew 15:11 completely out of context. My girlfriend wasn’t as naïve as I was back then and she didn’t fall for such lame excuses.
Is smoking useful to your body?
If you smoke, who is your master, your addiction or the Spirit?
Which is gaining more gratification from smoking, your fleshly desire or your soul?
Does smoking honor God with your body?
Who is in charge when you smoke, your flesh or God?
Are you a slave to your addiction or freed by God from your enslavement?
It has been proven that smoking damages the lungs and the heart and is therefore of no benefit to your body whatsoever.
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient:
all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats:
but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord;
and the Lord for the body. And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power. Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body;
but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
Even though Paul is speaking about fornication, please notice what he says about the body. Do you glorify God in your body or do cigarettes own your body?
Miskien gaan ek veroordeel word. Maar....ek moet se dit maak my verskrikik hartseer om te sien hoe ons gemeente lede deur ander kerke gevoed word. Dit is nie reg nie daar is baie honger lede daarbuite. Ek self is n geseende pensioenaris en dank God daarvoor. Dit kos geloof het om vas te hou veral vir n honger maag om nie te gaan waar die maag gevoed kan word nie. Ek bid dat God die kerk moet behou en dat hy nie leeg raak na die inperkings tydperk nie������
ReplyDeletedag se my broer ek stem volkome saam hier in die Paarl by New Orleans se gemeente gan dit net so hier is baie lede wat niks het nie.Ek sit met trane in my oe as ek sien hoe die ander kerke vir hulle lede kos pakkies gee i
DeleteEk glo ds kerk se plig om na di lede om te sien ds vrae wat ons op veld van getuienis gevrae word ds regtig n punt wat u opbring ek worstel mt dt vanaf di begin v lockdown.Di amptes is gou om te vrae waars jou offer maar ons hle vrae oor Welfare vd kerk is daar klomp stories daaraan verbonde. Ons moet di wereld vooruitgaan maar dt lyk hle overtake ons as dt kom by di omgee vn hle lede.
DeleteGeliefdes baie van ons ampte is bang om te gaan praat bang hulle amp is in gevaar geliefdes die kerk is baie ryk van geld en Ek Glo kerk in sy geheel Kan Al die lede help wat daai geliefde se van ander kerkke wat ons kerk lede help dit is waar dit gebeur hier by ons wat daai geliefde se dat wat gaan gebeur Na die corona virus as alles weer tot normaal toe gaan terugkeer gaan daar minder lede by die kerk wees Ek weet van lede wat Al reeds pad gegee het en by ander kerkke gaan en Ek neem hulle Nie kwalik Nie net gister aand op Facebook book het daar n lede gese hulle tiendes is goed maar nou wat hulle in hongerte vas gevang is Kyk die kerk weg en hulle gaan maar nou daar waar hulle gehelp word die corona virus gaan nog vir n Lang tyd wees so ja Ek stem Saam die kerk moet sy lede help daar is ampte wat ook swaar Ek Sien dit daar om kan ek praat van dit maar gaan dit gebeur dat hulle gaan help is n saak van gebed
DeleteDaarom wanneer ons getuig, moet ons getuig van n God wat Gees is, Jesus Christus wat Gees is nie mens nie, nie n natuurlike man nie. Alles is en was en sal altyd Geestelik wees. Ek sukkel ook, ek werk nie, maar ek wag nie vir die priester of kerk vir help nie, ek maak maar self plan (skarrel) ek is verantwoordelik vir my natuurlike lewe en God is oor my Geestelike lewe, God het geen behaag in die mens nie, niks geworry oor natuur nie want Hy is Gees. As baie van ons in die eerste plek volgens Gees getuig was dan sou ons nie oor die natuur van God verwag nie. Ek is nie snaaks of bedoel niks lelik nie.
DeleteDavid Phillips dagse my broederso ver x verstaan. Mt d daad by d woord .kom...bati x God left n right ni ...ja ons is n geeetelike volk ma om d gees te laat seevier .mt x omsien na d natuur....x bid tot God in en mt d men's....ons mt da wees vr mekaar Geeetelik en natuurlik....hoe aners gn God gesien word as d daad ni by d woord gesit word ni
DeleteDavid Phillips is jou geld wat jy in daai Hout offerboks gooi is dit gees of natuurlikke geld
DeleteBroers Sister's ek dink die broer wat die pos geplaas het is honderd% op n punt,almal prt rondom die feit dat die owergesteldes van die kerk,berg toe kyk as dit regtig by welsyn van die gemeente kom,,die broers en sister help uit hulle eie die,mense,waar is die skatkis,ons het een van die rykste kerke in SA,maar van ons gemeente moet honger ly
DeleteBroer Phillips ek dink jy sit die bal mis.As jou broer natuurlik honger is sal jy v hom se gn word vol nee stellig ni
DeleteAnver Thompson die Broer van n Broer is Gees, hy sal nooit honger word solank Hy in die Broodbreking bly nie
Deletebr Soos jy kan sien dit is nie n normalle tyd in die wereld nie,hence die debat,soos my br nou prt lyk dit nie of die skatkis vol raak van natuurlike geld nie,selfs die kerk vra vir natuurlike loon om nie gebrek te he nie,ons prt hier van honger mae maar u stel voor ons moet die mense leerings gee,nee ons ken mos nie mekaar in die gees nie.onthou mens is nie van die wereld nie maar leef wel daarin,en ja br,die waarheid is en moet gese word,die rykste kerk wil nie die mense se welsyn raak sien nie,en my pleidooi is nie vir my persoonlik nie
