History - Court Case in newspaper 28/1/1927

The following is an excerpt from a newspaper showing the start of the Old Apostolic Church

Rand Daily Mail, 22 September 1926
New Apostolic Church

Court Sequel to a dispute
Question of Leadership settled


The dispute among the ranks of the New Apostolic Church in Africa has at last been settled by an order in terms of settlement, made yesterday morning by Mr. Justice Barry in the Rand Local Division of the Supreme Court.

The parties of the dispute were Christiaan Hendrik Kreunen and Rev. George W. Schlaphofff (plaintiffs) of the N.A.C. of Africa and Carl George Klibbe (defendants).

This church was originally established in 1830 with headquarters in Germany. In 1892 the first S.A. Branch was founded. The central authority of the church consists of a body of men known as the Apostle College, these being composed of all the Apostles and assistant Apostles in the church. The Board of Administration and Executive of the church was styled the Apostle College which was presided over by the Head Apostle H. Niehaus. Klibbe was appointed the head of the South African Branch in 1908 and was given the rank of Apostle.

It appeared that in July, 1913 Klibbe was removed from his office and George Hendrik Wilhelm Schlaphoff was appointed Apostle for Africa. The former, however, had refused to acknowledged the latter or vacate his office.

In September, 1915 Klibbe in consequence of his contumacious conduct, in refusing to accept the decree of his removal, was duly excommunicated.

According to the terms of the settlement which were made an order of the court, it was agreed that a section of the church under the leadership of Klibbe had in 1915 severed all connection with and declared its independence from the N.A.C. the headquarters of which was in Germany. Klibbe on behalf of himself and all the congregations under him abandoned the right to the use of the name N.A.C. (Africa), and to style his followers "Old Apostolic Church of Africa". This arrangements was to take effect from June 1, 1927.

Schlaphoff, under the term of settlement is recognised as the African Apostle and leader of the N.A.C. and entitled to register under that name, but each of the religious organisations had the right to carry on its own affairs without interference from the other.

Mr. C.T. Blakeway (instructed by Messrs. Israel and During) appeared for the plaintiffs; Mr. I. Steinberg (instructed by Mr. I. Spitz) appeared for the defendants.


  1. You should take note that there was another article several days later in the same newspaper wherein this article was retracted.

    Rand Daily Mail, December 24, 1926

    In reference to the settlement of the Apostolic Church dispute which C.H. Kreunen was the plaintiff and the New Apostolic Church (Africa) and C.G. Klibbe defendant and which was made an Order of the Supreme Court of the Witwatersrand Local Division on Tuesday last, it is desirable in the interest of the parties to make clear certain facts, as well as the effect of the settlement and the position of the parties.
    In the “Rand Daily Mail” of Wednesday it was stated that Klibbe was removed from his office of Apostle and leader of the Church. It should hereby been stated that this was merely an allegation made by the plaintiff in his declaration, and that this allegation was denied by the defendants in their plea.

    The defendants maintained that the whole church conducted by Klibbe (not a “section,” as previously stated severed its connection with the Church in Germany, and was in no way subject to its jurisdiction or bound by its acts, and was an entirely an independent Church.

    In terms of the settlement, now an Order of Court, this contention of the defendants is recognises by the plaintiff, and Schlaphoff, as the representative of the Church in Germany identifies himself with the plaintiff in this regard.

    Klibbe was not removed from his office, but remains the Apostle and leader of the Church established by him in South Africa in 1892 which retains all its property (movable and immovable) and its membership but gives up the name “New Apostolic Church (Africa)” to the Church conducted by Schlaphoff, as the representative of the New Apostolic Church of Germany.

    The position therefore, to-day is that Apostle Klibbe retains his Church with its property as heretofore, but his Church will henceforth be known as “The Old Apostolic Church of Africa.”

    1. You should take note that 24 December 1926(Rand Daily Mail - Position Explained) is several months after 22 September 1926 (Rand Daily Mail - New Apostolic Church) and more than a month before 28 January 1928 (The Natal Witness - The Supreme Court Ruling).

      Thank you for your contribution though, it is much appreciated.