DeleteCyril Gordon my broer waar om die eks ampte aanval as u u blindstaar oor wat gebeur in die kerk dan is dit jammer dat u so sleg dink van die eks ampte behalwe wat ons almal nou deur maak maak dit net erger daar is dinge voor dit wat ons nou deurmaak wat verkeerd geloop het wat Nie reverdig gehandhaaf was Nie binnie in die kerk los die eks ampte af daar is niks wat Kan doen aan n eks amp Nie eending wat u Nie uit die oog moet verloor Nie dit wat die Apostel indaai eks ampte gele het met vuur Kan niemand uit blus Nie die amp sal altyd in daai liggaam wees Solanki as wat hy lewe baie eks ampte het meet Goddelikke wysheid as die ampte van nou en verstaan die kerk baie beter as die ampte van nou
DeleteWilliam Andrew Atkins ongelukkig kan ek net praat van dit wat ek persoonlik waarneem. Inplaas van die leerstelling in die social media aan te val moet kwessies wat pla aan die oorgestelde gegee word. Of word God nie meer in daai vlees erken nie? Daar is ook toepaslike structures in die leerstelling in bekommernis te lig? Kom ons elkeen sit liewer hand by om the help as om vinger te wys. Dit maak net verdere skeiding tussen mekaar. Weinige post gaan oor hoe ons nou die geestelikheid by ons kinders kan inskerp, gawes voort te bring en ons gemeentes the bevorder, maar baie post hoe om die liggaam Christus naak te maak. N geseende en gesonde dag vir u verder
DeleteCyril Gordon maar waar om wys u vinger Na die eks ampte wat het hulle vir of aan u gedoen
DeleteDis is altyd n probleem ek ken van gevalle waar lede wat ampte was na ander kerke oorgegaan het weens welsyn probleem Ek is ook daardeur maar gelukkig het die pastore my terug gestuur en het altyd gesê die gemeente het my nodig
DeleteDs regtig hartseer om te sien wat aangaan in ons kerk as jy praat oor di sake word dt gese jy politiek
DeleteAnver ThompsonJy kan nie n persoon wat honger is wegstuur sonder om hom iets te gee om te eet Dan is die skrifte nie volbring
DeleteDie behoeftes in ons gemeente is regtig groot. Ek skaam my dood vir hoe ons mense behandel word, dis nie reg nie. Of hulle SASSA kry of nie, hulle het behoeftes. Ek daag ons AMPTES UIT OM VIR BRONVILLE TE WYS WAT HULLE VIR HULLE GEMEENTE KAN DOEN.
DeleteZenda Gradwell Nou waar is die welsyn waar van ons altyd hoor
DeleteDis waar Br Thompson maar dit het niks met politiek te doen nie. Dit gaan oor welsyn...die WELSYN van ons lede. Ons glo in die Woord maar di woord moet in n daad omskep word. Die woord alleen maak ni n honger maag vol nie. Mooi aand viy jou en die gesin.❤
DeleteBaie danki dat dit opgehaal is,want hi by ons kry ons mense ok swaar en ons lede word deur ander kerke gevoed,eks Baie lief vi my kerk en n trotse OAC member,ma ons amptenare moet ok ma na ons lede kk wat swaar kry,en glo my ons lede ht ok hulp nodig van di kerk..
DeleteIs Hart seer. En Ek daag ons ampte uit in Paarl vir n helpende hand vir ons lede..Ons is trots Ou Apostels
DeleteLaetitia Esau ja hier by ons in new orleans is baie lede ontevrede want d volwasse jeug ht alleen vouchers gekry
DeleteJa hier by ons is baie lede kan nie dink dat ons kerk nie ons behoeftiges kan help in d tyd van nood nie alle kerke rondom ons voorsien sy met kospakkie hou op lee beloftes maak nadat ons een vani rykste kerke ini land is moenie d lede teleurstel nie dus immers hulle wat d kerk omhoog hou
DeleteGeliefdes, ek het gewonder wanneer hierdie deel opgetel gaan word. Dit is hartseer dat ons lede rond moet hardloop van een organisasie/kerk vir kos ens. Ja van ons ampte het dit ook nie maklik of het ook nie geld om te voorsien nie, van hulle kry ook swaar. Dus waar ons kerk moet help. Ons kerk is een van die rykste ja maar ons lede ook een van die mees minder bevoregtes. Ons moes uindelik n voorbeeld gestel het vir die ander kerke
DeleteEk stem Saam met u Ek is ook n pensiner en dit is hartseer om te sien die wereld Moet die o a Se monde oophou
DeleteIs hardseer om te sien hoe ons mense swaar kry
DeleteDaar is niks fout om saam te werk nie, Ampte en lede om die behoeftiges te help, dis mooi, maar ek se weer die Gees het geen behaag in die mens nie, al gaan ek dood van hongerte het ek nog steeds my saligheid. Kyk nou hoe word God se kerk wat Gees is veroordeel deur die natuur, deur sekere ampte en lede wat nie wil help nie, moet nie die Kerk wat Gees is blameer nie, blameer hulle wat op die menslike troon sit, want as God wat Gees is regtig in ons woon dan sou ons kon onderskei en weet dat baie ander behoeftig is. Just don't criticize the Church please.
DeleteDie natuur is die skaduwee storie moet julle ophou meng met die wereld van buite, alles in die bybel het n Geestelike betekenis, niks natuur nie.
David Phillips my broeder wt x ni verstaan ni is u se God ht geen welbehae in vlees nou hoe gn d gees Dan getyg as daar ni vlees is ni
DeleteDavid Phillips Brother don't be ignorant in this matter face reality the flock is crying out of hunger.
DeleteElke Vera Amp moet Spesifieke Bedrag Jaarliks vir die Welsyn insamel met Verkopes ens. Veld lede ingesluit.... Hartseer Regtig,Waars die FONDSE???? Vader Weet Alleen Onnodig dat Ampte/Lede in Hul Eie Sakke Moet Delf vir Kospakkies dus Verregaande om die minste te noem!
DeleteDaar word ni vinger gewys nie MAAR die waarheid hoor. Ons het 'n welsyn by ons kerk so hukom is dit daar...waarheen gaan elke gemeente se bydrae tot di welsyn. Ek wil ook ni op tone trap ni maar ona apostels moet sit & 'n plan beraam. Hulle kan salary cuts vat en geld v.d welsyn dan aan elke gemeente stuur om kospakkies op te maak want DAAR IS genoeg geld om dit t doen. Ek raak skaam as mense vir my vra wat doen julle kerk. Glo my ek sal NOOIT hierdie OAK los ni maar hemel ons kerk staan ver agter as dit by help kom in ons land se huidige situasie😢😭
DeleteDus waar dan se hle ons is n ryk volk
DeleteColleen Gaxa Good day Sister the feeling is mutual it's sad how will we be able to testify the world, when they were the ones who was looking after the flock in time of need.
DeleteMy broer dit is baie hartseer n ons kerk voel ek is een van die rykste kerke so hukom kAn onsi vi die minder bevooregtes plan maak ni want as een lid ly Dan ly die hele liggaam
DeleteEk wil weet wat doen die kerk omtrent die saak ja reg ons as lede bekom die kerk ma wat doen die kerk nou in die tyd vir ons as lede die gees gan nie jou maag vul nie,ek is bang vir een ding, wat gan gebeur is die virus ding klaar is hoe gan die kerk dan lyk, dis klaar leeg
DeleteMarco Goolam That is my concern brother for what purpose is the Welfare and Overseer fund, That money belongs to the members (Fundraising) Members get victimise if they don't take part in it.
DeleteSister Ek stem saam Mt u want Nou is die tyd dat die duiwel staan op sy agterste pote Om te verslind en as ons ni sterk staan ni Gaan by ons onder kry die
DeleteJesus daar in die woestyn gewees ht was die duiwel ook daar
Jesus was 40dae en 40nagte. Sonder Kos die duiwel se Vir
Jesus maak van Di Klippel brood en
Jesus se van brood Kan jy Nie allen Lewe ni mar van elke woorde wat uit Di mond van
God Kom die duiwel se as jy my Dien DN gee Ek jou Alles versigtig broer en sister staan sterk moeni last Di duiwel ons aan di neus lei ni
Carol Lawrence wonderbaarlik as jy dit in die gees omskep sister,se ek dit vir n trotse famielie wat op n glas water gaan slaap?waar is u menslikheid?daar is n uitweg maar mense raak die duiwel as jy dit noem,laat my nou baie dinge dink,as geesteliks so ongevoelig is.
DeleteLyk my die kerk is n besigheid,
DeleteOns van a wat doen die kerk. Maar ons vergeet elkeen van ons is die kerk. So ek kritiseer myself
DeleteLinda De Bruin sister moenie maak of u nie verstaan waaroor dit gaan nie,dis niks met n geestelike saak te doen nie,ons prt van mense wat natuurlik na n bord kos smag,en die geld wat na die skatkis gaan,gaan nie in ons sak nie,daarom kritieseer ons nie ons self nie
DeleteClarence Caesar ek stem saam. Dus glad nie n geestelike saak nie. Om honger te gaan slaap is nie geestelik nie. Dus hartseer Om te sien en weet hoeveel mense geen hulp van niemand kry. Dink nou net hoeveel erger dit nou is met die imperking. Die kerk waar hulle geestelik gevoed word , kan nou nie Vir hulle natuurlik voed nie. Sometimes we have to think naturally like now, going to bed hungry is heartbreaking, dont justify such things with "faith being tested" cause their faith might now be lost.
DeleteWaar val die suster nou uit van ons is die kerk terwyl sy vir i feit weet en sien die ander lede praat van die natuurlike, dit is koue emosie en gevoelloos of blatant gese valsheid waarin God nie i welbehae in het nie.
DeleteDis baie harsteer om te sien..hoe die OAC kerk bespreek word..My broers en sisters..ek lees hie is van ons wat glad praat van die offer,as ek nou nog die offer as geld sien...dan moet ek weer oor getuig word...En dit is soos baie se..die kerk moet help...maar elk een van ons bekom kerk..en dai lede wat kos kry by die nie OAC mense..dis goed so...want nou word die lid se geloof ook getoets..Die saak wat nou hie gepraat word..laat my so dink aan Job..toe Hy alles verloor het...Toe se die Duiwel...vervloek die God...Het hy dit toe gedoen..nee..want Hy het sy Geloof bly hou...So kom ons glo..daar wat nie nou gehelp word nie...gaan nou gou help kom..Ons moet net almal saam Glo geliefdes...🙏💖🙏
DeleteLynn Spannenberg sister ek het die offer geld genoem,want dis geld,dit word gese as die kas as die lid wat offer geseend raak,dis nie die inhiud nie,so dus nie die geld nie,maar die voette wat getrou was,waarom is die waarheid verbode,nie dat os dit wil he nie,maar.hoekom kan dit nie aangewend raak vir welsyn nie,speciaal vir die oude van dae,wat nie eens kan uit die huis kom nie,is os dan so onmenslik,en dit gaan oor die gees nie,want dis net in die gees wat mens nie kos nodig het nie,maar in die natuuroet jy eet,onthou is nie almal wat here,here wat die koninkryk sal beerwe nie
DeleteLynn Spannenberg jou offer geld is natuurlikke geld moet dit Nie vergeestelik Nie want as jy offer geestelikke yk Dan hoef niemand geld in daai Bruin boks te gooi nie julle is genieg on Alles geestelikke te draai en dit is verkeerd laat daar Nie offer geld inkom Nie Dan word daar kerk gehou van jou natuurlikke geld want hoofkantoor soek jou geld die mense is natuurlikke honger nou is dit die kerk wat sy lede moet help maar nee die lede Kan maar krepeer en moet Nie vir my vertel dat die kosse wat die amptes maak kom van die kerk af Nie dit is Nie die amptes is te bang om vir Apostel die waarheid te gaan vertel hoe ly die apostolies en los maar nou vir Job uit
DeleteWilliam Andrew Atkins Ons gee as ons offer vrywilliglik nou wil ons terugvra. Ons weet nie eers hoe die geld administreer word nie. Ons neem net aan daar is net omdat ons geoffer het. Daar is n verskil tussen offer en geld. Ons moet ophou om ons moeder te slaan met ons tonge. Hou op die kerk aanval. Ek se weer gaan na u Pr en gaan noem waar daar behoefte is.
DeleteDavid Phillips Why is there a Welfare and Overseer fund, brothers and sisters get victimise to take part in fundraising, their own money they put in.