    2. Thanks Melt old chap, in essence the Rand Daily Mail on 24 December 1926 according to your own research confirms that the Old Apostolic Church have no history prior to Klibbe, he started the Old Apostolic Church in South Africa independently all by himself before the Ninows and Campbells ran the show after his passing and changed the doctrine to what it is today.

      The defendants maintained that the whole church conducted by Klibbe (not a “section,” as previously stated severed its connection with the Church in Germany, and was in no way subject to its jurisdiction or bound by its acts, and was an entirely an independent Church.

      Klibbe was not removed from his office, but remains the Apostle and leader of the Church established by him in South Africa in 1892 which retains all its property (movable and immovable) and its membership but gives up the name “New Apostolic Church (Africa)” to the Church conducted by Schlaphoff, as the representative of the New Apostolic Church of Germany.

      The position therefore, to-day is that Apostle Klibbe retains his Church with its property as heretofore, but his Church will henceforth be known as “The Old Apostolic Church of Africa.”

      Well done old boy, I think you’re finally beginning to see the light. All the books you’ve been reading over the years have not been about the Old Apostolic Church, but about Edward Irving and the Catholic Apostolic Church etc. I marveled at your efforts in trying to connect them to the Old Apostolic Church of today, like trying to fit a square into a triangle. The Old Apostolic Church in the meantime is still trying to piece together its own history because quite honestly, they started with Klibbe, nobody else. As of yet, nothing has been conclusively agreed upon which is historically and factually correct. All the disinformation they’ve been feeding their members over the years has come back to bite them and made this task a veritable mine field.

    3. A counterfeit church, wow! I think Klibbe should be added to the list of counterfeiters, even to this day there are still members of his church who believe they are the original church.

  2. By legal definition a Church can not be counterfeit. South Africa in its Bill of Rights which is part of the Constitution Act 108 of 1996 as it was previously known give Freedom of Religion as a basic right and in law precedence the State is not able to determine a sect, or if any religious beliefs are true or false.
    The Old Apostolic Church is registered as a Religious Body in terms of several laws including the Companies Act and is registered with the Department of Social Development as a religious organization and its various District Welfare Organizations' is registered as well as is demanded by law.
    There is no way to register a Church as an international origination as such mechanism does not exist. The Old Apostolic Church must register in each country it is situated in, in accordance with the laws of that country and must comply to the laws of that country.
    In the same manner the Old Apostolic Church was registered in accordance with the Companies Act of 1909 of Transvaal as to comply with the law at that time. It was registered as The New Apostolic Church (Africa) in 1911. There never was any stipulation that the Church was under the leadership of the Chief Apostle of the New Apostolic Congregation (note the difference in the name) in Germany.
    In the period 1896 to 1913 several so-called "schisms" occured due to the deviation in theology of the New Apostolic Congregations in Germany by the self-appointed Chief Apostles Krebs and Niehaus.
    1. The Dutch branch of the Church broke contact in 1897 under Apostle Van Bemmel.
    2. Several congregations under Elder Julius Fisher formed Apostelampt Juda in 1902.
    3. The Apostolic Church in Queensland under Apostle HF Niemeyer in 1912.
    4. The New Apostolic Church (Africa) under Apostle Klibbe in 1913.
    It can be said that the Church fractured.
    Later, even the Javanese Church split in two after the death of Apostle Sadrach.
    Apostle Klibbe stated that he would remain with the Old Order. This Old Order is a reference to the theology that was proclaimed in Germany, the Netherlands, Australia and South Africa by Apostles FW Schwartz, FW Menkhoff, HF Niemeyer and CG Klibbe. (This included Apostle Sadrach as well). Newsletters of the period 1896 to 1913 from the Netherlands indicate that this is indeed a fact that the Old Apostolic Church inherited the theology of that period and was also carried over from the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
    Apostle Klibbe, nor any of his successors, was ever found guilty in a court of law of fraud or any other criminal conduct. Any claims of such activities was never proven and the Church is in compliance with the law is audited by External Auditors.