DeleteClarence Caesar nommer 1, n siel lewe nie van natuurlike voedsel nie. 2, wereld/aarde is n toestand binne die mens, nie natuurlike wereld nie. Jy is vlees en daarom sal jy nooit ooit Gees verstaan nie. Joh 3 verklaar, wat uit vlees gebore is, is vlees en wat uit Gees gebore is, is Gees.
DeleteDie vlees neem nie die dinge van die Gees aan nie deur dwaasheid. We follow the law because we are law abiding citizens, here you people are criticizing the church instead of criticizing the government, the ruler of South Africa.
David Phillips hence why I said you an idiot,cos the two are different and has different needs,but our teachings also that the spirit is the shodow of the flesh,these people also support the offering with money they make in the world,why can't the get help from the church,are we a selfish nation,or do we walk as ambassadors of God,should we not become the Samaritans,Should our leaders not lead by example?u would not understand with your selfish nature,it relect your true soul
Delete& like I said in my previous post I will NEVER LEAVE THE OAC! But we are talking about lockdown not our souls.I will still testify but let me tell u David Phillips that this behaviour of our leaders will have an effect on us...the brothers & sisters who have to go out in order for the tree to blossom. We as OAC are never involved in any political situation which I really dont care about but THIS IS A WORLDWIDE EPIDEMIC & OUR POOR ARE NOT LOOKED AFTER! Nooitgedacht in C/Town also gave soup to their flock which helped...but be realistic people need food parcels to help them cope for a couple if days. So please think with an open mind PLEASE.
Deleteu gaan gekruisig raak omdat u dit post maar ek is bly u doen dit en die wat u beledig voel skuldig want hier in PE is netso pateties ampte weeti wat in hulle lede se huise aangaan nie solank hulle kan op en af ry en dominos speel is fine dan as dit weë normal is is hulle eerste by jou deur vir donasies
DeleteDie Mens Maak Foute Maar God help Die Mens Om Sy Foute reg the maak. As daar Nie was Nie daar is Nou. Die Admin van die Kerk begin Ook Nou te besef Die Natuurlike behoeftes van die lede, Skrifte Getyg Ons is die lewende Brood Elke een wat Van Ons eet sal lewe.
DeleteRalton Nolan my broer broodbreek gaan nie mense se maag vol maak nie en die wat sê werker is sy loon waardig watse werk want ons is suppose om by huis te bly
DeleteWat beteken n kerk het mijoene in die bank en kan nie iets terug gee aan die gemeente wat saai miljoene versamel het met hulle voorsate die apostels lewe goed die volk ly honger dis hoe die kerk leeg loop sal nooit weer n cent ingooi nie kyk wat die ander geloofs doen moet julle skaam apostels
DeleteAs die offerboks geseen word word daar duidelik gese dat daar geen gebrek in die huis van die Here sal wees nie! Hoe glo u geliefdes? God sal voorsien Al kry jy swaar...God sal nooit iets op ons pad sit Wat ons nie kan oorbrug nie...Die volk hoef nie honger te lui nie daar is fondse en kospakkies nader u oorgestelde!
Delete& like I said in my previous post I will NEVER LEAVE THE OAC! But we are talking about lockdown not our souls.I will still testify but let me tell u David Phillips that this behaviour of our leaders will have an effect on us...the brothers & sisters who have to go out in order for the tree to blossom. We as OAC are never involved in any political situation which I really dont care about but THIS IS A WORDWIDE EPIDEMIC & OUR POOR ARE NOT LOOKED AFTER! Nooitgedacht in C/Town also gave soup to their flock which helped...but be realistic people need food parcels to help them cope for a couple if days. So please think with an open mind PLEASE. SO PLEASE OUR APOSTELS DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR FLOCK SO THAT THEY CAN LOOK UP TO ALL OF U AMEN🙏🙌😭😢
DeleteNee kom geliefdes. laat ons eerder bid eendragtelik saambid, as om saam te kla& te oordeel. Dis i toets; onthou jul? Ons is almal in die boot. Hou jul oe gerig op Hom(Woord, Owergestelde) wat op die water loop, met die see onder sy voete, let wel, o der Sy voete
DeleteFerechia Van de Rheede Ek weet van Owergesteldes wat net so swaar kry en wat ook in Lyne gaan staan by ander kerkke vir kospakkies nou waar trek ons die lyn
DeleteMy broer sisters,ek vra maar nederig om verskoning,omdat ek na ons oude van dae se behoeftes bepleit het van n orde wat miljoene besit,ek kan dit nie oor my hart kry dat ek nou vir n bejaarde moet se as hy honger het hy moet n leerring gaan lees want dan sal hy nie honger word nie,dit breuk my natuurlik,maar as ek nou gesondig het in die gees deur n pleidooi aan die orde te maak,vergewe my.
DeleteBroers en Susters lees Jakobus 2. vers 15 tot 17
DeleteJeremia Hammers dit gaan Nie die mense niks betek as jy honger is Nie los die bybel uit los die geestelikke Kant van die kerk uit dit is n natuurlikke saak onderdiaken laat ons dit natuurlik op los
DeleteJeremia Hammers u is boonop n amp op n natuurlike fb blad,u kon mos hard gebid het en kyk of ons u so hoor
DeleteEk onthou nog toe die kerk kospakkies uitgedeel het maandeliks vir die seniorburgers ...van die kos pakkies was verkoop of het in die vuillisdrom beland .ek het dit gerapporteer toe ek dit sien ..hierdie kospakkies was toe gestop...natuurlik stem ek saam dat kerk het n plig teenoor sy lede ..maar hoe ver strek hierdie plig ....die Oak se enigste inkomste word verkry uit die offer van tiendes ,terwyl ander genootskappe gebruik maak van verskeie metodes een daarvan is in die vorm van skenkings ..80perc van offerhande word gespandeer aan uitgawes u kan nou sommetjies maak ..die wat beweer dat die kerk miljoene het is onwaar...
DeleteGerald Jacobs sorry maar die kerk is die rykste kerk en ek voel hulle kani net seker plekke Kos en voucher s uit deel ni
DeleteGerald Jacobs my broer u is nie nou eerbaar nie,maar in ieder geval,u het n baie selfsigtige gees volgens u natuurlike skadu,lekker dag vir u,hoop net nie,jy raak sleg oud nie,en so n situasie soos die pandemic oorval jou nie
DeleteClarence Caesar die Oak is nie geregistreer as n welsyn of liefdadigheids organisaisie ....
DeleteGerald Jacobs dis nie net br.Clarence ni baie hier is omgekrap. Ons maak ni di kerk sleg nie ons praat oor ons oorgesteldes wat niks doen nie. Government se kospakkies uitdelery is so 'n gemors & baie kerke help hulle gemeentes maar niks van OAK nie.
DeleteDie wat van tiende praat gaan lees gerus 2 Konings 12 van tiende, dit word van maintenance / repairs van geboue gepraat, nie kos nie. Die wat natuur glo kan mos wees soos Johannes wat gelewe het van springkane en heuning en ander het droe brood en rou vis geeet en hulle was heel tevrede en dankdaar vir God.
DeleteGerald Jacobs u probleem is,die waarheid word nie geduld nie,ons het gepraat oor n natuurlike saak,u het nie daarvan gehou nie,en u het dit probeur verbloem deur die geestelike dele uit te wys,hoekom volgens u mag daar nie vrae gevra word nie,volgens my is dit nie verbode om te wonder nie,ek persoonlik hou nie daarvan as iemand feite wil verdraai om n argument te wil wen nie,wees net eerlik,die saak het niks met gees te doen nie.
DeleteGoodday Beloveds For many years we did church via word and very little actions of mission.Covid-19 has now exposed that fact.In this hectic time a thought that comes to mind is WHAT ARE WE TEACHING OUR CHILDREN;OUR YOUTH; The FUTURE OF OUR CHURCH in all of this? ....So let's try to live that church we have been preaching about for so long.
DeleteDie natuurlike liggaam moet gevoed word,want dit is die houer van die geestelike liggaam,ons getuig dit dan op die arbeidsvelde,maar as ons nie voorbeeld stel nie,wie gaan ons glo dat ons die Woord by die daad voeg
DeleteBrs John Bosman & Clarence Caesar glo my niemand verstaan wat baie se nie daarom baie stem saam maar wil ni opinie lug nie. Want elke keer word die geestelike kant voorgebring. NIEMAND se iets van die welsyn ni. Wat is die doel van die welsyn. Hoekom is dit ingestel,waarvoor word fondse ingesamel! Dis vrae wat gestel word maar dan word ons vertel van die geestelikheid & negatiwiteit. As di doodgenootskap vooruit betaal word & 'n lid sn is agter moet daai lid self plan maak (ek praat wat ek van weet). So dit lyk of elke gemeente/apostelskap sy eie orde ht. Ons kry nie antwoorde nie maar word op 'n manier "aangeval" geestelik alhoewel ons nou van die natuurlike praat. Hoekom mag ons nie kyk na dit wat nie gedoen word nie...dis ons reg om vrae te vra & almal se opinie word geplaas maar asseblief moenie se ons is negatief of ons verstaan ni die leer nie of ons weet ni wie ons verantwoordelike amp is nie want glo my ek weet.
DeleteColleen Gaxa
DeleteEknstem volkome saam. Ek het met.dieselfde sielswroeginge gesit rondom die welsyn. Veral asmons kyk na ons kinders wat vasgevang is in dwelmafhanklikheid. Lede wat blootgestel is aan gesinsgeweld armoede ens. Geen werklike programme gestaan binne kerkverband nie en is ons aangewese tot instansies buite die kerk wat baie keer beteken dat ons lede die kerk verlaat. Ons het immersion fasiliteite en genoeg geld. Daarom is dit noodsaaklik day ons oor die goed moet gesels sodat ons fokus op die regte plekke en die regte dinge. Ons beweeg in n nuwe wereld en.die kerk as instansie moet saam groei.
Jeff Gradwell dis een van die groot redes hoekom sommige lede die kerk verlaat want as daar n natuurlike vraag gevra word Dan word hulle daarvoor gekruisig. Ons Kan nie oor deel nie. U vraag was onskuldig gestel.
Deleteek dink ons vergeet die kerk se mandaat wat Hy gekry het ..niemand was enigiets belowe met opnaamste nie ...
DeleteJy is doodreg soos ek se dinge het verander en ons was geleer om ons natuurlike tiendes te gee, nounat ons natuurlike kos nodig het kan ons nie kry nie.
DeleteJeff Gradwell was dit vir u so uitgestippel dat as u tiendes doen sal daar vir u kos ge gee word ....
DeleteExactly since the start of this lockdown the church should have done something.This is really a serious matter we all know our alters but we want to see this welfare in action.It really brakes my heart to see how our members is suffering and nothing is been done
DeleteJa nee, solank die oac ampte , kinder pornografie toelaat, by hul priesters, en selfs overseer Bell van Bellville die sort slegte dinge moet binne jul sekte gehou word en nie aan die owerhede openbaar gemaak word nie sal julle swaarkry. Jul sogenaam de ampte stel net belang in jul drome en sogenaamde visoene om julle uit te buit en te gebruik, verbeel julself drie priesters het seks en praatjies met 'n vroulike gemmentelid versoek kaal fotos van die minderjarige dogter en haarself, se haar drome met seks met haar seun goed soos seks met God, dit is presies hoekom jul sekte en die lede swwarkry. Die ampte wat hier bo reageer glo as hul die priesters vergewe en die priesters, is sogenaamd belydend van die dinge dan is alles weer goed in die oe van God, GROOT FOUT
DeleteOfficers and Apostleship Greed.
DeleteI was privi to the 2014 Financial Documents and Budgets for KZN while attending the annual Financial meeting in Malvern Community where all the officers met once a year to discuss the financial state of the Church.
The average salary of the Apostels were R100 000 per MONTH.
The average salary of the Fourfold officers that worked for Head Office from 8 to 5 pm as an employee on a natural basis, was around R60 000 per month.