    1. Counterfeit

      To falsify, deceive, or defraud. A copy or imitation of something that is intended to be taken as authentic and genuine in order to deceive another.

      What Jesus said:
      Mattew 24:23-24
      Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there;
      believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

      What the OAC says:
      OAC HTC 23 May 2022
      Saving Grace: God gives His saving grace unto us through His Son, the Church in our lives.

      Jesus warned us about false Christs and the OAC is definitely not the authentic Jesus Christ of the Bible.

      What the New Apostolic Church says:
      New Apostolic Church, church organized in Germany in 1863 as the Universal Catholic Church, by members of the Catholic Apostolic Church who believed that new apostles must be appointed to replace deceased apostles and rule the church until the Second Coming of Christ. The present name was adopted in 1906.

      What the records show:
      1911 - Klibbe’s Church was incorporated under Act 31 of 1909 (Transvaal) known as the New Apostolic Church (Africa).
      1915 - Klibbe broke all connection with and declared its independence from the New Apostolic Church, whose headquarters is in Germany
      1926 - The Supreme Court of S.A. (Witwatersrand Local Division - Case 432 of 1926) ruled that Klibbe was not to use the name ʺNew Apostolic Churchʺ.

      There were two New Apostolic Churches in South Africa, one of them was the original and part of “The Apostle Unity” while the other wasn’t, the one that wasn’t had to change its name.

      So in summary we see two counterfeits:
      1) A counterfeit Jesus Christ
      2) A counterfeit New Apostolic Church
      You can decide who to believe.

  3. Schism of the 'New Light' (1895-1897)
    When Menkhoff died in May 1895, Krebs managed to accomplish that Niehaus became the successor of the first. This caused a fierce fight, and led by the faithful to the Bible prophet Hugo at least half the tribe separated. Half a year later, on 6 December 1895, Schwartz also died. Because the people in the Netherlands hardly knew what was happening in Germany, they accepted Krebs as caretaker apostle, until a successor would be called by one of church-prophets in a calling service which would be held especially. Meanwhile, the period of mourning of twelve weeks was lengthened by Krebs to a year and six weeks and Niehaus, who could speak Dutch reasonably well, was engaged to win the Dutch ministers to the 'New Light,' as Krebs' teachings were mockingly called. When in the Netherlands people began to fear that Krebs himself would indeed appoint a new subservient apostle, the ministers of the main congregation of Amsterdam demanded that the calling service would as yet be held according to the prescribed rules. This happened on 17 January 1897 conducted by Krebs and Niehaus, and here the Amsterdam deacon Martin van Bemmel was called as apostle for the Netherlands (indicated as the tribal area 'Judah') by means of an overwhelming number of prophecies and visions. He was accepted on the spot by all and inducted into the apostolate. When Van Bemmel did not wish to acknowledge Krebs' chief authority, a month later Krebs - without authorisation - informed Van Bemmel that he was deposed from the office of apostle. Kofman of Hoorn, supported by Krebs and Niehaus, now instigated a revolt against Van Bemmel and separated approximately half of the thousand members of the HAZK. They called themselves since then the 'Hersteld Apostolische Zendingkerk in de Eenheid der Apostelen' (Restored Apostolic Mission Church in the Unity of the Apostles), later to become the New Apostolic Church. Kofman was immediately appointed there as apostle by Krebs.

    1. If God tempered the body together, there would’ve been no schism in the body.

      1 Corinthians 12:23-27
      And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour;
      and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need:
      but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
      That there should be no schism in the body;
      but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it;
      or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

      A tree is known by its fruit, thanks for the additional branches and fruits of the tree,

      The Schism Tree

    2. Ja nee, daai boompie is geen gewone boompie nie, dis ‘n KAKi bos – Katolieke Apostoliese Kerk (KAK) bos wat die saadjies virri aposteltjies gesaai het, en elke nuwe aposteltjie maak asof hulle die eerste aposteltjies is en allie ander aposteltjies is dan mos verkeerd, daam ‘n deurmekaar spul daai, ‘n verdeelde liggaampie wat meer fractured is as 'n hoener wat 'n landmyn afgetrap het