Then, they also got a FULL 100% Bonus In November, which meant a juicy R100 000 to R120 000 salary. And these positions that these Fourfold officers held were very mundane positions of managing maintenance on the halls and so on. Something that any other person could do for R25 000 per month.
On top of that, they received R15 000 house subsidies.
Cell phone alowences and also shared a pool car and received travel allowances.
These exorbitant salaries and perks totalled 60% of the cost to run KZN region.
Yes.. only 40% of the funds/ tithes were allocated to maintenance of halls, municipal costs and so on.
So I ask you with tears in my eyes.. The Church places so much pressure on members and officers to tithe even when they are not capable to do so... all for what? To keep greedy officers' pockets full.
Ever wondered why so many officers are put in during Sealing services? To boost the tights of course. When you are an officer on the OAC, you are obligated to Tithe.
So let's out 10 new Underdeacons in and 6 Priests.. regardless of how capable they are. Regardless of there were any gifts..
We look good in the eyes of the Apostels and the cash will roll in.
Prove me wrong... I am all ears.
Help my asseblief om die gemeenskapskinders en bejaardes in ons gemeenskap te voed van ons kerkbroer se knd susters is ook in desperate kos nodig
DeleteBroers en sisters verstaan my mooi ek vra nie ondersteuning van die gemeente nie maar van ons kerk hoofkantoor niemand reik uit in ons gemeente nie want Baie broers en sisters het hulle werke verloor nou met die covid19 pandemic hier in Leiden Delft het net sekere broers en sisters die spar vouchers gekry een keer wat van anner wat glad niks gekry het nie ons priesters worry nie en dis I bekommernis ons veg nou teen hunger in die wonings van die gemeente
Geliefdes ek het ook die saak aangeraak gedurende die 1ste gedeelte van die covid 19 pandemie. Ek was verskriklik aangeval deur van veral my broers en in mindere geval Susters. Ek moes later die comments stop. MAW die kerk help nie sy gemeente nie. Ek het maar versoen met die saak en aangegaan met my geestelike lewe. Eks n Apostolie deur murg en been.
DeleteJeff Gradwell Ons is die kerk. Gemeente wat geseend is kan ook hand in die sak steek. Ons Priestes het dt gedoen. Ons gee tot ons nie meer kan nie. Daar is n hulpkas in elke opsienerskap. Lede moet na hul Priester gaan. Hoofkantoor begin by die Priester geliefdes. Elke lid wat navore kom word op n behoeftebepalings lys geplaas en kry van tyd tot tyd hulp. Ons gee net een tree tot by die verantwoordelike Priester. Steek maar vir trots en skaam in die sak. Al was u jare laas in die kerk of na n ander genoodskap getrek , keer terug en u sal nie weggewys word nie. Eenkeer n Apostolie altyd n Apostolie. Almal is geraak deur die Covid krieses. Mooi dag verder geliefde.
DeleteLinda De Bruin ek wil nie weer in n debat betrokke raak nie. Ek het slegs gese wat ek oorgekom het. Wat die reels vani kerk betref hoef u my nie te se wat die reels is nie. Ek ken die reels vani kerk. Dankie en n mooi dag verder. Die status gasn nie oor wat ek gese het nie maar oor n hulpkreet van n Suster.
DeleteDagsê geliefdes , ek sou nou reeds noem dat hier ñ broer op die groep is wie aangeval was deur mede broers toe hy hierdie saak gelig het in April maand.
DeleteTot my verstaanbaarheid word daar hulp verleen aan die broers en susters wie behoeftig is.
In die Eersterivier area het my natuurlike moeder ook hierdie taak aangepak en met behulp van hulp in die wêreld en geld wat uit ons sakke kom, voed ons die gemeenskap en soos suster noem, die behoefte by ons broers en susters is groot, groter as wat dit in die wêreld self is. Wat hartseer is, is die gedagte dat ons broers en susters wie nie so sterk in hul roeping is nie, nie terug sal keer om weer een met ons te wees na hierdie pandemie nie. Dit is eintlik hartseer. Of ons nou dit wil sê of nie en of ons nou nie wil dink daaraan nie dit is die realiteit. Mens is mens en dit is gouer om die slegte punte as die goeie punte te onthou.
Dear all BE WARNED of the oac "apostle and leadership" in the Western Cape : False apostles are motivated by their greed, lust, or power. Second Timothy 3:1–8 describes such teachers in more detail: “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Delete“They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.” Jesus said that an identifying mark of a false apostle/prophet is sinful behavior: “By their fruit you will recognize them” (Matthew 7:16, 20; cf. Jude 1:4).
24 May 2020
ReplyDelete(1V) Current teaching: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. [GAL 5:16-18] Walk boldly as children of the light, being led by the Holy Spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Approach your vessel of blessing in everything. [REV 8:3-4]
Galatians 5:16-18
16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
Revelation 8:3-4
3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.
4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.
Uhm, you forgot about the verses after Galatians 5:18. Let me place them here just to add context:
DeleteGalatians 5:19-26
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like:
of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.
Interesting statement: “Approach your vessel of blessing in everything”
What if your so-called “vessel of blessing” manifests the works of the flesh as described in Galatians 5:19-26, and as revealed by the officers described in the above post and comments? God is a Spirit and should be worshipped in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), when the Spirit of God dwells in us, He speaks to us through His Spirit (John 14:17, 1 Corinthians 3:16). Cursed is the man that puts his trust in man (Psalms 118:8-9, Psalms 146:3-4, Jeremiah 17:5).
Numbers 6:22-27
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel;
and I will bless them.
The Aaronic priests were given the above formula by which to bless the children of Israel. The children of Israel wanted Moses to come between them and the Divine Presence (Exodus 20:18-21). It is God who brings blessing, not the priests themselves!
“…And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them”
The blessing shows that the emphasis is upon God. God originates the blessing—it was God who instructed Aaron on the proper form of the blessing and gave instructions for it to be spoken over the people to begin with. The blessing itself emphasizes that it is the Lord who blesses the people and does for them what they cannot do for themselves.
The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (John 1:17). We are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5), we do not require a fellow human being to give us the grace of God!
Who are the blessed according to Jesus (Matthew 5:3-11)?
Delete3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Notice that nowhere does Jesus say: “Blessed are those who hear and do everything their vessel of blessing tells them to do”. Church leaders are supposed to lead by example, and not as lords.
1 Peter 5:1-4
The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:
Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly;
not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.
Hierdie oac sekte is tipies waar sekere verse genoem word, om lede te mislei, hulself van die "apostel" en sy leke predikers te verontskuldig van walglike gedrag, tiendes te eis, wat insluit dames te mislei om swak opofferings te maak om te voldoen aan die wellustigheid van die sogenaamde aangesteldes.
DeleteLede moet hul oe oopmaak wegkom van die sekte, nee se vir belustige versoeke in opdrag vasn die sofgenaamde leierskap.
Hierdie sekte misbruik en mislei die lede.
Xhosa: Bapostile ndiziva ndibuhlungu ngoku bukela le video ka George Floyd bathandwa. Othe wabulawa li Polisa elumhlophe e America Minneapolis.Kum ngaphathi kuye kwathi qatha ingcinga or ilizwi elithi sinoxanduva singaba Postile boku sindisa ihlabathi bathandwa noko uThixo jonge kuthi.Ndiyazi nathi sine miceli mingeni emininzi ngakumbi apha enkonzweni kodwa Bapostile ingaske sithwale umnqamlezo and kwaye sityhile imiqondiso kulo ihlabathi bathandwa sonke sizi nkokheli namalungu sinoxanduva akukho umkhulu kunomnye.Abantu bakaThixo badinga uboniswa ngo Thixo.Khawufane ucinge ukuba ibinguwe u George Floyd ubuyothini.Wena ulapha Emzantsi awunayo nale Corona kuba UThixo ukukhusele njengo mpostile.
ReplyDeleteThina asifani nezinye inkonzo ezithi zinoYesu ziyangxwelerheka nazi ngozi kodwa soze uve umpostile osesandleni sikaThixo othe wafa enyameni ngenxa yemeko yengozi.zona ezinkonzo abantu bazo baba ngamaxhoba so asifani bathandwa nabo.Lonto ibonisa uThixo usikhusele kodwa masihambeni songqina abany abantu sibabonise ngolusindiso lomphefumlo.umphefumlo kule nkonzo uyasinda.Ubupostile bugcwele ndawo yonke masiyosindisa America Afrika ndawu zonke.Ngenyi mini ndakhe ndabona umbono ukuba abantu bakaThixo banxaniwe banxanelwe uThixo.imbi le video iyenze yandichukumisa into eyenziwa ezwni lobumnyama.Masikhanyise ebantwini bonke.
English : Beloved Iam so saddened and emotionally broken by what is happening around the world, after watching death video of George Floyd killed by a white police in America Minneapolis.its so sad.There was a voice or a thought that came to me said 'we as Apostle Children of God we have a huge responsibility to save the world to testify the world.Show them God.its our responsibility God look up on us that we as Apostle we are the light to the world.lets save and include people of God about our church.I know we have challenges tòo especially in our church.But all of us both Officers and Members we have huge accountability for showing the world God.Even churches that claim to have God or Jesus they dont have the real God because they still endangered victimized in accidents rape etc not protected by God.Imagine if you were George Floyd.Look at us as Apostles you are even safe from this corona virus you dont have corona virus because God is protecting you as an Old Apostolic Child.
So we have responsibility to save the world We are light to world even those Pastors,dont feel inferior to the pastor even Bhushiri,all this fake or real pastors they need to be in OAC.Our gospel.Is a gospel of truth.Lets go OACs lets save the world l.One who is inside us is superior than the one who is out in the world.Lets testify be not afraid of the world.Biggest pastor is nothing to OAC.
OAC is the only one church and not the same as othet churches.Gospel teachings roots of OAC of God talks about soul salvation snd being child and be like God.You as an OAC child you the light to the world
True Mike, it’s a tragic case of police brutality irrespective of race. What happened in America doesn’t prove that the OAC is the only church though; your argument makes no sense.
DeleteGeorge Floyd
So the state of affairs in your own church as discussed in this post and subsequent comments don’t sadden you? And you want people to believe that the OAC is Christ?
What about what’s happening in your own backyard and on your own doorstep?
Breathtaking level of police violence in South Africa
Why Koketso Moeti is afraid to call the police
Police attempt to arrest a toddler in Ballito
Strand woman manhandled by police for jogging
Woman protests against being arrested
Police in Muizenberg
Mike, you are correct, your fake pastors corrupt the world, the sad part is that your eyes have not opened to the use and abuse they inflict on your community. the apostle and priests have only one vision how to corrupt your thinking, seek another church where God lives???
ReplyDeleteI believe what is heart sore that ALexander Petrus working in a senior position at CoCT in the Helderberg was supposed to be investigated, in power of giving contracts to ASLA where the female works, and yet the child pornography she shared with him went unpunished nothing reported and hes till in the position of power, that proves how corrupt the structure of the oac sect is.
ReplyDeleteInteresting update... The son that was always protected and Vincent Saunders got him away from prosecution has now raped a lady in Strand, I wonder how the oac sect and Vincent Saunders ( detective in SAPS) are now going to pray the rape away, let this be an eye opener to all to move away from this sect as eventually just hurt and bad things await you
ReplyDeleteMy oupa het my vertel toe hy in die 40jare opgeneem was ..toe sien hy die duiwel ook in die kerk ..toe weet hy hy is by die regteplek ..
ReplyDeleteHet u oupa dan 2 Korinthiërs 11:13-15 gebruik as bevestiging van sy oortuigings?
DeleteDear all BE WARNED of the oac "apostle and leadership" in the Western Cape : False apostles are motivated by their greed, lust, or power. Second Timothy 3:1–8 describes such teachers in more detail: “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Delete“They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.” Jesus said that an identifying mark of a false apostle/prophet is sinful behavior: “By their fruit you will recognize them” (Matthew 7:16, 20; cf. Jude 1:4).
ReplyDeleteEk Wil net weet waar Kan n men's n men's se teleurstelling uitpraat.. Ek ek Wil weet hu Kan my oupa n onderdiaken n diens kneg. Se Klein kinders ni di feesmaal kn by woon ni. Ek ganiti so losi
ReplyDeleteU meet Elder carrying a beer 🍾 & he is drunk, u help him, u laugh him, u leave the church what can u do? 😲
ReplyDeleteI would try to reason with him because I understand he is only human. Being ordained as an elder doesn't take away the fact that he has flesh and blood , temptations can also affect him. I would never leave church because of that.
DeleteHelp him nd try to understand what pushed him remember he is still a person with stress nd problems like all of us.I won't leave church for that
DeleteBeloved this is just a post, I'm not saying this because I'm personally no,
DeleteI'm not saying our offices they drunk,
I want us beloved to know we are lead by humans being who do wrong things like everyone on earth.
So when you see officers doing wrong things you want to leave church, it's wrong if you see officer doing wrong things go to him and talk to him with a good way not to judge him or her.
My brother. I was in such a situation with a priest already. The priest was very drunk and I saw him. I personally did not approach him or report him. I left it as is. I still till today respect him as a priest and understand that I have to look past the part I saw and forgive him
DeleteAmazing but true, and very heartsore... The above comments just proves how indoctrinated you all have become of the "oac" sect, the leadership is human yes, but you allow them to invade your homes, extend their lustful irresponsible behaviour in your midst, and yet you are hopeless and helpless. Wake up.... They will use your wife's and underage children, they will guide you, to fulfill their sick sexual desires in interpreting your dreams, they will take easy and every ounce of your being human away.
DeleteBE CAREFUL!!!!!
DeleteGains power over its members through the pretence of interpreting dreams.
Acts as a technical cult by viewing themselves as a collective Jesus Christ, being the mediator between mankind and God.
Has a culture which increasingly leads members to only associating with people within the organisation. Additionally, the underlying reason for friendships outside of the organisation is to introduce the outside members to the organisation.
Teaches that it alone is the doorway to salvation for mankind because the old apostolic church is understood to be Jesus Christ today.
Members gain a strong sense of identity, understanding that they are sent to “save” all souls.
Requires it members to attend daily activities, even at the cost of family stability.
Redefine words in the Bible to assume new meanings which can only be taught and understood within the cult itself.
Has an oral teaching which suggests that people are only made in God’s image when they receive the understanding endowed upon them by incumbent members. In other words, all non apostolics are as “beasts of the field” (Jude 10) until they have been created in God’s image by the words received from an old apostolic.
The Old Apostolic Church places financial pressure on their members for tithes. It is not uncommon to encounter situations where officers help households to budget in order to extricate a portion for tithes.
Teaches that the old apostolic members have the power to bear witness to or testify dead people who are lost until they encounter the Old Apostolic Church.
Members are taught that they have a mark on their forehead that the dead can see in order to follow them. Church attendance is encouraged to allow the dead souls to make their way to church.
The Old Apostolic church largely considers Jesus the man to be dead and gone and that they themselves as a collective group are the Jesus of today.
The priest or overplaced officer IS god in the life of an old apostolic and the words from their mouth is god.
Teaches that the word of God in John 1 is the actual word from an old apostolic’s mouth , failing to recognise that the Word refers to the Lord Jesus Christ as per Apostle Johns’s letters and gospel.
25 September 2020
ReplyDeleteCurrent teaching: We have abandoned our own will: By the process of the rebirth we are born, not of blood, not of the will of the flesh or the will of man, but of God. We denied ourselves; took up our cross that our “old man” may be crucified with Him, and the body of sin might be done away with. [JOH 1:13; LUK 9:23] Prayer shows that we have faith in God and that we depend on Him – for us it is like breathing. [ACT 2:40-42]
– for us it is like breathing. Does this include heavy breathing? I guess for some officers the HTC is actually supposed to be interpreted allegorically and spiritually, not literally because they wouldn’t want to be accused of being fleshly minded after all, heavy breathing with some sisters therefore couldn’t be considered as sin then?
DeleteSound so good having options abandoning your will at choice each day after receiving naked photos of the sisters and their under age daughters, a pit of snakes and vipers, to Satan's wish and command. Unfortunately the sisters and brothers do not care as the Apostle seem to have a hold over them dictating the sinful behaviour as and when it suites him and his priests.
DeleteDear overseer Arrow. It's sister Stewart again.overseer how are u
ReplyDeleteHope you and family are blessed.overseer I haven't heard from overseer in a while still waiting on the meeting we were supposed to have had . but I've been waiting for quite some time now.things are getting out of hand not well at the diabetes needs a lot of attention at this moment.evangelist Johnson and his wife are punishing their granddaughter for what reason I don't know.mgbdaugther is only 2 years old.evangelist Johnson's granddaughter is sleeping in an open room,the door does not lock,the roof is damaged,when it rains the place is flooded,the windows don't close, the door handles are room is cold,open,and can the evangelist allow is 2year old granddaughter to live in such a condition,and the person responsible for those damages is evangelist Johnson's son , father to my kids.they are so cruel to my granddaughter,why ,why are they punishing this 2year old granddaughter of theirs I donot know not working their son has destroyed everything.please we need this meeting to happen,I will send you the pictures of how damaged their son left my place in , before he left for rehab.his granddaughter has no food and it's his wife who keeps swearing me of a bitch and that she will personally make my life a living hell.evangelist Johnson does what his wife tells him.and she told him to let his granddaughter suffer, because I cannot keep my mouth shut, evangelist Johnson's wife is the problem here.please help his granddaughter has no food for this weekend I don't know what to do
Dear AManda, so sad to hear your story, this is typical of the OAC, the evangelist cannot use or abuse the young baby child so NO INTEREST in looking after her. Be assured my ex-wife did the same with her Gordon's Bay priest and overseer, they used her naked photos and sexual chats and photos of her under aged daughter for their sick pleasures.. Just maybe the son wrecking your home, did not want to sleep with the mother as the priest in the OAC believe mothers and sons sleeping together is like making love to God, therefor out of frustration he wrecked your home